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Posts posted by Avianatorsparkma

  1. It's a relief to know that I'm not the only one who is tired of this Hutt Ball madness.


    First of all: If I get a Hutt Ball pop, I'm instantly leaving it. I never liked Hutt Ball type matches and I never will.


    With Hutt Ball pops having become the overwhelming majority of all random warzone pops (5-8 Huttball matches in a row are not uncommon these days) I find my self spending most of my online time with waiting for a warzone to pop up that I actually really want to play.


    I so much would love to be able to queue for warzones I like, instead of constantly beeing thrown into warzones I simply don't want to play and will leave instantly anyway.


    The current Hutt Ball cancer is so tedious that pretty often I just log off and do something else, while usually I would have spent the evening playing swtor instead.

  2. A beautiful tropical beach themed stronghold would have been very nice.

    But we got something else, something that , as it seems, mostly only pvpers will enjoy.


    I also saved my credits for this stronghold but I'm not going to buy it cause I simply don't like it.

    But I'm fine with it...it's just another stronghold I don't care about.


    But however I still would love to see a BEAUTIFUL tropical themed stronghold one day.

    A stronghold that makes me want to call it "home".


    And that stronghold probably would not be on Rishi anyway, cause I highly doubt they will do 2 strongholds for 1 planet.

    But that's fine as well, cause honestly when talking about beautiful tropical beaches, Rishi isn't the top choice anyway.


    The top choice for a tropical themed stronghold with a nice beach front resort without any doubt would be Rakata Prime.

    So at least there is some hope left that maybe one day we will get our beautiful tropical beach paradise.

    (and hopefully we won't end up in some derelict Rakata ruins then xD)

  3. I'm sorry but I don't like the new stronghold. It's a dirty slum and I have simply no desire to call such a filthy and rusty place a home. The rooms don't even have windows, there is scrap and junk everywhere and it has that overal non-homely vibe.

    The beach area is also underwhelming and looks more dirty than tropical and inviting.

    (Rakata Prime would be the only real choice for a tropical beach themed stronghold anyway)


    However, the new Rishi stronghold is probably a nice place to pvp but I don't care about that either.


    After all these very special strongholds we got so far, I just hope that one day we will simply get a beautiful place.

    That would be quite nice for a change.

    Just a comfy, warm and kinda luxurious place, something that isn't rotten and rusted...just a place that looks like a home.

  4. This ^^ We need more male eye candy. Dancers, cabana boys...good looking ones too. :)


    I agree...some male eyecandy for our strongholds would be very much appreciated. Maybe some good looking human male dancers (human male face type 2 pls...u can't go wrong with the Quinn face if u want to create a good looking human male ;))


    Oh and while we're at it...where's the once promised male dancer outfit?

    So pls enough of the female dancers...we need some male eyecandy too!


    Here have some inspiration ;)



  5. You have to have completed the storyline through Iokath on your sorc for the alert for Andronikos to trigger.


    I do. I have completed everything... KOTFE, KOTET and Iokath. I have done EVERY previous companion alert ( I have them all) and I also did the Umbara and Traitor among the Chiss flashpoint quests. Nevertheless the Andronikus return is not triggered for my sorc.


    As mentioned before it's probably due to the fact that I got Andronikus back from the Odessen terminal some months ago.

  6. My sorc isn't able to even trigger the Andronikus return mission. I'm playing a sorc but Andronikus' return mission simply doesn't exist for my char...maybe due to the fact that I got him back from the Odessen terminal some months ago.


    But that obviously hasn't been fixed. The sadest thing about this is not even that I just don't get his return mission (though i'm playing a sorc) the sadest thing is: I don't care anymore.

  7. Yes there is obviously a bug.

    I queued twice today for mastermode flashpoints and both times I had all flashpoints checked (22/22) .

    And both times I didn't get the daily reward though I successfully finished the flashpoints.


    Yes I queued for mastermode flashpoints and yes I had them all checked (22/22).


    The same bug happened last week when the daily story mode operation had the Encrypted Memory Core as daily reward. There definitely is a problem with the new groupfinder and daily rewards not being given.

  8. Auch ich bekomme seit heute die gleiche Fehlermeldung und komme nicht mehr ins Spiel.

    Damit sind wir dann schon 3 die ganz plötzlich und erst seit heute nicht mehr einloggen können...hmmm.



    Jetzt geht's wieder. Bei mir hat ein einfacher Neustart meines Rechners das Problem behoben.

  9. Ralei,


    What I don't understand about your comment (and other people's) is why some of you are so against choices. As I mentioned (in my first among now three brilliant posts :rak_01:) is that from an RP perspective, my characters run the gamut from love interest, to former love interest (once an original companion came back), to thankful for his efforts but nothing romantic, to indifferent, to loathing because he's Republic, to loathing because my characters feel betrayed regardless of his intentions, to loathing because my character is bonkers.


    I hardly think of myself as some 11 year-old edge lord (new term to me, but I get it). I can completely see my range of characters embracing a range of options. Not sure how my RP-ing with Theron impacts your interactions.


