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Posts posted by Pantronic

  1. So you have an unfair advantage, that's not cheating?


    Wait a minute... unfair advantages? What is there to win? What is there that he can have that you can't? He might get it faster than you, but then, so what? Someone who can play 20 hours a day because they have no job and no social life will progress faster than me.


    IMO, playing 4 simultaneous characters is no more cheating than playing 4x as many hours. Besides, it's only an advantage in terms of raw damage. Multiboxing is useless where balanced group tactics is required.

  2. Personally, I'd rather dig my own eyeballs out with a spoon. I did the first dread seed and have never been more bored in my life, in spite of having an unkillable monster stalking me the whole time. Scan scan scan run run run scan scan scan, rinse and repeat until you accidentally find something... I can't see me ever looking for the second seed, or anything else with a seeker droid. Searching for HK parts was dull, but wasn't anywhere near as boring or annoying.


    But... it takes all kinds. You have to try it to find out if you like it.

  3. It is not possible to remove gold seller from mmo because they serve a purpose and it is to provide currency to players while charging a very low amount of real money. of course one can decide to get credits by selling cash shop items but it is never as much as they can get from currency sellers for the same price. we may think that these currency sellers don't make enough money but out of that thought 2 months ago i created a fake account on such gold selling site and put up adds that i have 100 millions of credits and i want to sell, i got about 25 emails with request confirming that i got orders and obviously after 2 days when i could not sell i got banned from that site. it only shows there are players in this game, even in my server who regularly buys credits from credits sellers. back then i was not subscriber or i would have reported all of those 25 players for real money trading. the only way any mmo publisher could destroy the currency sellers if they had some sort of real money trading for in game currency feature. otherwise it is pointless even if the publishers work their butt off.


    Wait.. you advertised gold for sale, in an attempt to entrap people who are apparently desperate for gold? That's despicable.

  4. I've been levelling a character with a stable group of 3 players + 1 companion for a few weeks, and we've been baffled by the inconsistent scaling. Generally, missions are easier as a group of course, but sometimes a mission will be way more difficult than expected, with vastly more enemies than you encounter doing the same mission solo; often Elite mobs in every fight--sometimes 2 or 3 elites at once.


    Last night, we went into "Thus, Always, to Tyrants" and it felt like we'd wandered into a Flashpoint by mistake. We have had similar experiences with a some other missions along the way... I'd just like to understand what the scaling mechanic is, whether there's any way to tell when we should just do a mission solo rather than spend 5x longer, die a lot and have huge repair bills.

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