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Posts posted by ferreyrolajedi

  1. im sick and tyred of unfair fights agaist double premades, farmers and so on and be puted in groups that dosnt even have 1 healer or 1 tank. 

    so, im gonna cancel my subscription untill this is fixed. 

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  2. Solo q should go against solo q.

    Premades ( i don´t care if its you and youre friends) should go against othre premades.

    Otherwise its not a fair fight. 

    Right now im qing solo and i keap going agaist a double premade with 2 tanks, 2heals, and top dps.  The word Farming doesnt come close. 

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  3. I´ve been fighting the same double premade all day long.

    If BW would put premades against no premade guys, at least don put a double premade with 2 healers, tanks and so on against a group with no healer, no tank, no geared dps. its point less. Mach after mach that double premade.

    I wonder how is that posible.

  4. First I barely post anything in these forums, if ever. But this upcoming ‘’feature’’ made me. I guess it's safely to say that none of you devs play pvp. The reason why I, personally, I don't know about any of you who are reading this, still queue for pvp is because if I get stuck with a team that isn't performing well in a certain match I can just leave, queue again, and see if I get a better team (not necesarilly a team that wins, but a team that at least has some clue about what they're doing) there, no raging in chat, not getting stressed irl, having fun (which is what a game is supposed to be about). Also, I absolutely despise 4x4 arenas so what do I do if an arena pops up? I leave so someone who actually wants to play an arena can take me place and then I just queue again until an 8x8 pops up. See? There, no complaining in chat about how I hate arenas, not being forced to play a map that I don’t want to.


    Now with this upcoming ‘’change’’ what is going to happen if an arena pops up? Oh guess what I’m going to be forced to play something I don’t like! What is going to happen if I end up getting a bad team in an 8v8? I’m probably going to get stressed IRL due to being forced to stay there and being almost insta killed as soon as I leave the spawn and end up not having fun (which is what a game is supposed to be about huh?) and this is just me. There are a lot of people out there who are probably going to spend the entire warzone flaming their teammates and just making it a toxic ambient overall, trolling, or just doing absolute nothing, since now they can’t leave (well they can but no one wants to wait 15 minutes only to risk having the same ‘’experience’’ again) and yes I know stuff like this happens even without this 15 minutes deserter thing, but now it’s going to be more recurring than ever. But hey I guess you devs thought something like this ‘’Hey, if I put a 15 minutes deserter debuff this is probably going to make everyone actually play as best as they can right? It’s going to make warzones more competitive due do people being penalized if they leave!’’. Yeah, let’s see how that goes.


    Now please someone tell me is this 15 minutes debuff going to be account wide? Or I can just queue with another toon if I end up leaving a warzone? If that’s the case perhaps I’ll still stick around pvping, who knows?


    I agree 100%

  5. I ussualy play on other servers, i started a new legacy on this one and in corruscant i start to have problems with graphics and class conversations. Jedi Knight story.

    Never had a problem on other servers.

  6. I'm at 15,62% in alacrity (quicker attack, quicker cd on stun), 40% crit and 110% accuracy (cause I hate missing those furious strike :/) and absolutely no power/mastery augment (don't need those to kick some *ss :) )

    It's purely up to you for those stats, I like having quick reaction time, more proc of cc immunity and a lot more cc at my disposal, so I run with the high alac build. But the high crit also work :p


    I mainly play Fury, but it works well on Anni too :D


    I 've tryied that, but my lag is preatty bad to play with high alac. Gonna try it again in a different set.

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