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Posts posted by LordGwaereon

  1. That Mando and Tasiele play no part in events in SWTOR and besides this, Tasiele if still alive would be nearing her 90's (and the youngest she could be) since Satele is in her late 60's after the Nathaman Conspiracy. what possible storyline could you make to bring her into this war after many decades in exile.


    I figured Mynock could be a replacement for Torian going forward since he could be dead dependant on choices in KOTET


    As for Tasiele, it would be interesting to see some interaction between her and Satele, maybe giving Satele reason to question some of her own views on Jedi commitments and child raising now that Theron is potentially dead. Her age doesn't really factor into anything other than her physical appearance.


    And on the HK-47 side (as per wookieepedia):

    "Three hundred years later, HK-47 was found by a returned Revan and aided him in commanding the Rakatan Foundry, and though he was destroyed, the rogue intelligence operative known as the Shroud copied the droid and saw to it that several versions of HK-47 were active over the following years with different masters.


    Four millennia later, HK-47 was found on the planet Mustafar, where his memory core was preserved within the computer of a derelict starship. HK-47 manipulated a group of spacers who discovered him, having them create a new body for him and then subsequently turning on them with the help of several battle droids. The spacers were forced to disable HK-47's new droid army as well as the factory producing them. After a fierce battle, the spacers triumphed over the droids, although HK-47 managed to escape destruction."


    So if his core memories and personality are in those copies and at least one of their memory cores ends up in a derelict on Mustafar 4000 yrs from swtor then why not have the story of how that happened be part of swtor?


    Oteg I completely forgot was part of the fleet that could be destroyed so that's my bad, but we should get some sort of Yoda Species npc to replace him.


    The Gree droid could be part of the terraforming efforts on Ossus, especially since the ending dialogue of the questline mentions that there are other planets on which the Republic would like to incorporate Gree technology.

  2. Darth Jadus

    Jakkaro and his driod

    Kai Zykken

    Master Oteg (someone said he was killable but I don't believe he is as he is a quest giver on the republic fleet and never actually does anything but talk to you and never leaves his room)

    Padawn Fia as a full fledged Jedi Knight (or Master even)

    The two in love padawans on Tython you can get the saber crystal from by keeping their love secret as fallen/dark Jedi

    Lord Grathen (either the original or his son doesn't matter as it's still "Lord Grathen" as far as anyone knows since he wears a mask anyway, with minor dialogue differences depending on who's behind the mask)

    The Gree droid from Coruscant planetary questline (Pat-Ak I think his name was)

    Crysta Markon (your handler as a bounty hunter)

    HK-47 (preferrably as a companion, or at least give us an HK-47 customization for 51/55)

    Mynock the Mandalorian (guards Shae's camp on Darvannis, based on real life star wars prop maker and owner of Mynock's Den prop shop)

    Satele Shan and Darth Marr's force ghost

    Spindrall (tests sith in tomb on Korriban)

    Overseer Ragate (Korriban sith gives you trial of blood in the academy and minor prophetic prediction on completion)

    Revan's force ghost

    Tasiele Shan (not an npc in game but Satele's mother who was outcast by Jedi order for birthing Satele, went into exile and when the order tried to bring her back years later they found only her abandoned camp and a journal left for Satele)

  3. We are still finalizing exact details but it is very likely we will be at Celebration. Currently it looks to be off-site, such as a Cantina and not a show floor presence.


    We are looking to announce more specifics in the next week or two!




    Looking forward to more info as I plan on coinciding my Revan cosplay with whichever day the cantina falls on.

  4. Imagine running into a rusty T3-M4 someday!

    After all HK 47 made it to the present era and was even revived by Malgus...


    End of the Jedi Knight class story you come across a destroyed "ancient astromech" droid outside the emperors chamber in the dark temple on Dromund Kaas, I am 99.99999999999% positive that this is supposed to be the remains of T3 from Revan's fight with the Emperor at the end of the Revan book.

  5. One tip I saw here way back when I started was to take trophy portraits (I prefer ones with lightsabers in them for the nice almost glow effect) overlap them in groups of 3, 4, or 5 depending on hook availability and rotate them to create art deco paintings. I have several vortexes and novas made with Yadira Bans or Some Sith guy.
  6. Anakin went Pale as Vader.

