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Posts posted by Caskont

  1. We are still active on PO5 and if any of you on PO5 want to hang with us (Ana, Cid, Mdah, Xxzar, Zuchisen, etc) we are still on the Teamspeak we ran for SWG.


    PM me or Cid for the info and if you are looking to guild up check us out at: http://weaponsofwarguild.enjin.com/


    We are mainly casual pvpers on SWTOR and we also play other games like World of Tanks. All our old Bria friends and even enemies are welcome to hang with us.


    Would be cool to come hang. Lost the Password tho

  2. We are still active on PO5 and if any of you on PO5 want to hang with us (Ana, Cid, Mdah, Xxzar, Zuchisen, etc) we are still on the Teamspeak we ran for SWG.


    PM me or Cid for the info and if you are looking to guild up check us out at: http://weaponsofwarguild.enjin.com/


    We are mainly casual pvpers on SWTOR and we also play other games like World of Tanks. All our old Bria friends and even enemies are welcome to hang with us.


    Would be cool to come hang. Lost the Password tho

  3. Played SWG for 5+ years on Bria.

    Played from Launch in swtor.

    Lev 55 gunslinger fully geared.




    I am an active pvp style player looking for a guild that has organized op's on ts/vent with other skilled pvp players.

    I'd like to find a fit in rated WZ's but i am good with just killing people. Im older -30 years old so i am not into younger ****** kids.






  4. Yea, i'am not sure why bioware is taking so long to merge the servers... seems like a horrible move on their part to delay this.. Terentanec is way dead and it is to the point that it is NOT fun to play anymore... I will be ending my subscription until the merge or transfers happen. Why pay for a game that is not producing what it promised? I will not.
  5. The the Q&A session on May 4th, it was explained to us that you are all looking into us being able to duel on the fleet. It was explained that it is a popular request and that it depends on the performance stability effects it could have on overall gameplay on the fleet(s) if an all out duel fest breaks out.


    And if it is deemed stable, I would like to know if it would be possible to have boarding ships sent from one faction's fleet to the other to "attack" or board. I feel that until we get something different than WZ's we will be monotonously waiting for q pops..... it would certainly Jazz things up a bit.





  6. There's no reason for Marauders/Sentinels to have the arsenal of defensive/offensive/utility cooldowns that they have.


    Most games I play one team or the other has at least 5 Marauders/Sentinels/Tankasins/Tank Shadows. There's a reason for this, and it's not because the classes play more interestingly than other classes. It's because the classes are grossly overpowered.


    Honestly, Marauders are probably third on the list - and they're on the list for their CD's, not their offensive output.


    Tankasins/Shadow Tanks - Uninterruptible channeled self-heal from a tank class needs to go. I don't mind them having the heal, but it either needs a longer CD or needs to be interruptible.. Also, for Huttball purposes, I would suggest something be put in place to tone down the usefulness of their force sprint.

    Pyro Powertechs - Burst damage is just insane right now.. Not sure how to fix it, but something needs to be done to spread their damage out a bit.

    Marauders - CD's... a laundry list of cooldowns they can use - some of which buff their entire party - others that buff the entire ops group.. Ridiculous defensive self cooldowns as well..


    I'd maybe put Snipers on this list, but I really don't think they're that OP. I think they're just the only counter for most of the currently OP classes.



    makes sense to me! Now just try to got the sent/mara community to admit it along with the other classes.

  7. It has a 4m range... if you dont have a stun or kb available... just stand back a little. Being a marauder myself, I dont usually get to use the full cast most of the times mainly cause of that, and please stop crying about how we are so OP because you are not sure what to do against them. Make one, and you will see for yourself how to fight against them which has always been the best way to learn how to fight against another class.



    LOL definitely NOT crying bud but i know that the class will be nerfed, just a matter of when.. thats why i was surprised they were not revamped last night. They will be though that much is true.


    Listen, i understand the class needed help- i will give you that. But even the sent's in my guild say that it needs to be dumbed down a bit or something. I would hate to see the class nerfed into nothing but what would be a compromise?

  8. Ill say the same thing i tell everyone who complains about maras in game... Sorry you rolled the wrong class. Maybe rather than sitting here QQing about how OP they are you should spend some time figuring out how to play your class, or to beat them. Marauders are easily killed with stuns. They are not OP, they are just a good class if played right. We have 99% damage reduction for 5 SECONDS. If you cant keep yourself alive for that long you should consiter rerolling a new class. As for force camo, who is that hurting? Im sorry you cant kill whore us in hutball rather than working twords your teams objective. If you expected maras not to post on a thread attacking a balanced class, then your just plain stupid.


    seriously bro? Try to be unbaised, otherwise you are just another mara/sent defending his FOTM class. I understand your class needed help but it is going to be nerfed whether you like it or not.

  9. If mara/sent gets nerfed the same bad players who post about nerfing will start wanting the next class that kills them all the time nerfed.


    First it was sorc/sage now its Mara/sent, then it will be Pyro Pt then on and on and on.


    "I cant be bad, the class must be op, thats why I keep losing."


    Do any of you in this thread think you are bad players? Didnt think so.


