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Posts posted by Tukolom

  1. hi guys i'm looking for pve ops conquest guild , NO RP don't give me grief about it got my reasons.

    guild must be large 30+ (don't include your off line membership) during prime times hate those the linger around 25 feels like they dead and not going any where.

    reply here ether server don't matter leave server name and guild name and officer to contact i will contact you in game


  2. hi guys i'm looking for pve ops conquest guild , NO RP don't give me grief about it got my reasons.

    guild must be large 30+ (don't include your off line membership) during prime times hate those the linger around 25 feels like they dead and not going any where.

    reply here ether server don't matter leave server name and guild name and officer to contact i will contact you in game


  3. hi guys i'm looking for pve ops conquest guild , NO RP don't give me grief about it got my reasons.

    guild must be large 30+ (don't include your off line membership) during prime times hate those the linger around 25 feels like they dead and not going any where.

    reply here ether server don't matter leave server name and guild name and officer to contact i will contact you in game


  4. hi guys iam am getting tired of icons moving around on my quick bar when i hit the unlock by accident can you guys in power tell the programmers to make the unlock open with a mouse pointer and a shift key during combat ???? i would appreciate it
  5. hi all i'am looking for guilds on both US servers imp and pug side, type guild i'am looking for is pve, conquest, Wb ,ect . i like to be in a guild that cans substain 40 +players per day or night, my reasoning for this is you can get more done during game time that your on .
  6. HI all I'm just returning from WOW and getting back in to SWTOR after a break from 6 months , and I would like to know what guilds that have 25 + members on at prime times . The reason for this is I'm used to seeing 100 + members on most of the time in WOW ,So give a me shout and tell me what your guild name and numbers of active players that are on. please post either the Alliance or Empire I'm a equal opportunity player

    this is a swtor wide post not just the server i'm on atm

    PS this dose not mean how large the guild is in numbers that are off line .....

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