    Anakin was pale as hell as Vader because his whole body was sealed inside the suit. If you've ever had a cast on you'll know, when it comes off the skin underneath is pale and wrinkly because it had little/no exposure to air or light, Now imagine a mechanical full body cast being worn for 20+ years, that's why Vader is so pale when he takes off the helmet.

  7. The only things you will lose access to upon starting KOTFE/KOTET are Class Story, Prelude to Shadow of Revan/Forged Alliances, Shadow of Revan, and Rise of the Emperor (though I believe you can still go to Ziost it will just be in the post Emperor's Ritual state regardless of whether you actually did the quest chain there or not on that character). All Weeklies/Dailies, Ops, Heroics, Planetary Stories, Planetary Side quests, Makeb, Oricon are still available.


    The Light/Dark vendors on fleet are part of the new Galactic Command sytem unlocked at Lvl 70. Specifically they are the vendors for the Dark Vs Light/DvL "war" that now happens on each server. The tokens are gained by completing repeatable content (basically ALL repeatable content in the game so far including the KOTFE/KOTET chapters) under the GC system and being of the same general light or dark alignment as whichever side won the most recent battle. If ightside has won and your toon is Light 1,2,3,4, or 5 then you will get tokens as part of your mission rewards, how many dependant on your alignment level. The battles (at least on my server and playtime, Progenitor extremely late night 2-6 a.m. ish) usually conclude every hour or two so they happen frequently. You gain points for your side by again doing the repeatable content through GC and whichever alignment you choose when picking your content type through the GC interface you'll gain points for that side in the current battle.


    PVE gear is mostly obtained by playing story and heroics which will give you gear boxes of character level aquivelant gear up until Lvl 70 when your character stops leveling and you begin leveling your Galactic Command rank instead. After that your gear is granted through RNG drops for completing the same repeatable content as noted in the previous paragraph. Each Command Rank earned gets you a chance at another drop, with gear ratings being spread around every 100 Command Ranks or so (I think I saw someone say Tier 3 gear starts about Rank 250? maybe a bit lower). I'm not gonna get into the specifics of the RNG aspect as many others are currently beating that horse all over the forums with a barbed wire bat, but you can find plenty of threads about how the RNG aspect has been affecting people pretty every other thread (in General at least).


    Hope that's been helpful.

  8. To the OP. The droid needed proximity access to the throne system. Vaylin being the current master of the system (and also having destroyed his arms and legs when smashing him around) was the only one who could give him access. Think of it like having a computer technician clean an infected corporate pc network. He first needs to be within operable distance to it (in his case wihin reaching distance of the hub pc/server), and most likely needs an administrator access password for him to run the necessary "cleaning" programs. Vaylin was the only one who could give the droid both, so he had to try and convince her to let him do it. As to why he would want to, well others have explained his directives as a "purifier" droid already so that's been said.
  9. My biggest gripes are:

    4. I just noticed that the legendary badge that I earned in 4.0 is now gone from next to my toon's name. Yet another achievement nullfication


    The legendary icon isn't gone. you just have to manually activate it now. open up you character titles menu and you'll see a new drop down section called "flair" this is where they hid the legendary status nameplate icon now.

  10. Unless they are in the "utility" category, odds are that they're non-functional.


    If they put these in as nonfunctioning terminals that's just effed. That's like giving someone the car they've always dreamed of owning but without a motor, or tires, or seats, or even windows. Honestly I'd rather they didn't implement it at all than go that route because that's just gonna piss people off.

  11. Firstly, I think the OP needs to take a chill pill, followed by large doses of crack cocaine.


    You realise that would just make a person rage more right? Don't know if you've ever seen someone during a crack high but chill isn't the word I would use to describe them.

  12. So I was changing some decorations on my Tat SH and going through all the decorations in the Technological category and stumbled upon not one but THREE Heroic Weekly Mission Terminals in the listing, one just called Heroic Weekly Mission Terminal and then one for Imperial and Republic respectiviely. They are for Floor Medium and/or Floor Large hook types and are currently stated as Source: Miscellaneous with a quantity cap of 50 each. Now there's no image for any of the three (though that could just be part of the deco preview bug experience) so it could just be an idea they're toying with but never implement (there's another item in the decos listings that never materialized in game as far as I know but I can't recall offhand what it was) OR we may just be getting these decos with the new expansion. What do you guys think, I want to be optimistic as the players in the Stronghold forums have asked for these repeatedly over the 3 years I've been a sub and it wouid be a nice QoL touch for SH's I think.
  13. I'd also like to see Revan's lightsaber added to the game, considering the asset is already available for Revan, himself.


