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Posts posted by feylyndiira

  1. We lost some really good fanfic writers and Quinn supporters because of the Quinn hate (if any of you are lurking: HI!! :) ).


    *waves* I rarely visit the forums, but I'm still subbed to the game, still writing like crazy in my Quinn/SW fics (53 chapters on the main one and I also started a KotFE/ET AU where the SW becomes the Empress and Quinn, Minister of Intelligence), and still loving my stoic Imperial Captain! I even broke out the sketch pad to draw for the first time in ages! https://i.imgur.com/TDgH0Sy.jpg

  2. The depth of Quinn hate never ceases to amuse me! It's as if some people's worlds will come tumbling down if there is a legitimate, alternate interpretation of Quinn where he is actually a good guy and that we are not a bunch of delusional fangirls (and boys).


    I hunted up the quote from Neil for a guy on Reddit. He's pretty sure either I'm lying, Feylindra made it up, or Neil's intentions don't matter because clearly Quinn really tries to kill the warrior. His basis for negating Neil's intentions for duality is Jaesa saying Quinn is confident he will win. He refuses to acknowledge that winning can mean different things depending on your goals. And now he's changed his Reddit flair to say "Quinn sucks... Deal with it." :rolleyes:


    I got your back. (Posted the screenshot there.)

  3. If anyone would, Feylyndiira likely would, as she was the one that communicated with him through DM's on Twitter. I did as well, but I didn't ask about interpretation, I mostly just complimented him on his work and asked about futures, like a novel or something.


    Heh....ironic that this is the first time I've visited this thread (and the forums) in ages...and I just stumble on this.

  4. You should probably chill out and not seek out threads you know you wont like just to whine that people are talking and speculating about things you don't want them to talk and speculate about. Save yourself a headache.


    I don't mind if it's actual logical speculations and some good back-and-forth about theories and such. (Which, yes this thread does have and I've been enjoying reading those bits.) But it seems everywhere I go: the forums here, Twitter, FB....it's turned into rampant crazy fangirl-rage over his hair and endless "they're going to kill him because the devs hate us all!!!" "I'm going to quit the game if they don't change his hair!!!1!!!" BS. What's wrong with just sitting back and letting the story play out, and THEN getting all ragey if it doesn't turn out the way you want? (Not saying you in particular are).

    I think my fear is that the devs/writers may cave to all this insanity and try to pull last-minute changes, and in the process, totally **** up the story. it wouldn't be the first time it's happened, after all (KotET).

  5. I think that people just need to chill the crap out and stop worrying about it until the story actually plays out.


    Too much negativity and pointless stressing out going on. Not to mention, crazy tin-foil hat theories and constant "Waaahhh!!! The devs hate us because they made him bad and changed his hair!!". it's just getting outright ridiculous at this point.

  6. Jedi Knight: Save the Universe from ALL the Superweapons!

    Jedi Consular: Was there a plot? I honestly don't even remember.

    Smuggler: I'm Han Solo! (Even right down to the "plucky independent criminal joins the Republic" thing)

    Trooper: For the Republic! For us all!

    Sith Warrior: Betrayal, betrayal, force choke, lightsabers, more betrayal

    Sith Inquisitor: Possessions...possessions everywhere...

    Agent: Bondar, Jamerial Bondar...

    Bounty Hunter: *slanty-eyed glare, cracking of knuckles, fondling of weapon* What you lookin' at, slug?

  7. Hey, I like your BS version--Theron's doing this to save us!


    If it comes down to choosing between Lana and Theron, Lana's gonna go bye bye on every single one of my characters. First of all, because I have always preferred Theron and second, in character or not, her letter post Copero really sealed the deal for me. Despite the "Lana hate", I've always made effort to consider her a friend, to take her 'crowding' me as she does, imo, as her trying to be supportive and being a good friend, caring. But that letter, no. It was insulting and it pissed me off, she crossed a line.


