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Posts posted by ThrakhathSpawn

  1. A separate issue, it would seem the team at Bioware cannot separate mocking differences between marketing and product, namely, sarcasm; and real criticism or ideas.


    "Choices Matter", the players made fun of this being emphasized in marketing, yet absent in KOTFE.


    And so in KOTET they seemed to really dig down on the "Choices Matter", only to find players complaining of "choices mattering"...


    What they lost the picture of is that in SWTOR your choices were more about how your character did things, the paths you walked would have options to fit different kinds of players.


    Lets take Inquisitor storyline on Nar Shada. The end result is the same, but the path to get there can be quite different. You could role play consistently according to the character you wanted.


    This distinctly changed in KOTFE and KOTET with your choices mostly being about cutscene action. In the older game it was more about what combats you might fight, where you might go. Choices shifted from trail of the journey to up in the distant unreadable sky of cutscenes.


    The dev team mistook sarcasm for real feedback and over reacted.

  2. What's with people wanting to remove from canon, or legends in this case, things they hate:rak_02:the story isn't really that bad IMO and deserves its spot in the game's chronology.


    It breaks the game in a lot of ways.


    Make it its own standalone title if it is that good.


    Our ships get empty, companions that "return" don't take their place again.


    The game set up a "family" based on our "ship".


    Which is a direct cue from KOTR. There is an open letter from the SWTOR dev team of what they wanted to accomplish, and the ship and companions was something they wanted to carry over.


    Then your characters become deleted, but I already went over that?


    Essentially you have abandoned this great framework of a greater story line going on with your character being one of many taking part; this was a format that fits well with an MMORPG.


    The game would be much healthier taking this content out of MSQ, and picking up from Oricon. I do like the pre-lude FP's, just change their voice acting and lines to fit the new story. Same goes for Ravagers and TOS. Rishi could become a side quest.


    I'm not a content monkee, I'd rather have a smaller amount of good content than a steaming bantha pile.

  3. The game badly needs SOR re-written, then Knights of the Fallen Empire and beyond side lined and removed from canon.


    I do like your suggestion, it was something I would have liked to see in place of 5.0.


    Lots of people left the game with 5.0 and 4.0, and I've never seen them return.


    The sad thing is they focused on just story, but drove away the story loving role players by several years of bad story.


    And by just doing story, they drove away the raiders, etc...


    What made this game unique as a MMO is the individual class stories made it very easy for light RP-er's to banter in group content with each other based on the different classes.


    Knights of the Fallen Empire ended this,


    "You're the alliance commander huh?

    "Yeah, you to?"


  4. The weekly master work has always updated Monday, you can pick it up and complete it from there on.


    The change on Monday hasn't effected past weeklies.


    This one is bugged, its been bugged since Monday night, I've submitted a bug report, others have as well.


    My game time is up on the 23rd, I'll be taking a bio(ware) break.


    Right now I have month old customer service issues, more bugs will not help!

  5. The soundtrack for Force Storm reaches a crescendo just past where the cast currently ends. It really hurts the ears with where it breaks.


    It used to run out in full glory to its conclusion.


    Very difficult to play sorcerer since this was change was made a few year ago.


    Please, have your class balance people figure out a way to bring back the old full cast for these abilities!

  6. Personally I felt the original story telling(Up to level 50) was great for RP in there were separate basic frameworks that let you interact with other players correctly without the need to relay everything about them.


    Instead of cut scene choices matter like in KOTFE, the choices in the 1-50 content were focused on being about how your character handled situations. It felt much better.


    I'm not sure what the original poster's idea is.


    I would say that if you switch faction, it SHOULD switch your faction in game. That way you interact with those of your storyline's faction.

  7. I'd love the choice of not updating the replacement animations in specs.


    I'd love to use Disturbance as a TK sage.


    I'd love to still use Full Auto as an Assault commando.




    Either let us still select and put the old skills on our bar, or perhaps some form of toggle where the visual animation is what we want it to be.



  8. I was able to successfully start KOTET after using the console, but only while still on Odessen.


    As soon as I loaded chapter one of KOTET, I selected galaxy map, my ship had been granted.

  9. So many issues, so much that wasn't done right.


    But the over arching issue for me is a combination of inconsistent ignorant writing, and a break in story telling form.


    A major flaw in story telling form, is they destroyed your "family", both other players in the game by going solo advanced instances, but also by punting off all companions, and making all your characters "disappear".


    I have not done KOTET, KOTFE gave me a big case of the "I don't care where this story goes".


    Rather than listing the huge list I did not like, I'll instead list the two story parts I did like.


    I liked going through the under city with Senya, up until meeting with the Heralds.


    I like Profit and Plunder aside from the scenes featuring Vaylin and Arkan.

  10. I have found that the names of political candidates of one U.S. party are protected from being used as parts of names, but their opposition is not.


    So you can't make "Candidate from party A stinks".


    But you can make "candidate from party B stinks".


    Not sure about the difference, but I tested several names and found party A protected, but not party B.


    It could be the lawyarrs of party A got in contact and said no?

  11. For a casual this new version looks like it will be great, the ability to get super over powered gear for the content they run, all from an easy open world set of dailies.


    For a PVP-er this looks like a cursed evil thing if I understand it, I hope I'm wrong.


    Not sure exactly how this will be for raiders, but some will likely make serious bank here.