    TL-DR: Options are good, particularly when they don't impact you.






    A killing option for Theron has nothing to do with choices. If he becomes killable he will be eliminated from any future story content ...he literally will stop existing. Even those players who decide to forgive him will have to deal with the concequences of a potential killing option.


    What you call a choice is actually the opposite. A killing option for Theron means that he will be gone for good for all of us. No matter if you kill him or if you forgive him....the result will be the same.


    So you get your 10 seconds bloodlust and then you just move on and players like me will loose a beloved character and fleshed out romance for good, since he will no longer play any kind of role story wise.

    Where is my choice in that scenario?


    Think about it, you're not asking for a choice. You are indirectly asking to permanently remove a character from future story content, a character that means a lot to many players.

  10. There's so much more to it.


    Thanks to Level Sync, your max level toon can't even go back to low level planets and farm the special gear appearances that only drop if u are in the appropriate level range. Instead u are getting the same ugly and boring max level trash loot on every planet no matter what level range that planet has.


    Many of the planetary heroic missions once offered unique looking orange shells (weapons and armour) as rewards.

    After the revamp of the planetary heroic missions, all these item appearances are gone for good and are no longer obtainable.


    Flashpoints used to drop iconic special orange shells. But that was when trinity story mode flashpoints still existed.

    With the introduction of the cancer that is called tactical flashpoints, the good old story mode flashpoints vanished and many of these iconic special orange shells also became no longer obtainable.


    The game has drastically reduced the amount of weapon and armour designs, that are obtainable by "playing the game". So many designs and even colour variants simply have vanished and are no longer obtainable. Wordldrops can no longer be farmed thanks to Level Sync.


    Instead of hoping for more armour /appearances as loot drops in the game we should face the sad truth and expect it to be the other way round.

  11. I'm pretty sure things will clear up and we will find out he never really intended to betray us.

    Of course this won't happen next week, since we are most likely going to be tortured with at least one more cliffhanger.


    But anyway...I never would do any harm to my lovely Theron cutie and I'm pretty sure none of you will get the chance to do so.:p


    Those of you who want to kill him, should think twice for a moment.

    If Theron becomes killable then Lana most likely will be next in line.


    Eliminating SWTOR's most fleshed out romances, that have been constantly established over the last 3 expansions and that are also the only active romances we currently have, for sure wouldn't be a clever move.

  12. Captain Oklart!


    How could I forget one of the most attractive male NPCs I ever had the pleasure to meet.

    He can be found on Belsavis as part of the warrior story line and he is just so uber cute.

    Usually I am playing all my chars 100% light side but this hawt Captain in his tight imperial uniform with his innocent looking angelic face totally made me go dark side just to ally with him. He could have made me do anything.;)


    He totally deserves a top spot in my list of "Companions We Never Had But Would Have Been Happier With".




  13. -Master Relnex - omg hot for teacher. I remember the first Knight I made and and thinking "wow, who is this older Justin Beiber jedi master? Can we fall to the dark side together?" :D But alas, he is still just standing there, eternally tempting brand new padawans.


    Hehe I remember him too. He's a real cutie and by far the hottest Jedi on Tython.

    Master Relnex would have made such a gorgeous male force using companion...sigh.


    Oh and of course the irresistible Jonas Balkar...having the lovely Jonas as a companion would have been like a dream come true.


    And last but not least I always wanted Kai Zykken as a companion.

    He is so unintentionally hilarious but at the same time also kinda unintentionally hawt.

    It's such a shame that we haven't heard anything about him since Rishi though he appears in a KOTFE cutscene walking through the alliance cantina.

  14. I just don't get it. There is nothing special about Nico.


    His so called recruitment mission is a 1 minute thing. Just watch a video of it, this mission is not replayable anyway so there is nothing you are missing. Besides that 1 minute recruitment quicky Nico has absolutely 0 additional content to offer.


    The companion himself is of course not customizable and looks nothing like the cool hot dude from the promotional images. Actually it's just an ugly old man with a big hat that covers most of his face anyway. His armor also looks nothing like the sexy armor from the promos.


    I do have him (though never using him) and back in those days I was totally looking forward to him. I was hoping for a stylish and kinda hawt male companion but all I got was that ugly, generic faced, boring and not customizable disappointment.


    You really aren't missing out on anything if you don't have Nico. He is one of the most lazily done and disappointing companions ever. He has absolutely nothing in common with the sexy, glorious, charming and uber cool character that he is represented as in the Star Wars lore.

  15. I just have to point out again that there is money to earn and a promise to keep.

    This is such an ancient request...I really wonder why this is constantly ignored for so many years now.


    Q: type 4 sith, he want an equivalent male slave outfit. A: its coming


    This is from the Q /A of the RP discussion part of the 2012 guild summit.

    The whole summary including this promise can be found on:



    We already have been waiting 5 long years for this promise to come true.

    It's just a Cartel Market Outfit and not rocket science...what's taking you so long guys?;)

  16. Well first of all I have to admit that I actually really like Theron's new look. It has that rough and dangerous touch that makes him kinda look like a sexy rebel. Of course that's a matter of taste and for everyone who prefers Theron's "good boy look" I hope there will be a customization later on, so that players can pick the look of their choice.


