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Posts posted by Foefaller

  1. One minor change I would like is the abiltiy to pick up and maybe turn in the PvP dailies missions in places other than fleet: The ability to queue for warzones anywhere is nice, and it's true my time playing my 50s almost always begins with going to fleet anyway (if they aren't there already) for the FPs and Ops, but for the days I'm planning on being there, or for my sub-50 alts who are still spending most of thier time leveling in places that are not fleet, the ability to pick up and complete the PvP daily (or dailies, once you've decided what you want with Ilum/Open PvP) without having to go out of my way to do so would be so convient.
  2. Is there any plans to improve secondary/focus targeting? Beyond the fact that most players reading this question will likely be shocked to find there is such an option, It's current implementation (where you have to hold down the focus button to target and use any abilities on the secondary target) is rather cumbersome, and I'm hoping you plan on giving us more options.
  3. Though some have likely mentioned it, the secret to using Khem (and indeed, all tank companions) lies with these two statements.


    1.)Your tank companion should only tank what you need to be tanked.


    ...and most importantly...


    2.)Your tank companion does not need to tank everything.


    First thing I do when I get a new Tank companion? Turn off his/her taunts, keep him/her in tank stance, and have them tank solely with aggro, giving me the power to use thier taunt when I need it, rather than fufill thier (and every good player tank's IMO :p) obsesive compulsive need to have everything hitting them at all times. Instead, I'm take down the standards by myself while s/he's tanking the strong, I'm letting the elties hit on me for the first few seconds before leting my tank companion taunt them off me.


    Sure, that requires you to accually give your companion one or even two commands, which is waaay more effort than the virtualy hands-free ease of DPS and Healing Companions, right? :rolleyes: ...But it works, and personally, it's kind of fun :D

  4. The Speeder can drop from Karraga himself as well.


    Personally, I see it as 60/40 or maybe 70/30 Epeen vs. gearing, because atm, other than a few goodies, the biggest difference in loot tables between Hard and Nightmare is that Nightmare gives more, which is nice if you really, really want the mods and enhacements to fully customize the stats of your Rakata gear (or whatever orange gear you pick when 1.2 arrives.)

  5. While I would love for their to be a wider gap in difficulty and gear for Normal 50/cap instances and HMs, and between Flashpoints in Operations. I think it's too late to change it for the current HMs + Ops without angrying more people than pleasing... Though I hope (expect, really) that future additions (Lost Island being the exception I'll let slide) will have that increase in challenge for thier Hard/Nightmare versions that the OP wants.


    Just those though, leave the normal FPs and yes, even normal Ops where they are... cause while I was kinda disapointed that there was little reason to almost any normal 50 after 20 mins of GTN browsing, I completly understand how some people are happy enough to say they've done said content, and not want to do hardcore raiding/gear grind to be able to do so.

  6. Kiting is an iffy way to do it, all told. A Concealment Op can speced for 15% increased default move speed, and if they get within 10m, they can hit you with Sever tendon, thier snare, which can also have a 2 sec root... and both roots and snares ignore resolve entirely.


    The "best" vs. Op tactic I can think of is Break CC (I do second, but if you think you can get away before getting stunned again after breaking the first, go ahead) Force Stun, Force Speed away... and then turn around and cast Force Lift, hoping he's wasted his own CC on your first stun. Help should arrive before it's done. :D


    PS. nearly falling to something like that is why I never break a stun unless it's an imediate life or death situation.

  7. EDIT: Nvm, it's what I get for not paying attention >_<


    Yeah, you're going to have problems with an Op, with light armor and all.


    Best advice I could give is don't waste your CC breaker on the stun from the stealth opener either, you're not going to get up and moving in time to avoid his backstab, and he'll just stun you with his other stun as soon as his backstab CD is up anyway: save your CC breaker for then, after which you WILL have a full resolve bar to fight with.


    Beyond that, take solace in the fact most Vanguards and Commandos (especially heal-speced Commandos) are quaintly amused at Ops that think they can burst them down in 1v1.

