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Posts posted by SlimGenre

  1. nerfing is lazy... nerf nobody. Buff toons to match what a sin/shadow/sorc/sage can put out over time, or a PT can do in an instant.


    regarding damage - The only class/spec I play that I feel got nerfed too much is the good old backstabbackstab/punchypunchy ops/scoundrel's. I feel like all other classes dmg is mostly ok.


    regarding defense - the only class I feel is at a real disadvantage is sent/mara. They have basically the exact same defensive CD's as sin/shadow, but with much more downtime. They either need decreased CD on their defensives, OR they can be added to the list above and given back the 15k autocrit smash/sweep. I've said this before in another thread, if this game chooses to adhere to the holy trinity, then the dps needs to be a dps... a mara has the glass, give him back his cannon.

  2. Anyone have experience on multiple servers where the reg's PvP is fairly balanced between factions? I play primarily on Harbinger where it seems most stick to one faction or the other, and the pub's dominate... it's not entertaining to play on either faction when you slaughter, or get slaughtered almost every round. I want voidstars that come down to the last seconds or civil wars that don't end 300-0 every round. I'm looking for good fights and good players on both factions bashing heads because a good fight is far more entertaining than winning every round. Does it exist somewhere?


    Thanks all

  3. "Petition posts are frowned on." -- STWOR Rules of Conduct.


    Edit your post to remove the petition or you might be sanctioned.


    not trolling, genuine question... really? The front page of every subforum on here has at least 1-2 petitions... I actually find it funny that they're frowned on, I would have never guessed.

  4. my thoughts...

    a single target class will never end the round with the same numbers as a dot spreader, and they shouldn't, and I'm ok with that.


    My best round since 3.0 on my sentinel was just over 800k dps in combat. I play all 3 specs every night, although watchmen usually does the most dmg per round in 8v8's if you know how to use your dot spread correctly and a little extra healing helps. It was a round where every member of my team applauded the 2 healers in ops chat after the game AND it was a civil war map that was just one long fight at mid... basically the best possible case scenario. My best round as a sin was 1.8 mil dps on a Novarre Coast, with an average team... and we lost...


    honestly, I'm ok with that damage discrepancy because of the first point I made above, a dot spreader should never underperform a single target dps class on the overall scoreboard at the end. Both toons I'm comparing are close to equally geared, although a slight edge to my sin, who has 2 more reaver pieces than my sentinel.


    My recommendations...


    - Saber ward reduced from 3m to 2m to match sin/shadow. I agree that even in a bad team a sent/mara CAN be a wrecking ball... for about 20 seconds... every 3 minutes... but then has to be very careful between CD's while other classes do not. Survivability is obviously the issue we're all talking about on every thread in this forum.

    - Transcendence/predation changed to be more similar to force speed, perhaps reduced to a 3s speed boost, but on a 20s cooldown.

    - All 3 spec's should get a viable dot, burning for watchman, bleeding for combat, and an internal for concentration. Dot should be at moderate range, like clashing blast/devastating blast and also proc something, perhaps smash, since it's gone from OP to useless. I do think it was appropriate to give it a nerf as it was a little ridiculous previously (who doesn't miss those 15k smash crits on 5 players at a time). Either make smash an autocrit on a dotted target and surrounding targets, keep it at 7k-8k, and give it a 15s CD, OR make smash a dot spreader with NO autocrit, and a 15s CD as above.


    -OR- (a completely different approach)


    Since a lot of games are moving away from the holy trinity, but SWTOR is not, make sentinel a "true" glass cannon again. Give back an AoE 15k+ attack and a proc to make it autocrit. We've got the glass, give us the cannon.


    Dear BW... do NOT nerf the current supposed "fotm OP" classes... buff the other ones!!!

  5. has bugged on me a few times but never twice in a row. My favorite ever happened in a tactical a day or two ago. I got knocked off the ledge and respawned at the entry to the arena. I ran up to the bridge (which is down during the fight) and just watched, waiting for the other guys to down him so we could move on. He jumped to me across the bridge and reset the instance.


    it get's better.


    Another time I was knocked off the ledge and respawned at the entryway to the hallway, I didn't move an inch so that he wouldn't jump to me. All of a sudden he appears in front of me and punches me... resets the instance.


    Favorite screw up yet in this game.

  6. Do you have the Revan expansion? If so, have you run the forged alliances story arc yet? 4 x FP's that can be solo'd and then you go off to the new planet Rishi. You should be at least lvl 57 by the time you get there. From there you start getting blue and green 178 gear immediately. At 60 you should have enough comms to get most if not all of your basic 186 gear. You should get more than enough drops for gear on Rishi and Yavin that you should ever have to purchase any upgrades between 55 and 60.