    But as said before...I really like it...a lot!. And another thing I really like is that he gets this kind of in depth attention. I mean he plays a major role in that story arc and I really love the immersive aspect of giving him an overhaul. Not only putting him into new clothes but also giving him a new hairstyle is something that for sure will have a very big and postive effect on making this story arc feel unique and kinda authentic. At least to me it seems that a lot of thought has been put into this story arc and it's details and after seeing Theron's brandnew sexy badas s-look, I'm really looking forward to the rest of the story more than ever before.


    And another positive sidenote:

    The devs are obviously putting some kind of effort into Theron's character. To me this means that it's highly unlikely he will be killable. You don't put that kind of effort into a character just to dump it afterwards.

  17. So I think there needs to be a summarization of the main issues with this problem of Bioware going to far with the traitor:

    1. Bad story writing as none of this makes any sense.

    2. Again another loss of a companion that we grew an attachment to when we were promised that we would be getting companions back but that has yet to be the case. No consideration into the time and effort as well as credits being spent on the said companions to up their influence up.


    If I've missed anything please feel free to add.


    So solutions:

    1. Work on the story writing and make sure what you're writing makes sense.

    2. Stop taking our companions away and start bringing back companions.


    It's just too early for that. You can't judge the writing until this story arc is over and you can't blame them for taking away a companion without even knowing if this companion actually will we be taken away...and I bet he won't.


    I know it's hard but we have to wait and see.

  18. As for the traitor... if he ends up being a hero, this could be the most romantic story ever (in SWTOR). So I'd wait.


    I'm totally with you on this. For me this story arc has enormous potential to spice up the Theron romance. I highly doubt this will be the end of the romance, instead it seems to be some sort of actually well thought interlude.


    Of course that cliffhanger is kinda painful but the Theron romance has been so shallow and boring so far, it really needed some sort of drama to put more depth into it.


    The sun shines even brighter after a storm and I truly believe that at the end of this story arc we will be even closer to Theron than ever before and we finally will have gotten to know him much better.


    Oh and just hink about the lovely romance scenes and the intimate soul-mate talk after we finally have reunited.:t_redface:

  19. Bringing back pvp-gear would totally solve this issue.

    If unassembled components could only be used for buying pvp-gear there would be no incentive anymore for pve-players to be bothered with pvp.


    But there's a fair amount of pvp-players that actually like the fact that pve-players are dragged into pvp., because that means faster queue pops.


    Offering an equal pve-only grind for components (components for flashpoints etc.) would also solve this issue. Pvp-players could pvp for their components and pve-players could pve for their components. Everyone should be happy.

    But again it's the pvp-playerbase (at least some parts of it) that don't want that to happen because that would mean less players for pvp.


    I'm not a pvp fan but have nothing against pvp-players (to each his own). There are just some very vocal selfish pvp-fans that will do anything to keep things as they are, because they want pvp to be fast popping and they don't care about anything else but their own prefered way of playing the game.


    I don't know, I'm putting my bets on "it'll be okay."


    I don't think this is the end for our dear boy, but I also think leaving it hanging like this for months is a real mean thing to do since we're not going to have him during that time. That freaking sucks because it's TOTAL DEJA VU. I guess if you only use him for a crafting mule, it doesn't matter if you can get him from the terminal (if you can even do that) but having him do all that in the story and then being able to summon him for heroics is going to be a bit weird.


    Also, who knows if they'll even bring him back in a few months? Many of our original LI's are still not back, even thought they planned to bring them back in a meaningful way through the story. Oh well, plans change, we'll bring him back through an Alliance Alert in 2018 LOL. Sorry laides, here's Lana though, I hear she's bi. -_-


    Sorry I can't resist:


    I could live a with an extended cliffhanger if we get the lovely Jonas Balkar to distract us and pass the waiting time.;)

  21. Two things, first of all, if they execute this particular thing that must not be named well, then indeed it can be as amazing and cool as you describe it. I admit, my initial response may have been a little bit overdone, but I am merely concerned whether the execution will be properly done of the story content in question. Like, pointing again to the Malavai/Dorne reunion it was rushed too much and players weren't given the opportunity to come to feel for the scene.

    Second, what you say would indeed be amazing if we also had had companion dialogue scenes in KotFE and KotET to expand more on the subjec and issue, to get into the head of our love interests and through that way get to know them. Had we had such scenes I think the particular thing that must not be named would have caused a "ah, I see what you're doing here"-reaction with more people than it did now. Because don't get me wrong, all the characters in the latest two expansions get a bit of screen time and we start to get to know them both as the PC and player behind the PC. But it's too little, especially concerning the love interests. We just should have been given more moment with them through companion conversation scenes inbetween chapters.


    I agree. But the devs can't retroactively change the fact the we actually didn't really get to to know our love interests during KotFE and KotET. Nevertheless it looks like we are now getting our chance to finally get to know them better.

    And this is something I am really looking forward to.

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