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Posts posted by Lord-Xar-Kun

  1. Compensation should be for performing a public beta test under the guise of an upgrade.


    I agree completely. Activate the PTR and let us test content before it is deployed so these type fiascos don't keep happening. And I think if nothing less, we should be compensated for 2 days of interrupted play time due to updates and interrupted play time. I think any subscriber should get 2 days added to their subscription. Just my two cents :)

  2. The 4.1 Patch Notes stated that "Players are now able to purchase items from a vendor that require a token when that token is in the player's cargo hold."


    This holds true for the items I tested it with, the Jawa Scraps when stored in a character's Cargo Hold. However, the Jawa Scraps do not work in the Legacy Cargo Hold. I would assume this holds true for other token items stored in the Legacy Cargo hold as well.


    Just thought I would bring this to the attention of the proper people :)

  3. I was trying to exchange all of my Tier 8 mats up to Tier 9 at the new temporary vendor at the fleet. However, I noticed that there is currently no way to exchange the component "bonded" materials that are made using Tier 8 mats. I don't know if it was intentional, but I know that most of my mats were already used to create a huge stack of Tier 8 bonded attachments. Since they are tied up in those, I'd rather not lose some of the mats by RE'ing. I will if I have to, but I thought I would post it here in case this was another of the 4.1 bugs.


    On a side note, I'm artifice and I know in the patch notes it was quoted as "All crafted color crystals have had their costs adjusted to the appropriate Grade. The Slicing Material cost has been replaced with Treasure Hunting Materials." However, there are many color crystal recipes where that is not the case.

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