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Posts posted by Wartornfey

  1. I thought is going to be beautiful ( Statue of the Serene Pilgrim) Sirens are mythological creatures created by Sthenos and Ebriali ladies that glamour with their beauties or voice, whatever, men/humans, to mislead them from their true path of life, to make them forget who they truly are. (in aligory)


    But this statue is a priest, or a muslim siren... oh dear (with burga), so its a misleading title.


    This makes absolutely no sense to me.

    Firstly, what about serenity makes you think sirens? They aren't even related. (Serene: (a) calm and untroubled, (b) cloudless.)

    Secondly, pilgrims are meant to be (a) religious travellers or (b) travellers.

    The naming convention they used is perfectly valid...

  2. Hey folks,


    After doing a check to see what else was pulled into 2.10.2, we found that the ability for Guild Masters to allow other Ranks within the Guild to start Invasions was also put in! GMs can set this permission within the Ranks tab in the Guild window.


    I'll put that in as part of my Patch Note update as well.




    (p.s. - sorry about hijacking your thread, Jerba!)


    I'm waiting for Tait to say "and that bug with clothing clipping through mounts has finally been fixed too!".

    Wishful thinking?:D

  3. I would do anything to get this. Seriously.


    I currently spend half my time RE'ing stuff to sell, instead of actually playing. I wouldn't mind if I could select all the items I want to RE (I usually RE at least 25 items at a time) and my character has to stand there for the full, but clicking each item ever few seconds is rather mind-numbing. :eek: (At least this way, I could watch TV, do work, or something while I wait.)

  4. Hypercrates of decorations only.


    Buying all these crates and getting all these rubbish armour sets you don't need/want is annoying. It's killing the market too, some items are going for 50 credits, no jokes.


    Rather make alternate versions of new crates with only decorations (that are a lot cheaper too).

    For example, make a "Constable's stronghold decoration pack" or something, for like 1/4 of the price. (Release them simultaneously of course.) :rak_03:

  5. Hey all, been looking for this for a while and have had no luck.


    I know these older Emotes tend to go for 1mil+ and I am willing to pay (I love these goofy things).


    If you have one and are interested in selling, mail one of my toons below or /w me if I'm online. :D


    Imperial banker: Kraelen

    Republic toon: Noviere


    *Gets ready to throw money at someone...*

  6. Hey folks,




    TLDR – Rarities and collection costs are right. Item rarity icons and collections tooltip rarity are not and are targeted to be fixed in 2.8.1.




    Thank you very much for clearing that up. :cool:


    I don't mind the fact that there are more rare items at all, I just wish that the GSF items wouldn't count as your "2 items" in a pack. It's utterly soul-crushing to open a pack and find GSF stuff that's worthless (make a vendor for that stuff imo, maybe even rep).


    For future reference, maybe adding in the Cartel Certificates would be nice (instead of scrap or from Jawas?), so we can get the items from rep vendors (if we want) that we don't have yet. *looks at Pocket Sarlacc*

  7. By the way, is there any way to find out the collection unlock price before you purchase the item? I bought a Xoxaan set off GTN yesterday, and the unlock price of 600cc was a bit steep. It's good to know about such things in advance.


    Sometimes people mention on them Dulfy, Xoxaan set was one that I saw recently. :)

  8. I agree.


    At the very least, they could offer a warning in the Game Launcher, similar to what they recently did when the Group Finder was working poorly or when a patch is about to deployed.


    As it is now, people are playing with a deck ever stacked against them.


    Yup, again, assuming it is the actual drop rates that are bugged and not simply mislabelling.


    Hopefully the all powerful *poof* master Tait can shed some light on this matter soon :rak_02:

    (and maybe some confetti for our forum janitors? :D)

  9. Forgot to ask ealier though and if possible, could you let us know if...


    - The unlock prices for some of the new armor sets is indeed intentional or an accident; Namely if some of them are indeed meant to cost 450 CC.

    - The drop ratio is only for the Rare-rated armor sets inside the Lockboxes or also for the Xoxaan, Mandalore the Ultimate, Tulak Hord ones as well?


    Thank you. :)


    ^This. Also, as it's still unclear whether the drop rates are indeed bugged, or it's simply some items were "listed" as rare, but were actually super rare.

    If it is the former and it will only be fixed in 2.8.1 (end june?) then it would probably be best to prevent people from buying more crates/packs (in terms of people complaining they got bugged ones etc etc etc).

    I kinda hope it's the latter tbh, I want to buy some crates :p

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