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Posts posted by serpentari

  1. sorry for replying here, i dont have a facebook account and i dont want to litter the section with likewise thread. i guess i am in a minority but i REALLY detest the name darth malgus. i play on red eclipse and being transferred to smth named after a character i personally DONT like 1 bit, would be very uncool. seriously gives me shudders. tbh even hot prospect, that got renamed bc some ppl didnt want it, sounds better to me xD would be really cool to play on a server called undying rage, or nox, or well even balance/serenity xD merging is a very good idea but server naming should be more descrete, just IMO.
  2. they could let us chose a ship in kotfe or kotet. bc it is reeeally stupid that an alliance leader (etc) cant chose what to fly on, having so many ships under their command xD and that wouldnt mess with layout, because post-kotfe ships are empty anyways, companions hang out on odessen base. but ya, i want choice from all ships, not just faction (which perfectly fits with the idea of alliance). because republic shipcraft is overall not to my taste)
  3. ya good idea too. just balance out all sorts of that component gain and we would be so very fine. but no bs with tokens that need activation via gcc stuff, thats seriosuly drug jump. and ya i especially posted here and not on dulfy in stupid hope to be heard by devs xD dont want to drop out, but if there is nobody left to play with, and gearing is one huge insane twisted maigrain, no reason to stay then.


    i want to play the content i like, with people i like. not the content i need to get geared, with people i managed to find for it.

  4. when i first read about new gcc system i was like - all right, random. not good BUT at least it eliminates the most unpleasant part of raiding - fights for tokens, that occur here and there. Not mentioning, that i had to do specific ops for specific tokens, inc those i totally didnt favor. rewards now come from system, and my gear no longer becomes somebody else's empty slot (or otherwise). Other players enmass were much less positive about it, all right i understand them but i allways tried to talk them down, like see the good side peeps.

    But now, complaints have been "heard" and we get a "fix" for gcc rng problem. Which ends up in the said good side of the system, dead. now we have the old problem back, even fuglier than it was, gearing is more complicated than ever and we once again, and even more, are forced to do SPECIFIC ops to get the needed tokens, and fight among ourselves for them - and still we must grind our asses off for gcc TOO. yay, gosh darnit, now u guys lose even the support u still had. GJ. could u pls allready hire ppl who are not taking drugs and neuroleptics at same time?

    But its a sugestion box, not b*tch about it and go home. so, sugestions. few ways to fix that horribad blunder u guys made

    1)revert to old system. it sux, but at least it worked and we are used to it. ofc u dont do it, i can wanga that/

    2)keep up the gcc token thing, make specific gear to be bought for some reasonable amount of tokens (like a real lot for BIS). same old commendations in essence, grind for gcc included, solves practicly all damn problems and stacks well with gcc system

    3)and for (ctrl-v anything) sake, make the whole gcc system legacy wide, so that certain chars can only access it at lvl 70, but dont goddmanit make us grind for each of them in separate. make the damn command rank share, it wont kill u.


    and ya, i resubscribed at the wake of 5.0, but if this heavily drugged BS keeps coming our way, i will desub for eternity. u guys drove all my friends away from ur game, and i have no damn reason to pay u for solitude and blunder. no community to play with, no ops teams for good stuff, no convinient way to gear up, no fun. GC was supposed to broaden our horisons, allowing us to do any content we gosh darn please and get rewards accordingly, instead, it kills all the content and gameplay. good idea, idiotic execution. so ya i am done arguin for ur cause, i am done paying, i am done playing. exept if u really wake the damn up and un-break the game.

    i am really ready to trash 3.5+ years of my life in this game (all subscribed, mind it), because u allready actually trashed it. and epic story wont save the cause, as any single-player conent it can be played thrice, tops. not worth the sub even as good as it is.

    sorry if i am not really clear and this post is a mess, but that was a yell of dispair after i read the lifestream coverage.

  5. after at least 2 patches, my imperial agent, ac operative, is STILL stuck on gravestone at a very start of chapter VII. STILL i cannot get an objective to check the engine, whatever paths around the gravestone i take, and the button on shuttle is inactive through all this time. I cannot reset mission, because i am on its first objective. relogging, reentering phase and rfully relaunching game doesnt help. My sage, who started chapter VII at same period, is long since done with it. I think i might have logged out after the chapter starting conversation, though i am not sure, didnt pay attention to it. And anyways, 1 log out totally breaking the storyline is just too ridiculous to be true. i hope this problem will start being noticed finally.
  6. speaking of lokin. that quest first demands several stacks of materials, and ONLY THEN sends us to RG event location. So i either end up with waste of resourse, or having to go to a place i DONT WANT TO BE.

    either way, i am harmed and irritated. Ya, logical, lokin is related to RG. but seriously, he demands too much, and he has to be tuned. or AT LEAST make it CLEAR that his quest cannot be completed without RG event, so i and people who, like me, avoid that event, wouldnt waste their time and resourse. and seriously, just STOP that politics to enforce certain parts of game on people, who want to ignore them.

    respect ur customers. It is our right to chose what we want to do here.

    Keep pressing us into content we dont like, and u just get less money next month, because people dont like their freedom abused.

    I want to throw the quest for pierce\droid OUT of my quest log and NOT get the flashy notification back. i want to be WARNED lokin demands me to go to RG tunnels, then i just throw his quest away (again, without getting the notification back) and go do something i like.

    Not even mentioning the side effects of those quests, impending game economy and such. because materials demanded by lokin rise in price, along with everythhing made with them. and troopers get qz comms simply for being troopers, which brings some imbalance into pvp system (not mentioning again all the harm to and from pve players in wz, it was bitten to the bone allready).