    As far as "boring" goes, yes with 3.0 they've changed a lot of combat mechanics on a lot of classes, but I'm still enjoying the class. The biggest change is the force sweep "smashmonkey" spec is just plain gone now. If sentinel just doesn't do it for you, you can always roll another toon. If you want dot spec, run a sorc/sage or sin/shadow... if you want a burst spec like sentinel used to be, then vanguard/PT has amazing burst. I'm also having a lot of fun on my sniper now with a boat load of burst, my opening rotation is hitting for 10-15k dps for the first 5-10 seconds, and I'm no where near geared yet.


    3.0 changed a lot, so I'd approach it like a brand new game with brand new mechanics for each class, some haven't changed much, some have changed substantially.

  7. wow this thread...

    Just for another opinion... it's reg's and you can queue with whatever class you want and play however you want with whatever gear you want as far as I'm concerned for reg's. People who Q.q in reg's probably aren't good enough to compete in ranked anyways. If you pvp often, you know who the best pvp'ers are on your server, and you never hear them whine in chat.


    It's a game, you pay for it, play however the hell you want.

  8. You had good healers keeping you up. Marauder is probably one of the better classes in combination with a healer, but the worst right now without. And of course, you must be a quite good player too.


    agree on this. I've been a pvp junkie and assassin since I joined the game just before Hutt Cartel came out, and right when I get a ridiculous buff in 3.0 I, for some reason decide to start playing more on my sentinel in pvp? Glutton for punishment I suppose.


    Anyway, yes mara/sent NEEDS a good healer. One trick I've learned, the more often I pop transcendence/predation, the more likely i am to get heals. That's one trick, everyone loves the speed boost, and your healers will want to keep you in there if you're doing it all the time. You'll do more damage the longer you stay in there, even if you sacrifice your solo buff for one that benefits your whole team. I'm probably half geared in exhumed now, still rolling on combat and averaging about 400k dps per round, so i'm happy thus far, nothing like the mil + i put out with my far better geared assassin, but everyone needs a change, right?


    I'll be playing around with the other specs more too, but the flow of combat (middle tree, cant remember what it's called for mara) just feels the most natural for me.


    I will be honest though, I do miss the smashmonkey we used to have, but hatred sin/sorc is the new smashmonkey, so it'll get changed too.

  9. Thought I'd share for those interested as the debate rages on... KeyboardNinja and Oofalong, two fairly well-known theorycrafters in the SWTOR world, were recent guests on the Ootinicast Podcast, about a 2 hour discussion on gear, stats, augments, etc. Worth listening to and hopefully limit the number of "which augments should I get" forum posts. Search for Ootinicast on iTunes or go to the website http://ootinicast.com/2014/12/ootinicast-episode-181/
  10. entirely depends on what server your on and who is playing at the time. From what I understand from podcasts like Ootinicast, Imps pretty much dominate on every server EXCEPT for Harbinger (which of course I'm on, and play primarily imp). On my server it got very frustrating, about this time last year, imps were lucky to win 1 in 10 matches, now it's closer to 60/40. The only other server I have toons on is the Bastion, where imps dominate consistently. It's all about the people playing.


    My last round of the night last night I was in a Novarre Coast, topped a little over 1.4mil dps (my highest ever, kinda proud), followed by the entire pub team behind me, 3 of them were over 1mil dps. The 2nd highest dps on my team was about 500k... Even their healers out dps'd 1 or 2 guys on my team... it can be brutal.


    But an hour prior to that we were dominating every round... so it really does all depend on who's on.

  11. as someone who has a sentinel collecting dust, I can say from an outsiders perspective the thing you are most missing is movement. There is so much root/stun available to all classes now it's just too easy to get away from a sentinel, dot em up and then just go on to the next target. It's not that the class has been nerfed, it's that other classes, especially ranged have been utility buffed to deal with them easily. The one AC that relies ENTIRELY on being within melee range has the hardest time getting into melee range (even jug/gaurd has an easier time closing the gap with their throw to leap combo). This is the imbalance more than anything else imho.


    On the other hand, if for nothing else than the speed buff (predation??) I love seeing sent/mara's in my 4v4's and 8v8's... however, it's unfair for the rest of us to expect you to continue to play the class just so I can have a speed buff regularly... I miss those root and 17k crit smashes that were pre 3.0, it's just too easy to avoid them now. Pre 3.0 if you saw a pack of 3 jug/mara's coming at you, you had no choice but to bail, or pop your CD's because they could pump out so much damage while you're rooted, you're globaled. Now it's just a mild inconvenience, too easy to get away from it.


    Everyone is complaining about how underpowered their class are, imho sent/mara is the most gimped in pvp these days. Will leave mine on the shelf for a while longer.

