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Posts posted by neweses

  1. Heya,

    I'm looking for some general tips for a returning player. Coming back from a 4ish year swtor hiatus(was playing actively up until 6.0)and let's just say, a lot has changed lmao. As I've said im looking for some general tips, optimal tertiary stat and according enhancement and augment distribution or maybe even a gearing table if someone took the time to create one(idk if thats even possible the way gearing works now)and maybe some quick notes on rotations because by reading through the skill tree and its new passives it seems like all three specs could use different rotations now. Also is there a best way to gear up quickly? I know about the equip full 324 exept the earpiece and then farm it in HC Fps but i believe they changed the materials needed to upgrade to 332 in order to unlock the mods, atleast it feels pretty unefficient to me.

    Answers and help are greatly appreciated!

    (Also one quick thing; it looks like one character can be more than one mainclass now?? Does that mean I could play Slinger on Imp-Side for the extra offhand damage for example?)

  2. Not only you can, you should. Arsenal is the lowest parsing spec in the game. Even sorcs that are still considered a meme are quite a bit ahead of Arsenal. I feel like the only people who play Arsenal are those who don't know/don't care about their position on DPS charts or those who just can't play anything else for some reason.


    You surely haven't met Cogesh yet

  3. I really dont know what i shall say more then just read what has been said from everyone in this thread and get your " pov " from it. im just stating my pov from it, and its clearly some people's true color showing themself. :D


    You said Zwirni pointed out some true facts in his original post, which has nothing to do with the replies or reactions. I'm curious as to what, in your opinion, those facts are.

  4. Dont know if im gonna cry or laugh on some of the answers in this thread.. but what can i say humanity as it finest :cool:

    i just find it funny that people go full yolo on a guy who wanted to point out some true facts on how this " raiding community " are right now. :rolleyes:


    Enlighten me my friend, what are some "true ""facts"" that were pointed out?

  5. You read something into my post that is not there. I gave you facts. What conclusions you draw from that is up to you. I came to the conclusion that I don't care about comparing <Berserk> to other guilds. How you got to believing that I think <Berserk> is superior to everyone else is beyond me.

    I criticized people who flamed us for taking "that long" on the GftM bosses when they took over 2 months to kill a single boss after kill-videos were released themselves.


    I guess you are referring to Braindead's/Better Now's Nahut Kill.


    While i agree that looking back at it we took way to long and kind of denied ourselves of any kind of relevant kills for Scyva and Izax, you have to consider that there are other relevant factors just than us ''being bad'' influencing the delayed kill.


    Having said that, I think most people engaging in this thread are well intentioned in sharing their thoughts, you just don't seem to really understand each others points.

  6. Hey there!


    So first of all, it is normal that you dps drops after the opener, that goes for every spec in the game.

    For Dirty Fighting, it should be High damage in the opener>steady lowering damage>damage highering again under 30% on the dummy/boss with cooldowns available.

    It is also completely normal that you do less damage in actual bossfights than on the dummy due to multiple factors like downtime or mechanics of the fight.

    As for clicking, it can be managed but you really need to put effort into it in order to get the same results as a keybinder, if your new to the game/ a spec i wouldn't recommend it.

    Your stats are okay for your giertier and your right, 248 enhancements do change alot, but you shouldn't expect anything over 9-9.5k~ with your gearsetup atm. You see, Bants stats are long outdated.

    If you have full 246+ gear you should be aiming for 736~ acuuracy and 1857 alacrity or more. Put rest into crit and your good to go. The reason behind that is a bit complicated. Bosses and dummies have 10% def so you should be having around 110% accuracy in order to not miss anything. You want to run 1857 alacrity for one simple reason. It lowers your gcd down from 1.4 to 1.3, which increases apm and thus damage(only do this if you are 246+ geared, you would be loosing to much crit otherwise).


    As for your parse, i noticed 4 things immediately.

    First, you can ''precast'' your Smuggler's Luck. Debuff your dummy, pop Smugglers Luck and let it tick down to around 30secs~ and then start your parse. This is kind of minor but if you want to minmax later on, it's a great tip.


    Second of all, you don't want to use any Flurry of Bolts at all. In order to do this, you have to work with your energy cd's and use your roll. I suggest going onto parsely and copying a rotation from one of the good parses for the start.


    The third thing i noticed is your apm. With 1600 alacrity, you should be able to get around 39-42~. In order to increase this train more and consider keybinding atleast 2-3 skills and work your way from there.


    The forth thing is that you ssometimes forget to use skills. For example, you skipped Hemorrhaging Blast in a Speed Shot window.


    Also, let's be honest, your gear is pretty bad. You could probably pull more, but it might be less than you expect.


    Ask me and the others if there's anything, i'm glad if i can help!

  7. Hmm, might be a good starting rotation, but isn't correct 100%.


    [0]XS Freighter(precasted)>Dirty Blast(precasted)>Vital Shot>Shrap Bomb>Hemorrhaging Blast>Adrenal+Wounding Shots


    [2]Quick Draw>3xDirty Blast>Wounding Shots

    [3]Speed Shot>Qickdraw>Hemorrhaging Blast>Wounding Shots

    [4]Vital Shot>Shrap Bomb>Filler>Takedown>Cull

    [3]Speed Shot>Qickdraw>Hemorrhaging Blast>Wounding Shots

    [2]Quick Draw>3xDirty Blast>Wounding Shots

    [1]Vital Shot>Shrap Bomb>Hemorrhaging Blast>Wounding Shots


    Basically, how i think of Dirty Fightings rotation is that it consists out of 4 rotation blocks, 2 being dot and 2 being damage blocks. Opener/[1] and [4] are dot blocks, one with using a Filler instead of Hemorrhaging Blast because it will be on cooldown, and [2] and [3] being damage blocks.

  8. One other suggestion I’d say instead of dots, would be to simply bring back 4 stacks with current build while zen/berserk is active and 3 stacks for when not active. This would essentially make it similar to how it peformed before then for those who already mastered the class, while at same time making the learning curve easier for those still understanding how the best potential rotation works. I see no way this would make it overperform, even when new augments are released, since other classes will similarly increase in effectiveness likewise regardless. Please feel free to share your thoughts.


    That would be broken. It would simply mean you'd have the damage output you had before the nerf but without the skillcheck and without a damage loss in delay.

  9. Hmm, i'm parsing 9.8k-10k on avg atm, didn't parse IO back then, so can't really comment on december parses, probably just a very unlikely coincidence. Even tho i don't really like what the devs are doing with classes and the game overall and which direction their taking, i doubt they'd nerf a class without letting the community know.
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