    They will cry regardless but this class is OP lol- you have to admit it bro! I like that they tried to improve the class's- shows that they care but they just went too far.... There are several issues with balances at the moment. sage's healing now sucks, pyro damage is off the hook, and mara/sent are freaking insane op classes... I think we all just need to look at this logically and try to be unbiases- aqlthough that may be impossible for the 10 year olds that will probably respond to this post... pro mara/sent need to admit and offer solutions to balance rather than trying to justify their current circumstance in absolute. Non-mara/sent players who are being stomped (myself included sometimes) need to remember that the class needed work and although it suck to play against them at the moment, things will eventually change again. Lets just be happy that they are try'in and not just ignoring everyone. I can imagine it being pretty boring to play mara/sent before this upgrade... hopefully these classes and the players behind them can handle the nerf that is sure to come despite any protest.

  10. I want to say that I like the type of skills i am seeing that were applied for Knights and Warriors 1.2


    Lets face it,; they needed something and Bioware responded. The response may be positive for THOSE classes but all in all it is a negative to gameplay in general. I feel it was too much at one time to give to any class.

    They are now able to deal out extreme damage with Master Strikes while being absolutely invulnerable. So, as there was a much needed improvement to these classes; they are now the absolute OP class in the game. I see WZ with 5-6 of them regularly and since there was no change in last nights patch, everyone will have to suffer through it longer. Sage healing was nerfed hard while now the sage's bane has been beefed up? Sage healing is meager to it's once viable status while scoundrel's/operatives can free cast and move while supporting their team?


    Back to the point of the thread... give the knight/warrior class one or the other; either the damage or the invulnerability but NOT both. Thank you.

  11. Why did he mentioned Sentinel and Sniper?


    Obviously Gunslingers are not top DPS classes...




    LOL I agree that sniper is up there but GS needs to be brought up to par with them..... in order to be considered "TOP" there is an inequality between the two classes favoring sniper damage. Anyone that stands beside the "mirror" class claim needs to roll a GS or ****

  12. so wait?! you want to nerf operatives and scoundrels AGAIN, snipers and gunslinger, powertechs and vanguards, sorcerers and sages? so that is almost every class covered...



    I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you play a jugg or a guardian, because anyone playing a mara wouldnt whine if they knew how to play.



    nope- I dont want to nerf any of them- I actually would rather just bring the less popular classes UP TO PAR-- I mentioned BH- Power tech, Sord (inqu and sage), damage reduction on sniper and damage reduction on scoun & operatives.


    Basically the Empire will suffer the most out of this 1.2

  13. Reason number one is because when the game started, all of the Star Wars fans wanted to play a class that used a lightsaber or a BH because they were "cool". No fans thought that a sniper was the class they always wanted to play.


    Reason number two is that Snipers are the hardest class to play. Too hard for most to be good at. You cant just spam 2 or 3 buttons like you can for some of the other DPS classes. From my experience in WZs, most of the people playing are casuals that are just playing the game because they are Star Wars fans and don't necessarily understand the strategy or understand why and where they should be and what they should be doing. I will say it again...Snipers are very hard to play compared to the other classes.


    If you actually read the forums, you will see that there are a group of snipers that understand how to play that are all saying the same thing...I NEVER, and i mean NEVER, get beat in damage and KBs. (Unless I am guarding a side turret that never gets attacked in Civil War) When I target someone, they either run away or they die. There is no arguing that because that is what happens in my games. You don't get the same results? ...You ever think that it is the person behind the keyboard that is bad and not the class? I mostly solo queue so the theory that I only play with good people is wrong. You can either listen to all the complainers that say snipers are bad, or you can listen to the select group that talks about how they absolutely dominate the WZs. You can then either re-roll or learn how to play the class.




    and this is why the class will be NERFED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Not really. PTs are fine as they are, any class can put up big numbers if played right. If they nerf them too much they won't have a point to them.

    all OP class's will be revamped- it is such a significant change that they are letting everyone respec their points for free so you know some hell is coming for all the imbalanced or overpowered class's. Im sure you will see a HUGE cut to many or a big increase to a few. Hopefully they will just bring the less popular class's up to par with the rest- like slinger

  15. why not play for gear and for fun? just sayin....


    I have mixed feelings about this topic as i can see how it will improve the faction fight (as one side will not be more geared than the other) but it troubles me that peoples hard work gets smashed. I think there should be some reward but just not as gear dependent as it was.



    that is all...

  16. You can rest assured that a HUGE nerf is coming for the powertechs, operative/snipers and of course SORC class- GG


    As I am not for killing class's but more for improving others, this will be a disappointment for me but guys- its long overdue and needed(something has to change for balance).


    So any OP class's play it up and get your fill because your doom awaits 1.2

  17. I really hope that they address our problems with the GS class... infact, my resub depends upon it. I love the idea of this class and have even enjoyed it from time to time... with that said, it has a long long way to go.


    I understand that the game is still new but i also remember how long it took these fools to release it in the first place... so i wont accept that excuse for much longer.\


    My frustrations are in the severe class imbalances and the stun-stun-dead (stun locked death) crap that goes on in game. I also get very frustrated with our cover system in general as I feel that it severely dampens the potential of the class and can be crippling at times.


    I do ok withe the GS in war zones but i dont see as much 1 vs. 1 feasibility as most of the other class's have a bit more to work with.


    I hope the changes are serious enough to change something for the positive of our class- maybe bump our damage up to that of our cloaking counterpart. If we cannot have the damage increase, then beef up our defense capability or give us a super sprint to get away or something to work with.


    I dont now what else to say but that I hope for the best and expect the worst....

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