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Posts posted by Foxpthree

  1. Assault used to be good but 4.0 for commando meant a huge amount of damage was taken out of assault.


    Assault is now the harder spec to play for no benefit when it used to be much stronger than gunnery at sustained damage.


    I love assault but basically the changes in 4.0 brought down assault and boosted gunnery. I echo the thought above and say assault is now the harder spec to play for no benefit. You also lose the 100% dmg mitigation connected to your diversion in gunnery which just pushes it over the edge into gunnery being top dog right now in the commando dps trees.

  2. Well, my "top" character, a 65 Sorcerer came in at about 2700. Comparing that to the leader board shows I kind of s*ck compared to them. Oh well :rolleyes:


    What kind of gear were you in? DPS is always improved by better gear, but if you are in 216's or higher should be able to break 5k minimum. Most hm raiding guilds want a 6k parse or higher for a raiding group.


    A little bit of work on gearing and rotation and you can be very deadly which in my opinion makes the game much more fun.

  3. I was having a discussion with some people on Twitch last night and this comment came up. Mercs offer nothing to the team. Now im not sure i agree with this but it did give me pause to think.


    Some of the comments were...

    We dont off heal effectively. Well, thats true, our heals are weaker by comparison and too expensive to spam since we cant even heal ourselves to full most of the time before heat resources kick in.

    We dont guard. True, we have no such mechanism .

    We dont offer buffs. Not fully true of course we have one but its less effective than what others bring.


    So what do we do... well the obvious answer is DPS. Similar to snipers/gunslingers. Now with that in mind is our damage high enough to justify it? One could easily argue that our damage is too low if thats all we bring to the table for both classes and that we should do more. If Skank Tanks are doing hits nearly as big as ours, something is very wrong.


    I'm not suggesting any of this is an absolute or 100% fact, i just thought it made for interesting discussion.





    Are you asking for pvp only or pve? I've only really seen people talking about pvp here. In pve mando's are extremely good atm. PVE mando's have good deeps both sustained and burst, good offheals in a pinch considering bacta infusion plus a medical probe with 4-5 stacks on it you can heal for 30k in 2 globals(granted you can't do sustained offhealing), a battle rez, good mobility, and fairly good damage reduction with the heavy armor and utility for 30% less damage from aoe's.

  4. Just go to parsley.io and look at your class parses. I just pulled the 1,000,000 dummy. There is a debate as to the 1 million or 1.5million being the most valid now but either should get you in the ballpark.




    That is top in the world "Hellion" for commando gunnery and he has like 8 parses all apm at 39-41.

    2nd in the world apm around 40.


    Top assault specialist is 41-43 apm on 5 parses posted.

    2nd assult in the world was 42 apm.

    3rd in the world was 43.8apm.

  5. Honestly I think the best advice on this thread is just go get a color crystal and/or change your gun to a color you can handle the animation on. Or go play mercs, but I think the merc moving while using their "boltstorm" looks ridiculous too.
  6. Other groups can talk if they set it up differently but here is my recommendation for 16m based on what we did over 7 weeks of pulling 16m.


    4 vg's. We did 2 vg tanks and 2 vg dps. We always pointed blaster to the sky in phase 1 which you can do with a rotation of your vg's using hold the line. 2 melee dps for a total of 6 melee around the boss. It's tight but dps is not an issue in phase 1. Not blowing each other up is :). I recommend either 2 sentinels or 1 sentinel and 1 shadow as a sentinel can take 2 ion cutters (1 and 4) all by themselves, and a shadow can taunt and stealth out to take 2 by themselves as well.


    If you want specific for how we shifted for each pattern shoot me a message but key factors were there are only 2 patterns where people really have to do a "big shift" from the entrance to the exit side or vice versa. You can keep 2 healers in the little nook on the big shift which just leaves about 3-4 ranged dps that need to cross. We always had 1 commando cross on the top of the ship using hold the line and then sent the other ranged dps through the yellow circle by the wall and just healed them through it.


    Phase 2 we had much more success when we just did 1 rain of pain. You should be able to push Master during the 4th ion cutter before the 2nd round or rain and pain. Need big guy to be sub 30% when you push master. Should be able to make the burn if you have 13ppl or more no problem. If you have 12 it's really, really tight...


    Laser cutter phase looked like this:

    Ion cutter 1: Sentinel #1

    Ion cutter 2: Sentinel #2

    Rain and Pain: Transcendance FTW 2x

    Ion cutter 3: Sage God Bubble

    Ion cutter 4: Sentinel #1


    Gl and happy killing!

  7. The bombs go out regardless of how many people are left alive in the fight. In 16m as you start to lose people you are guaranteed double and triple bombs. If you are the only person alive and everyone else is running off the ship or into the wall you get like 8-10 bombs on you at the same time.


    With that said I think every class can survive double bombs as you have a few seconds to react to it. You can see the cast for when bombs are coming out and you can see your bomb timers so just be aware and pop a cooldown, spec into reduced damage from aoe or while stunned and you should make it.


    Our biggest problem with the RNG in 16m was really the rain and pain combo with a bomb blowing up as not everyone has something that can negate the stun/knockdown from a bomb...thus your bomb can blow up and you are stuck in the red carpet. Best move for getting around that is the new tank adrenals which are awesome! Can totally stand in 1 red carpet...2 if you time it perfect and not die with the new tank adrenals popped.