  12. Setting aside whether or not one "needs" the new gear, I have a completely different question.


    Wouldn't it be GOOD for the game if this new tier of gear were added in such a way that it felt rewarding and fun to obtain? As a developer, one can engineer systems that feel more grindy, or one can engineer systems that feel more rewarding.


    The difference between 5.0 and 5.6 is a good example of that.


    Why not make the 5.10 gearing process more fun? More players would participate, rather than passing on it. More people would be engaged. I don't see the downside to this sort of approach.


    100% agree.


    However, you'll notice that 4.0 they made gear very grindy, only one chance at rolling per week on a character because of "marked operation" only for BIS. Very bad decision.


    Eventually they brought 224's to NIM, and I briefly resubbed, got geared, and had some fun without worrying about gear.


    Then 5.0 was announced, and I dropped and ran away.


    Did not come back until they fixed the gear grind.


    Now I can gear a character in about two weeks, all BIS. I do not stop playing when I get gear, instead I play MORE because there is parity.


    I'm not sure why they get this, gear should not be the focus, adventures and battles with other players should be.

  13. Why on earth would you report someone for allowing their underage child to play a game?!

    That's a jerk move. No rules against it. Especially if they weren't hurting anything. Just you being a jerk.


    This "mom", and I use the term loosely, was forcing her five and seven year old to que for WZ's all day so the "mom" could get her guild that didn't have other active players into top ten in conquest.


    I thought I said that, but maybe not clear enough. I chose the word "useing" rather than "playing", but I guess that distinction was not strong enough.


    I also at a past time had pugged into a raid with the "mom", and got to hear in voice chat how she treated her kids. If I had a name/address child services should have been sent.


    This was abuse.


    They weren't "playing the game", they were being abused so the "mom" could collect in game rewards.

  14. The chat ban often happens from spamming too fast rather then active moderator action.


    It is my observation that there are certain behaviors that can eventually get corrected, especially if a lot of players constantly get on the reporting.


    For example, bioware allowing folks to tell others they should commit suicide after losing a PVP match does not look good should a person told that actually commit suicide.


    Some one told me an under age person was using their account for Warzones/GSF/Conquest. I stayed polite to the person but recorded the time stamp and reported it. I did not see that player for a week.


    They continued doing what they were doing.


    Then I didn't see them for 30 days.


    Then they went back to what they were doing.


    Then they weren't around at all.


    I'd guess each interval I didn't see them was lengthening moderator action.


    Overall, it seems the games relies on robots rather than humans. Some things may get flagged for a human to glance at.

  15. Let's be open minded about stuff, stuff in our world doesn't function one on one in the fictional universe of Star Wars. The outdated concepts on sexuality people still hold onto in our world likely are mostly non-existent in a universe as technologically advanced as Star Wars. Sexual orientation doesn't matter there, it's just part of who you are and you aren't judged for it. It's merely a fact about yourself. Perhaps we could apply some of that logic onto our real world too, hmm? ;)


    We should perhaps evaluate some other possibly outdated biological concepts such as our hearts, lungs, stomachs, etc...


    What if I have a preference for drinking down my trachea?



  16. There should not be a gear grind for PVP. Should be fast, and the gaps from bolster to fully geared should be small.


    PVE should have a progression where you get gear in a lateral "level up" system of completing more and more difficult tasks and content.


    In PVP you should be similar in stat pools to anyone else.


    In PVE your stat pools should help reflect the content you run.


    I will say this, that the new system looks MUCH friendlier to casuals than what launched at 5.0.


    A planetary weekly that in four weeks get you top piece of BIS gear? Was not possible in earlier versions of the game. I remember people grinding ultimate commendations, and that was for non BIS gear.

  17. Its not wise, i mean, not everyone picks just pure lightside or pure darkside, either one is just boring and makes absolutely no sense.


    The only way to make this work is if you make it so that you can choose each lightside and darkside choice of major choices, individually, so that is alot of micromanagement when skipping.


    From an interface point of view, just a simple light/dark choice for all relevant choices should be easy.


    If you want to nitpick each choice then play it through.


    It is a matter of dev resources to result.


    I would say dev resources to allow players to choose auto complete of DS or LS would be very well spent.


    I wish I could change the auto complete on my free 65 from back in the day, it is auto complete DS and I won't advance it in any story because I don't want those choices to work from. Ah well.

  18. From experience, those types on the fleet want someone over-geared and someone that has done the content completely, so anyone that has yet to do it, is ignored and blacklisted.


    Overall, raiders just want to finish it as fast as possible with no wipes at all and most, if not all players like that tend to ragequit after a single wipe.


    I have met enough players to never take raiders seriously.


    Maybe try consistently asking for people to take a new person through.


    The trolls will light up at you, but they won't matter anyway.


    The operation is easy enough for certain groups that you could spend the entire fight dead and they'd still clear it. Just keep asking and maybe some of those folks will take you through.


    The problem is you are finding the groups that do it not from love of the raid, but rather in a rat race of conquest points or gear. The real raiders are much nicer, and much more competent.

  19. Very disappointing about LS Jaesa.


    She was the one hot female companion that no one could have. Made her unique.


    Now she's lost her identity.


    Her character was fairly clear, they should not have done this.


    Does not speak well to the rest of the story if they can't work with her strong character.

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