  8. I can see that, but I guess I should mentioned that while I was a Warrior in WoW, I stopped playing long before dual specs were implemented, and doing anything other than tanking as a tank speced warrior at that time was about as entertaining as a pencil in the eye, so the idea of someone other than the MTs of a major raid tanking things while not tank specced is not a bizzare, unnatural concept to me, and why I think of a tank as "a guy who is tanking" and not "a guy who is speced for tanking".


    ...and that was, at the time, 2 guys in a group of 40 (and later 20), not 1 guy + an offtank in a group of 8 (or 16), So I would say there is a larger market for level capped tank-speced tanks now than what that *other* MMO had at this time in it's life. :p


    EDIT: And I'm sure they'll made 16-man ops that require more than two people tanking when they have ops that were build to be 16-man from the ground up: There isn't much you can change to the dynamics of an 8-man op to fit the 1 tank/1 healer/2 dps metric nearly everything else goes by without it becoming an almost entirely different operation.

  9. Melee dps in tank gear for jarg/sorno and simi fights. chain cc the arks with good healers etc etc, Everything thus far can be done with one tank... I know cause Im a shadow who geared as tank and is now rolling as dps in order to be in Operations. Every boss fight is a DPS race so you either need a pretend tank or DPS'ers who can carry the slack


    ...but...isn't that... still... two tanks???


    Okay, I'll give it to ya, it's not two tank speced tanks, but you still have two guys, in tanking gear, doing tanky things that keep the rest of the group from being murdered.


    Sounds like the complaint isn't that they (those encounters) require only one tank, but that they are not difficult/hard hitting enough that both tanks need to be tank speced, as well as geared and at least knowlegeable in the art and science of tanking, to complete.


    ...because for most groups, it isn't not-tank-spec tanks dieing that end fights with a wipe, it's enrage timers, yes? 'Course, whenever there is a wipe that began with the tank dying, 80% of the time the blame is placed at the feet of the healer(s), whether they are really at fault or not...

  10. my guild has done all of EV NM outside of SoA, with one tank, ANd SoA can be done with one as well, SO yeah so far you only need one tank,


    Then who was getting mauled By the Arkay(s) in place of a tank at the other pylon?


    And how about Karraga's? I can easly think of at least two bosses (Jarg&Sorno and G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator) that would be quite difficult for most groups -if not impossible- with only one tank.


    While I'm sure you have a good answer for that, even so, just because you do not "Need" a second tank does not mean that having a second/off-tank wouldn't be helpful for quite a lot of groups.

  11. I don't claim to be a master Operative healer (still in my 30s on my Operative, no Ops or HM experince outside my tank main) but I can't help but asking...


    Are you guys using (talented) DS in reaction to being out of energy for the next heal? Or are you using it preventivly to keep you near or at max regen, to make sure that you are never stuck in the lowest regen level in the first place? I know from personal experince, both with the Op healing I've played, and with my Powertech Main I've played to 50, who has pretty much the same energy system, that anything that gives a small bor less-than-reliable boost to energy/heat regen has to be used early, because once you get to 10% and one bar on the regen rate... nothing is going to get you out of that hole fast enough to mean anything other than an Adenaline Probe/Heat vent.


    'Course, this by no means is the cure to all of the Operative's and Scoundrel's woes (I agree that they have serious issues at having to take way more effort than the other two healers of thier faction only to come up with less effective healing over time) but someone asked what the devs expected for Diagnostic Scan as part of the healing rotation, and I thought I might say what I think it's meant for...


    So... perhaps more healing per tic for DS? and have the skilled version produce energy on every tick, rather than the ones that crit?

  12. Blizz, the Jawa Ranged Tank Bounty Hunters get. :D


    Though I've always found the sheer raging jelousy that Corso has for a Female Smuggler whenever you flirt to be pretty amusing when he puts it to voice. "Remember when I said we could trust him, Captain? I was lying, you can't trust him at all."

  13. What I find is the contrary. Even the level 49 vendor schematics when reverse engineered twice outdo or compete with columi and tionese gear and give rakata a serious run for it's money when it has an augment slot. Item level means very little, item rating is where it's at and it goes up drastically when reverse engineering items from green to blue to purple. At 50 is where craftable gear truly shines and it's utterly amazing the amount of pure stats plus secondary stats you can get on your own craftable.