    Lana also uses the same saber in Forged Alliances (just recently noticed this playing through my DvL Sith Warrior who ironically enough is an almagation of Malak and Sion named Malakor Sionus). Technically it IS in game for player use though every version I have been able to find is locked to dark/light side level 4 or 5 users only. I wish they would add a non alignment locked version even if it has to be through the CM, just let me have it or (as the Zakuulan Knights would say) Izax take you Bioware! I mean come on I have the damn thing IN REAL LIFE (both his KOTOR and SWTOR versions), let me have it in game please.


    As for the lightsaber, like you said, it is already in the game, so shouldn't be hard to add. I wonder if it would be bad to add a Light V or Dark V requirement to it? Eh, yeah.


    Like I said above, it already is in game with a alignment lock. Several versions actually, here's the links to the ones that are/were (some are no longer obtainable) in game:


















    Agreed. :/ Here is hoping there are more with 5.0! (I just really want Bao-Dur and Mical!) I love seeing people wearing the lore armors when I run around ingame. It makes this thread feel worth it!


    I would love to see Bao-Dur's armor ingame, but only if it gives you his energy globe elbow with it. I don't see why they couldn't as some of the cybernetic armors greatly change your characters body structure already, so this woulnd't be all that different.

  14. Just went to log in today and got quite the nasty shock. I had been downgraded to the dreaded "Preferred" Status. This can't be I thought, I've been an uninteruppted sub since Feb of 2015. Check my cartel coin records on the site versus my banking records from the last 2 months and apparently I was never charged my June sub (around June 12th to be precise). I had plenty in my account to cover it during the timeframe it was due and haven't changed a single thing in my subscription preferences except to apply my (then) new credit card info last summer.


    Obviously I resubbed immediately but am arsed out of the July sub rewards (not that big of a deal, but still a ****** b-day present) but I'm more worried about being arsed out of the bonus HK chapter in Aug. It's basically the only reason I've kept my sub going since KOTFE launched instead of just resubbing every few months to get a few chapters at a time then canceling the sub immediately after.


    I've even checked my e-mail going all the way back to my sub charge date in May and never recieved ANY notification that my sub had been cancelled, plenty of cartel coin purchase confirmations and new chapter anouncement stuff though. Not really sure what to do right now, I don't even want to play anymore until I can figure out if I've just been wasting my money on a consistent sub for naught. With it being a holiday weekend, and with the known lack of support from customer support I'm really not hopeful that anything can or will be done about this even though it was through no fault of my own.

  15. Just went to log in today and got quite the nasty shock. I had been downgraded to the dreaded "Preferred" Status. This can't be I thought, I've been an uninteruppted sub since Feb of 2015. Check my cartel coin records on the site versus my banking records from the last 2 months and apparently I was never charged my June sub (around June 12th to be precise). I had plenty in my account to cover it during the timeframe it was due and haven't changed a single thing in my subscription preferences except to apply my (then) new credit card info last summer.


    Obviously I resubbed immediately but am arsed out of the July sub rewards (not that big of a deal, but still a ****** b-day present) but I'm more worried about being arsed out of the bonus HK chapter in Aug. It's basically the only reason I've kept my sub going since KOTFE launched instead of just resubbing every few months to get a few chapters at a time then canceling the sub immediately after.


    I've even checked my e-mail going all the way back to my sub charge date in May and never recieved ANY notification that my sub had been cancelled, plenty of cartel coin purchase confirmations and new chapter anouncement stuff though. Not really sure what to do right now, I don't even want to play anymore until I can figure out if I've just been wasting my money on a consistent sub for naught. With it being a holiday weekend, and with the known lack of support from customer support I'm really not hopeful that anything can or will be done about this even though it was through no fault of my own.

  16. You can always do what I did and make a Revan for each Force class, you'll have to get pretty creative with the ASCII letters if you want to actually name them all Revan though. It was pretty entertaining going through each story and trying to figure out how Revan would act/react in each situation based on what is known about him.


    Also for advanced class I went with Sage/Sorcerer and Sentinel/Marauder. Sent/Mar because he was known to dual wield at times, Sage/Sorc for the single blade but high force technique which he was also known for at other times.


