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Posts posted by Calwred

  1. i can try that because i have a few accounts that I have been using to see how my guild mates act to new players, but it since the update to 7.0, it seems i need a security code for each account every day. When it used to be like once every so many months.
  2. i am still using the security key i got from my collector's edition but when i try to add the security key to my account, i asks me to add a code that i am unable to enter on a key that only gives codes. So, I cannot use my collector's edition key on the account and will have to continue receiving one-time passcodes for the account which i have received since 7.0 was added.
  3. has anyone recently had a uptick in having to use a email passcode to log in on a F2P or Preferred account, I have a couple of accounts that I started to see how my guild would react and treat a new member of the guild, and except for every few months, i would need a email passcode to log in, and i had no problems with that, but now since 7.0 i have needed a email passcode every day for those accounts. I am just wondering if anyone else had the same problem.
  4. conquest has always been easy for people with no lives and play, i used to do a lot when it was fun, get to fifty k and be done, now it is time consuming, and you have to grind it out like people used to do when the game was new. And people talking that conquest is easy now, lol, it blows. And it didn't stop anything the rewards were mostly taken away because Devs said there were too many credits floating around on alts, that is why there were high prices on the GTN, because people had a lot of throwaway cash on hand.

    But the changes didn't stop players from getting insane number of points for conquest every week, even though rewards are not there anymore, and smaller guild will have to fold and join perhaps larger guilds to survive in 7.0

  5. Lol gearing too fast, i played multiple alts in conquest up to about 2 weeks ago and any gear i got was most non moddle gear, with stats worse than what i modded myself on my own, i usually sold the junk armor i got from conquest to vendors. I had been conquesting for months ever since they started it and still haven't gotten one piece of armor over 276
  6. would like to thank the devs for possibily driving more players from game, It soulds like people have to do certain missions to get conquest points, and stop saying that people can get 100k conquest in a hour like some do in game, it is getting to the point with the changes that may be coming to game that conquest isn't worth doing anymore. The main ones that do it are the conquest driven guilds, that only allow a select number of alts and the statement if you don't do xxx amount of conquest a week, you are out of the guild.


    Also when i play my low level alts conquest is what helps me level up, so taking points and exp from some conquest, will make it harder for newer players. They may be other ways to cut credit amounts in game but devs choose this, which may hurt players. I recommend a trial period for the changes in conquest, and if it doesn't work out to the players satisfaction and they can show cause, then conquest exp and points should be restored, credits is a different story.

  7. Wondering why they are making conquest harder with a 100k goal and less rewards for players whom do the conquest,, they are like taking away the reasons to do conquest in the first place. The larger guilds may have not problems with conquest but the smaller guilds may. Also I agree with prices on the GTn is crazy and something has to be done to lower prices, but will cutting rewards actually do that, will it not just force some players to either sell cheap stuff for real high prices to make money or just buy credits from the credit sellers that advertise in game on various worlds.
  8. i am hoping for right around thanksgiving or a little after it, so if there is any bugs they can try to fix before they go, if they put it out on the 14th and there were bugs then we may have devs working during their break or people waiting for the devs to return to fix the problems, either way there will be unhappy people. at least with the devs staying to fix will not lose them money, from people quitting, even though there may be some leaving with some of the game changes they are announcing.
  9. no word if the reward will get bigger, what i have read from devs don't mention the personal goal at all, i didn't know til one player mentioned about it on the PTS. no idea if the rewards will be any better for conquest personal goals
  10. part of the problem is that people are already is selling for crazy prices on the GTN because some are greedy and credits from outside sources are so available, that people will use that to purchase online. if people had to use only in game credits, credits they earned themselves through crafting and selling things on the GTN, some of the prices will fall, especially if they block the credit sellers.
  11. hopefully the new update starts earlier than December, because I don't want a major glitch to happen and then, have most of the developers or people that can fix problems off on their christmas vacation that starts about the 15th of december. and they will not be back til after Jan 1st
  12. will the conquest points in game change to 100k for personal goal or was that basically for the PTS, because it is 100k, i only need to get 5 alts to small goal instead of the 10 alts i do now. And if goal is changed that might even raise the conquest point totals for the much larger conquest guilds.
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