  12. Engineering doesn't have a set rotation as moves that you use in different situations (for PvP)


    IP->PP->EP(LazeTarget)->EMP->SoS is your primary burst. If EMP crits you are dealing around 15K damage instantly, stunning them for 2 seconds, slowing them by 70% while they stay in PP, and slowing them for 30% after they leave PP. Then SoS does around 7K damage over the next 3 seconds.


    Frag Grenade used to be a nice AOE, now it's just used after EMP because it's free.


    IP should always be on your primary target. put PP on your target if EMP is up, if not put it where your target is most likely to run.


    Use takedown on targets less than 30% health.


    Use Legshot on annoying melee, or on a target you don't want running away.


    It's rare to use snipe, overload shot, and corrosive dart.


    I don't use shatter shot, though i should probably start doing so more.


    Orbital Wet Noodle Strike is good against large groups of ranged, or to stop caps on a node.


    Debilitate->Shiv (with movement speed buff) is nice to get away from people in melee range.


    Troll Roll is nice to get away from focus fire, though with 3.0 it is a lot harder to do so, since you only have one roll, instead of 2.


    Hope that helps.


    I love this priority list... an add for me, I usually finish off SoS with Corrosive Dart before i move again, just adds a little more oomph while I'm getting to my next position. I also do use shatter shot when I'm moving.


    I never use snipe, don't even have it on my main bar... but I've been contemplating using overload shot with Calculated Pursuit since i do move so often. Currently messing with a mix of Seek Cover, Augmented Shields and/or Pillbox Sniper. Might play around with dropping Augmented Shields for it and see if it helps or hurts. I've found that I really only ever stop moving for an SoS, or to lure someone in whose a little battle blind and drop my pp on them. It's a fun spec to play :)

  13. to actually answer your question and not just tell you to go play something else... Dulfy has a 3.0 post on slinger saboteur, just swap the skill names out...




    imho, I'm enjoying engi especially in warzones, both 4v4 and 8v8, and have had top deeps multiple times (I am still sub 60 tho, so take that into account). Engi is a L2P thing imho, it's not a plant and snipe class... move, plant, shoot, move...


    In a dream world, If EMP Discharge were an AOE and Plasma Probe, let's say caused a 50% slow while in the AoE circle, it would be a spectacular discipline.


    again, just my opinion...

  14. just a personal opinion - I've topped the dps list in multiple warzones in engi spec, granted I'm still sub 60 on this toon, but I don't think the spec is underpowered at all. I also don't find it boring to play. Now marksmanship, just sit and plink... to me that's far more boring.


    I do love your idea about having an arsenal to set up, reminds me of the engineer from GW2 or Mass Effect (which is my favorite ME class to play). Would be fun.

  15. The current state of PVP is there are %300 increase on the numbers of PT-VG in 3 weeks and if it goes this rate before 2015 we will have 8 to 8 PT-VG matches. No one will cry and BW will get rid of complains about pvp overpowered classes.


    lol. I've played sin since day one, it's always been a good pvp class, but I was in a warzone the other night and the opposing team had 4 shadows and 3 vanguards... and none of them were any good.


    FOTM is a good thing, because you still have to know how to use your class effectively and what happens is people hit 60 and they hear all the PT IS OVERPOWERD RAWR chat on fleet, and then go in and get facerolled b/c no experience/skill yet.

  16. I don't think snipers/slingers need more damage. Especially not MM/SS. I actually think that sort of thinking is what got the class in trouble anyway.


    Don't want to speak for the other classes, but for some reason, I feel maras need more abilities to counter movement impairing efffects and some nerfs to their DCDs should probably be rethought.


    ^this is an opinion I can get behind. I see a lot of snipers think entrench is gonna save them and they can just sit and plink. The best snipers in game are like those in real life, post up, fire shots and MOVE. I've seen great snipers/slingers in 4v4's kit an entire group of dps melee around all day long.


    I agree that jug/mara need some cc breakers, not more or less dps output, just the chance to get around. Melee classes should ALWAYS have the most anti-cc abilities... Haven't touched my Sentinel yet since 3.0 so can't speak from experience, but they are easier to get away from these days.

  17. I think pvp, especially in 4v4 is far more balanced than it was previously. Mercs and snipers are now much more viable AC's to play in ranked... that's a huge step in the right direction imho. The qq's come from casual pvp'ers. I strongly doubt anyone who bothers to post a whine thread actually pvp's a substantial amount of their in-game time.


    A few realities... sorc/sage always was and still is the most common top dps. Smashmonkey jugg/mara was regularly top pre3.0 and is less so now. Sin was occasionally top pre3.0 and is more so now. Pre 3.0 that was pretty much it, those 3 classes, let's say 50-60% of the time sorc/sage, 30%-40% of the time smashmonkeys and maybe 5-10% of the time a madness sin. Maybe once in a blue moon a PT or vanguard would get top.