    For the Marauder I played as though he was under the Emperor's will after trying for 300 years to resist. Which lead into the.......

    Sentinel after freeing himself (again) from the Emperors control, he wanted to defeat the Emperor through his own strength and the lightside within himself. After failing in that (yet again) he became a.....

    Sorcerer who was trying to gather as much power as he could to face the Emperor with but eventually as a....

    Sage he realized that he was not the one destined to defeat the Emperor and so finally free of that burden was trying to figure out what to do with his life now that everyone he knew had been dead for 300 years.


    Only played through Shadow of Revan with my Sage, basically ignoring the Lightside Revan Force ghost altogether and playing as if the Sage and Shadow Revan had been split after his last attempt at defeating the Emperor as the Sorc (basically all the force ghosts he'd eaten had melded with his darkside psyche and inhabited a Revan clone body that the Emperor had created from Marauder Revan to use as his next Voice)


    Oh and also during each "phase" he met and interacted with members of my main legacy Family (which spans both light and dark force users) eventually becoming a close ally to the family in the end.


    Edit: Forgot to mention mounts.


    Currently all 4 use the KOTOR Swoop bike mount, Kakkran Daggerstar. Before that I used a variety of different mounts including a Rancor (Since they're plentiful on Rakata Prime which holds a significant place in his history) and the Plateshadow Devourer (since devourers are abundant on Taris which again significant piece of his history there) and also the longspur pacer ( I love the white and green with gold trim on that one and I changed the Revan color scheme on his outfits to either green/black or green/white {Green/black/white=my all time favorite color scheme} depending on light/darkside so it matched pretty well too)

  17. Maybe I suck, but I can't make it past round seven. I find it quite difficult and it's getting annoying not fun. I think I'll just have to deal with not having Bowdaar. I don't have the kind of time it takes to go ten rounds all at once, at least if there was a way to save progress (if there is, I haven't found it) and come back to it again when I want to play it, that would make it a touch better.


    I'm looking at the Quest log in game right now and it says you only have to get your influence with Bowdaar to rank 10. I've got him to 4 just turning in the first 3-4 rounds, so I think you can just repeat some of the lower rounds to build up his influence and still get him. It's just the more rounds you can do at once the quicker you can raise his influence is all.

  18. Huh. That seems to be quite the arbitrary number. At the least they should have made it 9,999,999,999 since they already have it coded for that many digits for the cap anyway. I can't speak with 100% accuracy since my knowledge of coding is extremely limited at best but I would think that there's not much difference between the numbers used themselves only how many digits are allowed in said number.
  19. That'd be pretty cool. But shouldn't it also require defeating Revan in the Yavin 4 OPS mission?


    While I'm personally torn on that since I have never had an opportunity to run any op what so ever (very poor planning in server chioce for my location and usual playing time but I'm too invested in my legacy now to switch), I think that it could quite reasonably fall under the complete all of Shadow of Revan aspect of gaining the title if that's what Bioware wanted to do.

  20. I had a post around the time of the launch of Shadow of Revan where I suggested a new Revan style facial scar (where you see where his mask has been) and a Revan styled beard/stubble (one of the most natural non cartoony beards I've seen in the game to date) I have also asked for a CM version of his mainhand saber from SoR too as the only ones available in game are locked to Darkside V that I've come across. I would also like to now add the idea of having his offhand from SoR be available as I have yet (even going through TOR-Fashion) been able to find a saber that looks anything like this in game othe than in the final fight from SoR.


    Unrelated to discussion for this pack but something I still think would be a pretty cool idea: A new legacy title "The Reborn" obtained only if you have collected all other Revan titles (Revan's Heir, Revansbane, Revanite) as well as the "Master of Yavin IV" title, and the completion of both the Foundry or Maelstrom Prison Flash Points as well as all of SoR.

  21. So I had to work when the stream was supposed to be live and haven't had a chance to sit down and try to watch it until now. Unfortunately the SWTOR Twitch page says their last available stream to watch is from Aug 27th, SWTOR Youtube channel's most recent videos are the "Become the Outlander" Trailer and the "Story and Writing" Blog piece.


    Does anyone have a recording of the stream this past weekend showing off the Chap 1 stuff from KOTFE that they could link to? Did they actually even show the stream? Am I just missing something here? If I wait will it be officially posted somewhere in the next few days?

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