    Your srictly PVE player, who is disgusted by RG (and has 3 troopers and 2 sith warriors, not mentioning other classes). Sorry for all the wall of text.

  7. of cause, i am signing here. but, meaning no disrespect to colorblind people and topic starter specificly, - people with much more common eyesight problems suffer too. most of the interface can be scaled, but there are certain parts that cant, and i think that about at least 40% of players have to literally stick their noses into their monitors to just read a tooltip. every damn time. so ya, fixing both problems should be a priority, especially that its not hardest thing to do.
  8. ya, rifle to my pt tank, pistol to my operative healer. knife to my scoundrel (can live without the last part). also, i really feel very weird when my sorcosages carry activated LS thru entire combat, but never use it. maybe it would be possible to give us an option of a non-weapon MH? like some kind of an artefact they simply carry in the hand? speaking of which, it is also very weird to see a sorc duelling someone in a cutscene, while actually they dont even have any skill for that (2 saber strikes from before the ac pick are not exactly skill xD). so signing with all i have under this.
  9. sighned. though its not first thread about it) or second


    Also it feels rather weird that i cant actually talk to companion. like i got xalec with my sage - i cant talk to him, kinda find out what he is about. and my sorc could really use some catch-up with the same guy. ofc its about all of them, not only xalec. i dont like having 20 dolls that only can perform tasks and are nothing to talk to.

  10. sighning. wanted to post that myself. companions menu could really use a checkbox on every eligible companion, that indicates if they show on crew skill menu. because 20 or so companions, of which only few are any useful, are a mess, so really would be awesome if we could customize out crew skill menu, its not hard in making. also, with lvl65, could we get a limit of 7 as well?
  11. so, i sugest to cut that ridiculous timer off SF decos. its just insane, wait 2 days to throw them into guild. and it ALSO renews if i win a second deco of same type. Why even apply a CM unbind timer to game loot???


    Also, level 60 character creation screen needs to be more stupid-friendly. I for example didnt notice crew skills and got a second armormech i dont need. so how about make all the adjustement buttons flash and attract attention? (ya ya i know smart ppl dont have that problem, but i dont think i am the only one who messed up. no harm in making it harder;))


    Then, next thing next. grats on finally making my bridge look normal and not loose decorations from distance, but maybe we could get a fix for EV and stop having problem with unexperienced players die bc they cant see the falling rocks and platforms? On soa i can live with having to span the cam, but on gharj its really annoying, especially on hm.


    And very IMPORTANT thing. The kotfe story is amazing, BUT could we please have proper saving of our position in story phases? having to run all the way from the start when something happened and i had to log off in the mid of it, is just unbearable. also that feature has got my operative stuck in chapter 7 without any resque for more than a week now. please make characters be exactly where they were before logout. at least if they didnt leave the phase. Running in circles around gravestone not getting a trigger to continue the quest is NOT fun.

  12. from what i see, missing companions are so very common. my case is xalec, who is nowhere to be found after my sith inquisitor finished the quest to get him back. hope this matter will be adressed. soon.
  13. i was voicing for optional from the start) but i could put up with properly synched gear as well. and yes, there are times when i want to be alone and casual xD make lsynch obligatory in wb locations, okay. solo farming them was a harm for long time tbh - noone profits from wbs being virtually extinct. but gear has to be synched PROPERLY. with respect to what i really have. i want to be appearing like i wear bis purple mods allowed to the synched level, including augments. not some virtual average, because i never actually used average since i could afford bis. and yes, let me CHOOSE outside of wb dens. i dont want to even be bothered with dull mobs when i am on levelling planets for some reason, unless i am actually levelling xD
  14. i would add to that. it would be really nice to be able to switch some mounts and pets off so that they didnt appear on random. i think i am not the only one who has many mounts activated at different times but doesnt want to see them currently for different reason. and they keep showing up, so i have to keep my favorive ones on quickbars and summon them directly instead of using random, becauase it brings up everything i dont want to see xD
  15. and yes if it was made properly at least. if we were synched down to real bis possible, it would be tolerable. but feature is both enforced AND halfdone. take at least one of those qualities away xD ideally, both. i want to feel my effort in building myself up every moment in game. not being just ripped off all my accomplishements by the rng scaledown. takes all motivation to ever land on any planet below l60 away, really. effect opposite to what they wanted to achieve. time to think and respect various playstyles and player demands.
  16. Calypso - i think i totally made my point. if u are not reading, i dont think repeating it makes sense. u are stuck in ur opinion and dont care for others. but i really dont understand why u spend so much time here trying to shut people up. u like level synch - go play it. we dont like it and want an option to turn it down - it doesnt anyhow affect u playing with it. whats ur problem with us?


    and guess we really need to let calypso to fill a few pages with their protective posts and when they funally break their kboard, we can continue "whining" xDDD

  17. agreed. kotor and other games were fun, but good voicing of characters is important. And when revan just didnt have a voice at all, it was fine (along with grey warden and others, others xD). but with voiced character, who's voice i have grown to love, muting is just cutting down. best part of a female trooper is her voice, along with my favorite sorc. cant say the same about some other characters, but point is - whole thing is done to save the expence of making VO. actors wanna be payed, yes xD and we are after all paying for our playtime. not to get a halfdone content.
  18. when i want chalenge i go to nim ops. and i get good reward for it, while level synch only takes things from me, not rewarding me for the effort. point is, i dont want chalenge being inflicted on me where it is totally undue. i want to chose. note that i dont say whats wrong with u. i RESPECT ur right to like level sinc. u dont respect my right to dislike it. like there is only one opinion that can exist
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