    Now, I've seen PT's top deeps often... I've seen snipers at the top of the list, merc's/mando's, PT's fairly often. But sorc/sage and sin/shadow most often. When EVERY class has the ability to out dps every other class, that's more balanced, not less.

  18. lol yeah I get your point. You know, what is funny I recall now seeing a guy who would always drop out of the matches before the end and i wondered why. He was avoiding experience gain. What a fricking, sad loser. But yeah, makes sense as you put it.


    it's funny, but now that you mention it, that makes sense. I hadn't thought of that being the reason, but you do see it occasionally... imho, oh well... for most of us that were geared at 55, we want our 60 gear and are gonna get to 60 as quickly as possible... I think this problem will be short lived, or at least those that do this will be few and far between... anyone that invested as much time as it takes to get your second tier pvp gear isn't gonna wait around in sub 60 for very long just to show off those brutalizers. This problem will disappear in time...


    although I do have some 55's I haven't touched yet that are pvp geared, like my sage, who I can't imagine dusting her off the shelf for weeks, or longer, so there will be the occasional instance of that... 2 months from now I'll say hey, maybe I should play some sage, then I'll be the geared 55 when a lot of our main pvp toons have already moved on.

  19. the clear answer is 4 sins. Not shadows since the jedi are notoriously weaker than individual sith ans sin always out perform shadows. All 4 maul one opponent for a global kill, then stealth away, then maul a second one for another global kill, then it's a 4v2 easy win. yeah, def. 4 sins every time.


    I'd disagree on one aspect of this, but I agree that a 4 sin team would be hard to beat. I'd argue you're better off taking like 4 hatred sins... reason being, the dots stack, and our finisher hits as hard now as a maul crit used to in deception. It's a little nuts that we have imho the second best dot (probably also arguably the best) compared to sorc's AND a 15k crit finisher that procs all the freaking time. Pre 3.0, I'd agree with you, or better yet, 4 operatives... 4 jug smashmonkey's were hard to beat too... 4 jugs crit smash, that's like a 50-60k dps global.


    The key of course is coordination... I find it funny that a lot of the 4v4's I'm in we have this great plan, then as soon as the forcefield drops everyone forgets what they're doing and 20 seconds in you're wondering where your team is when you're the only one actually hitting the designated target.

  20. as a sin, the reality is stealth scan is somewhat less viable now since stealth burst doesn't pack the punch it used to, for operative or sin. As was said previously, it's not impossible to get around a stealth scan, but it does make things harder. A good scan isn't set up just in the hope that someone walks through it, but instead is used situationally, for instance... I can't reapply my main stealth because I'm in combat so I pop by other one, you drop your scan immediately, and now I can't do anything... again, not a big deal since most are playing dot spec now, but it eliminates the "oh **** im'ma die, better get outta here" option if the trooper knows how to use it correctly.


    Like everything else in pvp, every skill you use is situational, there are no long rotations, or "do this all the time" plans in pvp, it's just, "what's the right thing to do at this particular moment" and if a sin can stealth out, heal up and get back in, you're in trouble... if you can keep them visible and in the fight, you're much better off

  21. I agree it does feel the burst is gone for concealment, I haven't played any but pre 3.0 a good smug/operative would make me nervous in 1v1's (I play sin almost exclusively in pvp). Now it's just, nothing what it used to be. No need to pop cooldowns, just let them get their opener off, I'm out 1/3rd of my health instead of 2/3rds like it used to be. I don't know if it has to do with the damage mitigation added or a dps nerf, but they're just not the threat they used to be. In the same breath, neither are deception assassins anymore either. The classes that used to excel at burst seem to now be better for burst spec and vice versa.


    I will say that I love seeing more snipers hitting bigger numbers and feeling very competitive now in pvp. I'm in about 4 or 5 dark reaver pieces already and got stunned and practically globalled by two slingers who just unloaded on me simultaneously in a hypergate the other day. I love that stuff. I love seeing merc's consistantly critting 12k hits, I love seeing some of the other advanced classes feeling competitive. More toons and classes means more fun.


    Pre 3.0 it seemed it was op healers, sages, stealthies and smash monkeys (and the occasional talented powertech). Hopefully a larger mix of classes will make for more interesting combat. It is however unfortunate that the stealthy burst is pretty much null now after 3.0.

  22. lol, maul's animation doesn't have that big wind up it used to. Used to really rear back and stab, now it just looks like your poking a tree with a stick... which incidentally is about how much dmg it does now


    Sue me for not wanting to play Stupidity (serentiy) in pvp. Regardless of class balance 2 abilities that were identical in every way from 2.0-3.0 and are exactly identical in animation should deal damage at the same time now.


    also, I'd bet they deal damage at the same time, just different animations, like the knockbacks for both sin and shadow... sin's knockback is instant even though if it went off the animation it would occur half a second later when your fist hits the ground (which would be cooler imho)

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