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Posts posted by GythralSWTOR

  1. There is a hint at downtime in



    All servers are now live! Let's talk about why we did this quick maintenance. The Planetary Missions button in Galactic Command has had its functionality turned off to address a bug. The intent is to address the underlying issue and turn the functionality back on during our launch maintenance on Friday.


    So yes I expect maintenance sometime around midday or 1pm UTC, even though they have yet to post anything concrete

  2. An easier way to import alts into a guild would be nice. That would require a major change in the way of thinking though. Currently both the inviter and the invitee have to be online at the same time.


    I just picked up two guilds to make them into solo guilds. Have to take the time to get them imported.


    Here I agree, atm something like 'inner space' & and an F2P 'invite account' is the easiest solution unless you have 2 PCs

  3. I didn't like it but even with my terrible Internet I did ok. You can skirt many of the last mobs by going all the way to the left of the screen before the shrine.


    Doing it and enjoying it are the difference, chapter 2 was bad, 4(?) was a bit better, 9 sucks totally

    Once okay, 3x so far no not okay, it's simply BORING

  4. Talk about lame annoying and just plain not vaguely fun

    If I wanted to play Mechwars, guess where I would be


    But playing in a lagfest gimp suit and having to walk miles through billions of trash mobs just is not my idea of fun


    Add to that that the 1st 'shoot' or 'move' button press is ignored thenthe 2nd is reacted to 4s later


    Not the game I paid for!

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