    Ditto to the "Lana gets it" on every character I own...even though there are a couple who would gladly stick a lightsaber/blaster in Theron's gut just for the sheer annoyance factor of having to chase him around the galaxy, getting beat on by everyone and their brother/sister.


    As far as the letter goes...I have this really sneaking suspicion that Lana's in on the whole "double agent" thing and she's throwing out over-the-top reactions to try and steer your character away from figuring it out and possibly blowing his cover. I feel she's kind of nudging you to keep up the chase for appearance's sake. Like she's trying to keep you emotionally invested in keeping the thing going. In the words of Shakespeare: "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."

  8. All of my characters, with the exception of the 4 chiss, and 3 miraluka characters have had their eyes changed. Several were premium colors, such as yellow. I'll be kind, and only claim that 20, out of 39 total, had premium colors. The other 19 had original default colors. So in my case that would be 4800 CC for the premiums + 760 CC for the original colors, for a total of 5,560 cc. Wow, that's more than 9 months worth of CC grant for subscribing and having a security key.


    I'm sure there are more people out there that have more characters than I do with premium eyes. I'd be interested to know how much would it cost others to fix if they used the terminal today?


    Nothing, because considering how much uproar there has been about it since the patch dropped, I'd be willing to bet that they're going to put in a fix at some point. So, it would be a waste of money to go changing every single eye color just to have to do it again if/when they fix it.

    Even if they don't fix it, I only have a couple of toons with the CM yellow eyes that went green that I would end up changing just because they're my canon character(s) I use in my fic and need to have the right eye color for me. Everyone else...meh, their eye color isn't that important unless it's turned into something screamingly hideous.

  9. [sNIP...]

    Do others also like the new eye designs? I have seen some mixed reactions and I was surprised some people didn't seem to like the new design. The new designs look so much more realistic and in depth, why wouldn't you like that? In all honesty, I disliked the former eye designs they looked like coloured plastic in my opinion and now the textures look much better!


    I love the new texture! And some of the colors...the new orange-red in the pack is pretty. However, I am miffed that my Jugg's beautiful Sith-y yellow eyes that I paid CCs for have turned a sort of yellowish-green. That needs to be fixed.


    Along with the pervasive "green hair" issue.

  10. Just because a thread is critical, doesn't mean it's trolling. Stop with the witch hunt. :rolleyes:

    Umm...he admitted that he was "trolling" (i.e. posting what looked like a negative post in order to draw a response).

    Again, it got a positive outcome, so I'm not all that wound up about it as you might think.


    There we go!


    The primary intent of the thread was to wake up the community that loves the game.

    Contrary to other white knight threads we've been having, the goal was to get specifics, something the devs could really use. Guess by now, many of you started noticing a general consensus on why people play the game.


    You might have been deceived but for the better.


    Again, apologies if I offended you guys by any extend,

  11. TUX, you remember when stufflike this used to be posted on the SOE SWG Forums people would get a 5 day suspension or a perma-ban. I sure as hell do.


    As much as i'm okay with free speech, i don't know why a a Hate thread like this isn't trashed. This a TRASH post. If people hate the game then get the hell out.


    As much as i hate this word. STOP Trolling. This is Human Waste.


    Totally agree, but on the other hand, I'm also very pleasantly surprised that it has turned (mostly) into a thread of why people still love the game. So it's a rare case of trolling turned positive.

  12. I've been too busy to play much lately, but I did get to log onto my baby tank Quinn clone today. I have a Vette clone for romancing with Quinn. I was thinking about having him romance Vette for the opposite side, but I'm tempted to romance him with Jaesa. (Neither is far enough along in the story to have good screenshots yet though) I do so like to make life awkward for Quinn :o Who else is making clones for romances? I know I've seen a screenshot of a Quinn/Theron pairing, but I don't remember who's.


