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Everything posted by ralphieceaser

  1. I quit a year ago because the devs wanted to force operations down everyone's throat if they wanted decent gear by gatekeeping max gear behind them. I just learned they are gonna release OCE servers which is something I wanted for ages so just returned to at least enjoy a full playthrough from the start, I was fine with the small story updates but the moment you try to force operations into my throat, I am out, the game needs more solo and casual content that can be done via automated group finder
  2. fEELS like this is the end for swtor, he was one of the more passionate devs and big fans of star wars, seeing him leave kinda tells me things arent great behind the scenes and EA has lost interest in swtor. I know they ll give some typical corporate reason but that is never the truth as to why they leave. I do love swtor and consider it one of the best mmorpgs out there but I feel EA has just given up because it isnt as profitable as some mobile game. Building up all that hype for the 10 year anniversary then delivering barely anything just feels like a last attempt at cash grab before the lights turn off completely and I am definitely not blaming the devs for this.
  3. The truly sad part is that many love swtor and believe is a great game, yet EA does not give it enough support like it deserves.
  4. The one I like the most. I would say Cathar but they are no real furry race, just humans with facepaint sigh...
  5. Big mmorpg focused youtuber made a video about Swtor and it is very positive, ignore the title, just name of his series. Even included steam numbers which I was honestly surprised considering I never even used steam and expected it to be dead there. It has praised Swtor in many core aspects which leads to the question, with all the hype for the 10 year anniversary, what is going on behind the scenes? The hype that was being built does not seem to justify the content received, why is EA not funding something that honestly has very good core elements and it is seen as an overall good mmorpg by many people. With canon star wars becoming worse and worse most people much prefering to stick to legends aka the games, books and comics Swtor is a shining example of good star wars content due to the old republic being a great period.
  6. Maybe learn from that and adapt ;^) Unironically expecting other people to care for you is beyond unrealistic.
  7. Some people might regret a choice they made when new information came to light but are adults to know THEY MADE THAT CHOICE instead of acting like entitled kids demanding the rules are rewritten for their personal mistake.
  8. What’s up with that? Is it still a thing in 7.0?
  9. Are there any serious plan for creating something similar to dragon age keep for swtor? I heard it get mentioned in a recent qna and was wondering if there's any more information. Dragon age keep is a site where you can choose your dragon age 1 & 2 decisions and import to dragon age 3 without having to replay DA1/2. This would feel extremely useful since currently I absolutely refuse to use the xpac boosts because it automatically makes the story choices for you and that is a huge negative.
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