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Posts posted by Rubmon

  1. Hey Joe and all:

    Instead of penalizing the good corporate citizen, who are trying to do a good dead, by giving items to new players. Would you ever consider taxing trades. Based on item trade for credits?

    People will always find loops to avoid paying taxes. Oh boy, this thing more and more reminds me of RL Main reason I play online games to break away from the madness 😏


    Am I criticizing you for your poor judgment in this matter?..... you bet ya 😾


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    • Confused 2
  2. 18 hours ago, BladedDingo said:

    You can use any authenticator app like Authy or Google Authenticator.

    I have mine set up with Google Authenticator.

    Just log into your account, remove the authenticator and re-add it with your prefered authenticator app.

    Done, thanks for the info. 👍

  3. On 5/15/2023 at 3:48 PM, DougTheNoob said:

    Reading the comments its clear to me that merc is the class devs should be paying attention this update. It needs a buff NOW. Lets hope they dont ignore our feedback once again.

    In reading dev trackers posts, it seems as of Devs are serious about readding out feedback for 7.3 update. Yes for a long while now, both PVE DPS Merc and commando classes are in need of serious help.

    I would encourage/challange everyone who like to see the correct changes made in these 2 classes to voice your constructive opinion. I think it be best if they hear it from everyone instead of just a hand full of us.

  4. 5 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    I agree, Gunnery Commando & or Arsenal Mercenary need a buff. They have been performing very poorly if we are just taking PVE. Like they are okay if you are just blowing through the Story Content, But they are really bad for say Master Mode flashpoints or even Operations. 

    They Lack in sustained DMG, or just even burst DMG in general. 

    The other issue is Mobility, Hold the line/ Hydraulic Overrides, is just to short, the Speed boost bonus is meh, and it has a long Cooldown. Propulsion Round would be nice if it was added back as a mainline, but right now no one is going to take it over Echoing Deterrence a key Defensive for peeps in both PVE and especially PVP. 

    If we are talking PVP, 

    Gunnery is just meh, It's tied between it and Marksman for lowest DMG in PVP. Marksman has more utility though, Entrench, and can pop a chunky burst if the stars align. Sniper also just has a long engagement Distance, Mercs/Commandos usually have to be in Melee Range to do most of their attacks, which leads to them getting Tossed around and or CC'd to death. 

    Gunnery Commando wasn't Top tier in 6.0. but the Apex Predator Set made it actually a pretty Decent Spec, alongside Amplifiers for increased armor Penetration and you had a strong Anti-Armor Spec.


    Actually, mobility is about the only thing gunnery has going for itself. When choosing force march in your ability tree, all but one ability can be used on the move, when using standard rotation.

  5. Hello Devs

    For the last 5 years I have mainly played commando gunnery, this class/spec used to be comparable with all other DPS classes, and used to be able to compete with my other guild mates (an active guild that runs operations 5 days a week) sadly this spec has slowly lost damage output since release 4.0 and beon. Currently this class/spec is considered by the community as the step child of the game, cause of it’s lowest damage output of all classes.

    In the last 6 months I have given up in this class because of what is been mentioned above and moved on to try 2 different classes. I have chosen guardian vigilance and sage balance, while I have never imagine myself playing a melee, I was amazed as to how high of output I was able to obtain with guardian vigilance, 26 to 26.5k on a single boss target. I have also played sage and averaging 25 to 25.5k damage over the same single boss targets. This is a big improvement over the 22 to 23k best damage I ever got with my commando/gunnery over the same single boss targets.

    I was excited to hear that commando gunnery was one of the class/specs being looked on for class adjustment. Sadly to report, the changes being made do not yield a whole lot of difference that would entice me to go back to gunnery anytime soon, at least until we are serious about making this a fun class to play with again.

    I downloaded the test server and ran 3, 5-minute tests in the first update early this week, I have now run a second 3, 5-minute tests on the Ops dummy. My overall results: My first 3, 5-minute tests yielded 24 to 24.5k damage, meaning the overall damage was never stable always jumped between the 2 damage points. My result in the 3, 5 minutes tests ran this morning was a bit tighter between damage points, it was between 24.5 and 24.56. As far as damage increase, I see hardly any difference, is pretty much the same as what it is in live servers right now.

    My commando Gunnery test is done with 336 gear and accessories fully augmented, with 286 rated augments.

    Merc Arsenal, the mirror spec from imperial side has the same issues as posted by Givonski above.

    Just fyi, tests were done on an Ops dummy, obviously this damage is the highest you could possibly get, vs a single target boss, where you have to be constantly moving. Obviously, your final damage output is dependent of how well you can perform your rotation on the move when fighting a single boss.

    • Like 1
  6. I was very excited while downloading the test server this morning. Thinking the 3.2% boltstorm boost that is given to the commando Gunnery, would be enough to make a moderate damage output difference. Sadly, that does not seem to be the case. Ran 3, 5 minutes tests in the dummy with the exact same result. 24 to 24.5k in the 3 different tests. This is consistent to what I get in the live servers or approximately 20% less damage than the other 3 classes.

  7. Jakie,

    My game has been patching just about every day after the latest update 7.2.1, I know of  couple people in my guild who are having the same issue. The download shows as 30ish gig but finishes in like 3 minutes. One of the other 2 people in my guild encountered an error where it said, the server version did not match. He was able to re-patch right after he powered off his machine.

  8. Hi Jakie,

    Even though for most part I try to stay neutral in a given thread but, 6 hours time out for someone who decides not to run a given flashpoint or pvp x3 seem a bit to harsh. I have a feeling you may actually loose a lot of members (customers) over this. Over the years most long time members including myself have learn to deal with this issue, is really not a big issue as many may try to make you believe, why finish breaking something that is already half broken. What about those unfortunate ones who are having internet issues and DC, and don't get to log back on until the match is over, this happens from time to time to most of us. Are we being punish for having a bad internet service?. My intent is not to sound to negative in this subject, I just don't feel this is good customer service, when you are denying service to your paying customers for up to 6 hours at a time :( 

  9. Some how we always seem to be unhappy about everything. Release to late, we are unhappy, release to early, again that upsets us. Comparing to the information that came out from go live to 2 years ago, I think Jackie and the rest of the team are doing a heck of a job to the best of their abilities. 

    • Like 3
  10. In my personal experience, I think is more of a pain for the player if you use star parse and you want parse to interface with game. Some times one drive might change your log directory from your c drive to one drive. This tend to mess up the overlay as well as keeping your parsing/raiding from properly functioning
  11. Update on post above:

    I'm starting to see people remove commando and merc classes from hard content, such as vet OPs and HM flashpoints, due to their low damage output. Can Jackie or some from the dev community respond to this so at least I know is being looked at?


  12. This is a question for devs?

    My understanding was that main reason for the major update through release 7. To standardize the game and make it less confusing.Thank you for that, you all did a fantastic job...but.

    What happened to the Mando and Merc classes? After playing for close to a month, I come to realize that these 2 classes are pulling 25 to 30% less damage than the other 3 classes, in both functions. Is someone looking into this or is it meant to discourage players from playing these 2 classes.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one seeing this, I see comments about this in game chat all the time.


  13. Dear thread administrators,

    My discord admin has a swtor dev tracker pinned in one of our channels.

    For most part over multiple months, I have enjoyed being able to read of the latest swtor news, upcoming updates, events etc.

    Lately it seems as if all we are getting is reminders of people breaking the game tos and what they should expect if they keep it up. For most part I think these reminders are non value added for a lot of us non rule breakers. could there be a way where we can actually get value added content in your messages?

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