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Posts posted by Azheon

  1. I don't play a sent, but I do play a vigi guardian. As a guardian tank main I too feel perfectly aware of DCDs. Wanted to say kudos for bringing reasonable responses into the discussion.


    We'll see what happens in 5.6 with utility changes I suppose.


    1- It is normal to feel perfect as guardian tank because it has no problem.


    2- It is a trend to focus jugg dps first at arenas, because of it is squishy.


    3- You are a reg warzone player, don't even have any ranked warzone experience and write essays about how juggernaut is... I even can't describe this situation.

  2. Player skill vs Class Buffs/Nerfs.


    I'd like to know which classes and specs you play most often and then compare your numbers and skill to some of the top people on your server before I'd be okay with just buffing classes/specs at random.


    I play concentration sentinel dear merc player, but sorry I can't compare my numbers to top numbered people that play this class on my server because I have the toppest number in my server. And I am also a top 3 tittled sentinel, so think I am skilled enough to talk about buffing classes/specs?..


    If the devs buffed a class/spec every time a below average player made a thread on the forums asking for more buffs then pvp would be even more imbalanced than it was prior to these recent damage adjustments.


    I agree that's why they must care my opinions more than yours.


    Be absolutely sure you know and understand how each classes dcds work and know for 100% sure that you are using them correctly before saying they are weak and not working properly.


    Yeah I am absolutely sure, that's why I say.


    Some ppl who pvp only know how to dps and use the wrong dcds at the wrong times. These same players are likely complaining their dcds are weak when in fact they've just been using them incorrectly.


    I didn't want any buff for the spec I play, I wanted buff for the classes and specs that I don't play as main. Once juggernaut was my main and I stopped playing it even I also have a top 3 at jugg, too, so I know when to pop my dcds don't worry. I play sorcerer dps too, even I don't main or try hard with it for rating, I was sometimes playing it because it was fun, but now... It is so squishy that I can't get any fun, same as annihilation and carnage even these specs are not that squishy like sorc dps. I don't play powertech because I don't enjoy playing it but it is not hard to know it is squishy too (I still know its dcds too ^^).


    To sum up; I complain because juggernaut, powertech and sorcs are very squishy, annihilation and carnage are also needs little bit buffs even some people thinks not, I say all these as someone whose main is Fury/Concentration. I don't say this because of lack of my knowledge about popping dcds, I say this because this is a reality that all pvpers who are experienced at pvp knows.

  3. I don't think they should be lumped in the same category as the other classes you mentioned. Furthermore, I've seen plenty of anni maras do fine and I've seen carn maras perform well. Granted, I imagine it's harder to do well than with merc or sniper.


    Did you try them at arenas? I tried and saw that fury makes much more difference than both of them. They are better than Juggs, Sorcs and PTs but also worse than Fury, Mercs and Snipers.


    It is like ;


    Jugg, PT, Sorc < Annihilation, Carnage < Fury < Sniper, Merc


    I had started to play as annihilation with my xawio marr char last season and it was super hard to carry a team, then I played fury and reached 2k+ rating much more easier. For this reason many maras play fury spec instead of others even they like others more. There is definetely not plenty of maras do fine as annihilation or carnage, because I know specs of almost all top rated maras. There are a few people that could make high ratings with their maras at solo rankeds and they played more than 1k games to do it. And it is also harder for furies to do better than merc and snipers.

  4. solo ranked makes no sense whatsoever so nah.


    I say you what will happen when you play jugg dps at solo ranked...


    They will focus you because we ranked players now that jugg is squishy and you will die in 15 seconds. Maybe you will get stunlocked and pop your enraged defense to save yourself, but no... Because of high bursts your enraged defense stacks will be wasted like your jugg in arena.

  5. if play right marauder is very tanky due to obsfucate or whatever the name is ability which give tech and force resistance 75%


    1- Play Merc or sniper to see what real tanky class is.

    2- Fury is fine even not fotm like merc and snipers.

    3- Annihilation and carnage specs are not weak like jugg, pt, sorc but they are weaker than fury as defensive, they still need buffs. I like to play other mara specs more but I have to play fury to make better at arenas.

  6. We PVPers who have even little bit experience at PVP know that Juggernaut, Powertech, Sorcerer classes, Marauder's Annihilation, Carnage specs have too weak defenses. I also think Sniper and Merc classes definetely need nerfs to their defenses but this is arguable, but I am sure that we all know jugg, pt, sorc classes and annihilation, carnage specs of mara are very squishy and need buff to their defenses.


    So I want to learn, our mighty developer, great jedi guardian and the best saberward user Eric Musco and his friends that could notice little bit damage differences at annihilation and carnage specs, can't see these huge defensive differences?


    As a nonstop subscriber of this game for many years I request you to play these classes and specs at solo rankeds of TRE server, I am sure that you will be regreted for giving them low defenses and making snipers & mercs fotm. You can even cry because of sadness when you think there were players who were trying to rise their ratings even they get suffer a lot while playing with these conditions. And while you do that, you even can notice there are some wintraders and trolls that ruins arenas.

