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Posts posted by Joolakoo

  1. Hi. A straight person here, and I love the romances in SWTOR. If I had to choose between a new, romancable companion and a new operation, it would be the companion. You may not think it's real content, but there are people (like me) who think it IS real content. They add a little drama to the stories and make them more interesting. Of course, a deep friendship with a npc would probably do the same thing, but I haven't yet found a npc I could develop such a friendship with (outclueding companions, of course). So it's either a professional relationship or romance, and I have to say, romance is way more interesting.


    Also I have to admit, I love to watch/read when two characters I like are in love with each other (Or even being sweet to each other), no matter if it's in a movie, a book or a game. And since I more or less like all my characters, all I need for my special "awwww, they are so cute!"-moments is another cute character. :p


    Not to insult you, but you have more feminine tastes when it comes to gaming than most dudes...How anyone would prefer a romance over actual story development or gameplay is beyond my mind. How a thread about whether or not you get a few lines and then a fade to black cutscene with the same gender reached 10 pages is beyond me as well...


    If anyone really wants more romance...ask for better ones. Sprinkling in romances on every planet that just add more romances to the shallow and uninteresting romance pool doesn't help the game...except maybe giving the fanbase *** bait for a few hours.

  2. I disagree, sorcerers behave like Sidious, blasting people with lightning for one. And watch ep. 1 again, Maul travels around the galaxy being mostly unnoticed despite having a red head with spikes.




    Vader/Anakin clearly are Mara/Guard resp.


    Blasting someone with lightning isn't a story element significant enough to say that it makes the inquisitor story like sidious. The inquis does NONE of the scheming that Sidious did. Darth maul traveled the galaxy unnoticed...very true, but he didn't travel the galaxy looking for ancient tombs and spirit ghosts...he was killing mofos. (I don't watch the cartoon series so IDK what he does there, but ill guess and say Bioware was talking about movie maul not cartoon).



    ....also...how is vader a marauder? he would obviously...i mean obviously, be a juggernaut. That is if you're making the distinction between class specialties..which i wasn't.

  3. Bioware stated outright that the assassin and sorcerer were based on maul and sidious. What about the sentinel and marauder? I can't remember if they said the warrior was based off vader or just the juggernaut. I'm just curious is all.


    They were talking about the story, not the in game playstyle. The warrior is supposed to be like Vader, and the inquisitor is supposedly like the two characters you mention...in reality they just brought these names up for hype. The Inquis story feels nothing like being Sidious or Maul....more like being Darth Bane's apprentice or something.


    So Sentinel/Marauder aren't any different. They are included when the devs said war is like Vader (Mara/Jugg) and JK is like Anakin (Sent/Guard)

  4. The SI was a slave discovered to be force sensitive and was thrown to korriban per imperial law. The With Warrior was wherever home is before discovering he was force sensitive and shared the same fate.


    They say the sith warrior was rushed to Korriban though, meaning that if they didn't think he was so powerful they wouldn't have sent him straight towards there. I'm guessing they only send the most qualified students to korriban.

  5. Anyone who thinks SWTOR needs a remake even close to as much as FF did obviously didn't play it at launch...FF was straight trash when it launched, SWTOR was a good game that largely didn't succeed because it's lack of innovation and failed expectations. It was MUCH MUCH better than FF originally, and there is not anywhere near the incentive to remake the game that square enix had.
  6. It helps to think of most of the classes as being an expy of another character.


    Wanna play Han Solo? Roll a Smuggler

    Wanna play Luke (or Anakin) Skywalker? Roll a Knight

    Want to play Darth Vader or Darth Bane? Go Sith Warrior

    Are you more into Exar Kun or Jerec? Did you play a mage in Dragon Age? Go Inquisitor

    Did you read too much Karen Traviss? Was Canderous your favorite party member in KOTOR? Here's your Bounty Hunter.

    Do you miss Commander Shepherd? A Trooper will help you over the loss.


    The Agent is a class by itself, which is probably the reason people like it so much. Closest you can really call it is a cross of James Bond, Jason Bourne, and Grand Admiral Thrawn (I won't say Tarkin - Thrawn had more brain cells).


    The Consular's expy? Leia Organa-Solo. And kinda like Leia, she gets a bit overshadowed by the flashiness of the Smuggler and Knight, but her job is a lot of the behind the scenes work that paves the way for everyone else.


    The first act? Rather dull; find some Jedi Masters affected by a Dark Side plague and manipulating the situations on contested planets to go metaphorically (or literally) nuclear. The first three planets? Not much to write home about. But hit Alderaan, and things REALLY start to click. A three way civil war, seven squabbling noble houses, centuries of grievances and feuds, and one insane Jedi Master setting all of the parties against one another. It's on you to force a peace treaty. Good luck.


    Act 2? Because of your awesome job in calming those volitile situations, you get a special job from the Supreme Chancelor himself. There's a coalition of neutral (but influential) worlds. Your mission is to convince them the Republic is a better deal. However, words aren't going to be enough, especially on Imperial-occupied Balmorra. Your best bet to liberate the planet is a mysterious, short-tempered terrorist. (Balmorra is the second CMOA for the Consular). From there, it's onto Hoth, then Belsalvis to make contact with and recruit a species even the Rakata were scared of. However, there is also a shadowy organization tied directly to the Emperor trying to sabotage you at every step; and its members could be anywhere, or anyone.


    Act 3? To Voss, where you must prove a vision true by being the honor guard for a young potential Mystic, adding him and his substantial entourage to your growing list of allies. By the time you roll into Corellia, you have access to the largest droid factories in the galaxy, a fleet from species the Rakata didn't want to mess with, a small army of Voss, the Skahari army (they were a little angry about what the Sith did to their monarchs and their Senator) , and anyrthing else the Rift Alliance can muster. Corellia needs an army; you just rolled into town with one. However, the Imperials are ready for a fight, and the Emperor has a lot of Manchurian agents, including a very close ally.


    Sith inquis is much more like Darth bane than sith war...jsing.

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