  8. New ops are a must! Need some end-game group content. If I want to play all solo there are so many single player games I can do. Like doing some of the old ops on current tier but it is time for some new operations please! It has been a long time...


    Please please some new ops

  9. Your stat priority is 100/110% accuracy (770 accuracy). That should be 7 accuracy pieces plus I think 2 accuracy augments. Fill the rest of the augments in with reflex/aim augments. Right now no alacrity (although might change to 1 alacrity piece after the nerf). Everything that isn't accuracy you should fill in with surge.


    You can run fairly high crit. Once again it may go down slightly but 500-700 crit right now is perfectly fine


    You'd like the 6 piece set bonus and 192 gear. Low endurance enhancements and non a or b mods.

  10. I 2nd what was said above. Roughly a 4% loss. Could be more if the alacrity change messes up the heat/ammo regen and throws off the rotation. If that's true probably need to add 1 alacrity piece, which would mean 1 less surge piece. Not sure if this changes optimal crit gearing either. I know currenly mando's/mercs at 600-700 crit no problem. Might need to lower that a little with this change but not sure.


    Shouldn't kill the class by any means though. Been way worse nerfs to classes than these.

  11. So if you number adds as 1 by the door, 2 in middle, 3 away from the entrance you can try to stick boss between adds 2 & 3 and have your aoe toons with 8m range (sorc/sages, and slingers/snipers) drop their 8m aoe. Have single target dps start on add 1 and move their way around. If you have those classes can certainly help as long as they can place their aoe correctly to hit 3 targets.
  12. If you have a raid team and are passing walkers 8m hm, can ppl give me a feel of what the cumulative hps + shielding ps numbers required for a clear?


    For example I cleared with a team this week.

    Healer 1 did: 4,509 hps

    healer 2 did 3,458 hps. No shielding done.


    Total hps + shielding roughly 8k.


    Any data input greatly appreciated thank you!



  13. Done 2 complete toons from 1-55 now. With the xp bonus I have not had to do a single mission outside the class quests. Somewhere on voss I hit 47. I leave the main storyline and go to makeb with the bolster. Can get all the wya to 55 before completing makeb. The whole time leveling I am 1-4 levels ahead of what the class mission requires.
  14. Siamese thinking of A must do what B does despite having two totally different personalities is what ends up with commando getting shafted every time the tree is changed because of the vanguard side.


    AP has always been and still is a non-essential item to the mechanics of Assault. The trivial DoT that commandos apply to buff the 80% white damage is fulfilled by Incendiary Round.


    AP was crippled from performing burst because of the Vanguard side in PVP. It was then given a forced reason for existence by becoming a higher damaging alternative to IR - high total damage spread out over time for very low spike.


    While the Vanguard AP was buffed up with a DoT boost and never stopped being extremely tenacious damage spammers when in range it has been completely junked for assault commandos who when unable to cast are stuck with fluffy DoT damage and no bonus ammo regen because that is only activated... by casting.


    Charged Bolts is great, just so long as you don't need to move much and are allowed to channel casts with no protection for 50% of the time of the rotation.


    2-3 key things would improve Assault Commando in all areas of play while not increasing dps on the famous dummy parses.


    1) 100% proc of IA using FA or CB with the current 6s lockout

    2) AP specifically for Commando reverted to a full Kinetic damage timed grenade

    3) Alacrity reduces internal lockout of IA or is binned totally from the tree.


    Point 1 reduces the forced casting time to keep the rotation going to 1 Charged Bolt per 6s allowing TWO 1GCD filler abilities per rotation OR one 3s AOE cast like Mortar Volley or Pulse Cannon without dropping the rotation. Agility while keeping up the rotation improves greatly.


    Point 2 restores the ability to do meaningful immediate (almost immediate) burst if prevented from casting, can be stacked with casting for improved burst when required or possible.


    Point 3 is something gone over many many times. Vanguard got alacrity replaced with crit for example and it's still hanging on for negative benefit to commando.



    And just to keep things on an even keel, I fully believe Gunnery is a very solid spec as it currently is and simply needs its damage ratios on its abilities increased slightly, preferably not on the burst and the ammo regen changed to a constant from the spiky periodic regen it currently has.


    I really, really like point 1. Changing IA to 100% at the 6s would be awesome. Right now to proc you need GCD filler + 2x charged bolt then HIB. Making it 100% would give you the ability to do 2 GCD fillers and then 1x charged bolt with a guaranteed HIB proc. This gives you much more flexibility to the rotation and works similar to gunnery/assault which only requires 1 cast of grav round to proc the full auto.

  15. Other classes can double dot targets to increase their dps(for example my shadow can keep sever force up on 2 separate targets). Is there a viable way to do this as a commando? I cannot find one and here are my problems.


    My dot options are....

    1. assault plastique - has a cooldown cannot be "doubled"

    2. incindary round - has no cooldown, can be doubled...but I don't have a great way to work it into the rotation bc of the high ammo use. I can double dot a couple times and use my cd to get back ammo. It is basically an ammo problem with the more IR I use the more hammer shot I need to fill in with to regain the ammo...and the dps net is a loss.


    Fights this is somewhat relevant: The bestia fight. How can I effectively double dot a monster, a boss, a tentacle for example. The council fight how can I double dot brontes and styrax in phase 2? stuff like that.


    Anyone help me out? Thank you.


    P.S. Not talking about using aoe's like mortar volley, plasma grenade, assault cannon.

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