  7. Agreed. I've got a i7 7700k, 16gb ram, gtx 1080 and I still get spikes and drops in FPS while in pvp. On the fleet my FPS is 200 at max settings. When I jump into pvp it can drop to below 100 when at max settings. So I run my graphics on a medium setting with shadows off and it never drops below 125 FPS.

    Having close to the best system doesn't mean you won't have problems. It's bad when a game that's 6 years old needs a system like mine so it doesn't drop below acceptable FPS in PVP. I know 50-60 FPS is still playable, but it's not smooth and you shouldn't have to put up with massive drops when you go into pvp. I was dropping between 90-110 FPS just going from the fleet to a WZ. I can only imagine what it's like for people with an average-middle of the range system.


    you probably get around 30, 40 fps in full combat

  8. My fps drops to 30s in full combat at normal warzones even my pc has i7 7700 cpu, 2x gtx 980, 16 gb 3.2ghz ddr4 ram, z270x g7 mainboard and an ssd hdd, I searched a lot, tried many things like that, but were not a solution for me, they just make my ram busy. I only use ASUS GPU Tweak II now and that's all.


    This is a 32bit, dx 9 game, this is the main reason our fps sucks, it limits our pc performances, so even you have best pc, this happens.

  9. Ye mount doesnt look great, but weapons looks really cool for me at least, i was looking to replace my Knave's Quick Handed rifle for so long. So im hyped about weapon box, and wont blame bw for bad rewards xd


    P.S Top 96 title is garbage indeed






    are these great too? ^^

  10. You rewarded us with spiders at season 7 also and I see very rare people who use that mounts, also there were complains of people who don't want spider mounts, but you still do the same to us. It is not because of arachnophobia for me, I just see them ugly to ride, maybe they are cute for some people, but high percentage of us don't use it, why do you do this? Also there is nothing special at weapons, too... Are you hating us because we pvpers can get it with skill and you can't? Is this the reason you act us like 2nd class citizens at everything? Why?
  11. First of all I appreciate that you have started to do somethings for pvp, but it is really weird to see that merc gets nerf to its damage, not to defense... Many pvpers of swtor can notice that merc's defense is very strong although it is a class that can kite and offheal. There are 3 main things to make class balance better, these are :


    1- Dot specs need buff to their single target damages


    2- Juggernaut, Sorcerer, Powertech DPS specs need buff to their defenses


    3- Mercenary needs at least little bit nerf to its defense


    These are very obvious main problems that many experienced pvpers can read the game can see. Just do these, pvp will be more balanced. Or maybe give authority to experienced pvpers that had successes at ranked pvp seasons to make balance better than this, we also can do this for free.

  12. I play Rwz almost everyday, and had see some deadly dps Sorc players. Its why I categorize it as "subject to player skills"

    And as Healers had also seen some players that have mastered their kiting skills, making it a loss cost trying to aggro them.

    I am only trying to be constructive, but anyone is welcome to follow their own personal agenda.


    It was easy to get 2k rating as sorc dps at previous seasons, but now there are very rare people who could get even tier 1 as a sorc dps. Also there is difference between playing ranked everyday and knowing how to read the game. And, trying to be constructive with half knowladge is worse than not trying to be constructive.

  13. Qo'kaar from TOFN already continues as Qo'kaar at TRE server and it is an international pvp(mainly) team. It is weird to see "Qo-kaar" at TRE. There were many Turkish people in the guild, so it was known as Turkish guild while we were in TOFN but recently, I am the only active Turkish member of the guild, there are mostly Russians ^^




    Selam, yeni farkettim bu konuyu. TOFN'daki Qo'kaar guildi olarak server öldüğünde takımdaki arkadaşlarla birlikte TRE'ye geçmiştik zaten ve guild aktif bir şekilde TRE serverında Qo'kaar olarak devam ediyor. Ayrıca kurucusu olarak Türk olsam da takım Türk guildi sayılmazdı, Qo'kaar'da bir çok milletten oyuncu var. TOFN'daki guildden Kerem abininkine benzettim ismini, Kerem abi sen misin?

  14. Level a jugg and play as dps at solo ranked, you will die in 5 seconds when you get full focus and ed won't h2f.


    JUGG DPS & PT DPS have super bad defenses, sorc dps is also bad now, but at least it is still possible to kite more as sorc.

  15. A guy is playing team ranked with 3 bots against a team, they are farming hacker guy & his bots to get rating if some devs come to TRE server now, they can see and ban them.


    I had videos also, didn't upload for not to leak name of the guys that are getting ratings by him.

  16. To say that am bad* at PvP is being generous -- I have the reflexes of a stoned sloth. Since gearing is annoying difficult when relying on GC box drops, PvP is the only way that I'll get beyond 230. My mains are a Vigilance Guardian and a Lighting Sorcerer. Do I have any hope with either of these characters?


    If you want to play ranked games :


    1- Don't play jugg as dps


    2- Don't play sorc as dps, especially don't play lightning


    3- If you don't want to play as tank or healer and want to feel as fotm, reroll a merc


    4- If you are a fast learner, reroll a sniper, mara, op or sin

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