    I have a Quinn-clone Agent, but no idea who he would romance...if anyone. Definitely NOT Kaliyo....maybe Temple...maybe Lana eventually. I'm trying to make him as an "alternate timeline" Quinn...as in, if he'd stayed in Intelligence instead of going through all the crap with Broysc and Baras. So, same personality as our original Quinn....which is to say, someone who isn't really concerned with romance unless he's bludgeoned over the head with it by an overly-persistent Sith Lord. :D:cool:

  13. One other thing.. on the last warrior I leveled, I felt like I missed a conversation with Quinn, I kept waiting for it to come up but it didn't. When is it that you say "My legacy is your legacy" or whatever, the line where you tell him he could be a Moff someday and he disapproves? I wanted to say that but I never even saw it..:confused:


    The "legacy" line is during the last romance conversation where he mentions having children. When you pick the "That's good, Captain" option, he responds that your legacy will stand the test of time, and you can respond with "Our legacy".


    The Moff one is...I think...just for a male character. It's when he informs you that he has passed the trials for Captain, Second Grade. And you can say "Just the beginning". I can't remember if that conversation replaces one of the romance ones, but I think it does.

    EDITE: Okay, it does. I don't know if non-romanced females get the conversation, but the "Captain, Second Grade" conversation replaces the romance "Ask to be reassigned" conversation.


    (TORCommunity is my BFF!)

  14. I have never taken the option at Yonlach which allows you to say Quinn in basically useless, so I've never seen Yonlach talk about Quinn's devotion beyond professional duty before. Also, this whole conversation makes me think that Quinn was not unconscious but incapacitated which must have been hell for him. You know later in the story when they need to diffuse a bomb and Quinn say's something along the lines of "I think you know how I feel about you"? This makes much more sense now I've seen what Yonlach says. I find it interesting that Yonlach cannot understand why Quinn would be devoted to such a dark-sided person. He thinks it's because Quinn is self loathing - he clearly does not understand Quinn and being a Jedi Master probably does not understand the concepts of love or passion.


    I've never brought anyone but Quinn with me for this, but when I was reading the conversation trees at TORCommunity, if you take Vette, she actually mentions that Yonlach paralyzed her. So I would assume Quinn was only paralyzed as well, not unconscious. It made for an interesting interaction when I was writing my fic.

  15. Pretty much what Eshvara said...it may not be perfect, but something doesn't need to be perfect for me to enjoy it and have fun.

    I enjoy playing it. If I ever get bored, I take a break and go play something else. Then usually come back eventually to check out what's changed while I was gone.

    It seems so many people here just don't have that ability to move on if something isn't to their liking. If you hate it so much, don't play it. Find something you do enjoy playing. it seems too many people here feel like they have to be able to say that they've played continuously since launch as though it's some sort of badge of honor....and they seem to be the very same ones griping about it being old, worn-out, devoid of content, etc. Well, yes, it's going to be hard to find any game that can keep you continuously occupied and excited for six solid years.

  16. I was about to start a new thread, but this one is as good a place as any to mention this, I think.


    While I was leery of the merge and have had more than my share of people snaking objectives, refusing to group, etc...I've finished two runs of the Gree dailies and both times had folks offering to group with me to get the Heroic done. Yes, it's solo-able, but so much faster and easier with another person. And there have been plenty of folks in gen chat there, offering to group up to get it done.

    Oh, this was on Darth Malgus, for reference. And though there's some toxicity in fleet gen chat, for the most part, folks have been very helpful and civil there since the merge.

  17. The creation date for this account was 8/25/2013, but I actually started playing right after launch (actually had the Founder title). However, my computer wasn't up to handling it very well at the time, so I waited about a year to play again until I got a new one. However, my e-mail got hacked, so I had to get a new one and somewhere along the line, forgot my log-ons for here so I just made a new account.
  18. Get rid of bitraider, you'll have a better time with the downloads. However, it will be a full download the first time.


    I'm in the middle of doing this now myself and....aaarrrghhh....part of me is just wishing I'd sucked up the increased patch DL time with BitRaider. Been DLing since yesterday evening and it's still not even close to being complete.

    Of course, slow Italian internet and my computer deciding to do a middle-of-the-night reboot didn't help either. Not to mention, I had intended to just back it all up on my external HD...and completely forgot.

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