    Perhaps that's true (I haven't quite got to 400 armormech to start RE'ing the final green set and seeing how they compare to columi and tionese gear) but not everyone finds crafting fun enough to do that, especially when you figure that not only do you have to craft each piece untill you crit for an augment slot, the final set(s) themselves looks kinda plain (not good, not bad, just plain :p) compared to the 50 gear FP/OP gear.


    Leave it to people to ruin a cool system. Perhaps they'll create mods that are specific for certain types of gear. like 'Boot Armoring' that can only fit in an armoring slot for boots. Etc etc.


    I do belive they are planning to do this very thing. Can't for the life of me find the post for it though...

  14. Hard Mode nowithstanding, If Mandalorian Raiders is as far as you've gotten, you stopped just short of where flashpoints get interesting.


    Also kind of interested in what class(es) you're playing. Because I personally would not call the bosses in MR "simplistic," but then since I've only completed it as a tank so far, I get a different view of things than healers/dps, especially on the the aggro dropping that I have to deal with in the first and 2nd to last boss.

  15. You cry for a robe now but you'll be dieing to remove in a few levels. I got my first very early around 10-11 from Essels. Every Jedi Guardian/Sentinel robe from that point up until my current level (28) that I've seen so far is hooded. I'm so bored of it. If we atleast had the option to put it down that would be awesome. There's just not a lot of variety in the gear for Jedi anyway. I think Troopers and Smugglers look cool and they always look different. I just hope in future patches they give Jedi more variety when it comes to their robes.


    I agree, horay for quick to find robes! boo that I have to always be hooded with hooded robes unless I'm wearing a helm (which often defeats the point as to WHY I want the hood down) or playing a Twi'lek (and even then, putting on a hooded chest removes whatever headband I've picked for some reason...)


    but for the OP, it will be nigh-impossible NOT to find some form of robe or cape before leaving corusant, assuming you do all the side missions (even if you are a soloer, the gree questline ends with an orange robe you can keep and upgrade to cap.)

  16. Amormech is the most hassle-free means of keeping yours and your (non-droid, non-FU/Strengh main stat) companions' armor up to date and geared the way you liked. Besides the craftable oranges you can find via UT (which, as the poster above has mentioned, can still be critted for an augment slot, arguably making them better that any moddable gear you can ever hope to find in flashpoints or loot drops, appearnce nonwithstanding) you also have a wide array of potential blues and purple to can learn by RE.


    ...because you see, where most other craftables have just one possible recipe to be learned by RE them, equipable gear (including all armormech and sythweaving, and I belive weapons, implants and ear pieces as well) can have a varity of different outcomes. It could have +crit, +power, +def, +absorbtion... effectivly every possible stat is, well, possible, and by taking the time and effort, you can create a set of purple armor with the exact extra bonuses you want, not to mention any purple you make at or near your level will have more armor than anything you are going to find for quite a while, even that you can find in flashpoints (although, admitingly, you might find ones with better stat bonuses, as those do not increase with rarity, besides the extra bonuses you get of course.)


    In the end, you do not "lose" anything by picking an armor crafting skill (all of the above aplies to sythweaving as equally as armormech) in place of one of the mod-capable crafting skills, like Cybertech or Artifice. They are both equally viable means of keeping your gear and stats up to date.

  17. I'd really like to hear some first hand accounts as to how well crafted grenades work. I'm sure they fuction similar to the ones Engis made in WoW (Ground target AoE) but how is the damage/CC? Do they have and activation time or are they tossed as soon as you click, no interuptions possible? Also, how expensive are resource wise?


    Last two are the biggest ones for me, as I picked up Engi as a Warrior in Vanilla WoW, and while I loved grenades for the AoE and CC (especially for a class that, at the time, was lacking in both), with the casting time and the fact they were so damn expensive to use regularly were what eventually downgraded them to just something to grind to the next rank and/or when I didn't have the mats for anything else.

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