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Posts posted by Bennis

  1. The decision that comes from this determines if i resubscribe or not, its about to end. Heres hoping they actually fix it. Not a EAware "fix"


    Hey everyone!


    I have an update of sorts, or at least an update on an update. As many of you will likely read in Jeff’s State of the Game blog we are actively working on a plan for the APAC servers. I know this is something we have said to you a couple of times and what you are really looking for are the details. I don’t have those for you yet today, but, I will definitely have them for you next week. I am even confident in saying that you will have them earlier in the week as opposed to later.


    I know it isn’t the details you wanted just yet but we are finalizing them now and you can look for them next week! I really appreciate you all continuing to be patient with us.



  2. Hi everyone,


    I know it’s been a while since we’ve updated this thread, and I wanted to let you know that we haven’t forgotten about our Oceanic players. Now that we’re at a more stable point in time (post Free-to-Play transition and post holidays), we wanted to re-examine this issue. We’re going to be completely honest with you: there doesn’t seem to be an easy solution for anyone. We’ve seen many ideas from you folks such as merging all three servers into one, allowing for transfers to North America servers, and even not doing anything at all, but none of them seem to be an ideal solution for all. This is why we are now opening up this dialogue with you.


    In this thread, please let us know what you think the best solution will be for your servers. I know there have been many suggestions already, but I would like to collect the most current ideas for us to consider. After that, our team will review and discuss what is feasible and what makes the most sense to do. Please remember to follow all forum rules and be respectful of each other’s ideas, even if you disagree with it.


    Thank you all, and we look forward to your ideas.



    The only REAL solution i see is the merge of all 3 servers, the only reason i still pay for this game (apart from it being the only SW MMO now...) is because the low latency makes running content amazing.



    Low latency makes all the difference for quite a lot of us, it wont be fun going back to having to have 180+ms in PvP, may as well play that other game if you want latency.


    SWTOR really stepped up to embrace the Australasian market, provide us servers in a great location.



    If we had willing players join from US west its a possibility for population.


    One other option is to shard the servers into PvP and PvE instances so if you want to PvP you are in a PvP instance of the same planet and wont run into PvE players while running content that everyone can access. But when you want to join GF or find a WZ you just click the button and EVERYONE is available to run PUGS, this option means the PvPers can PvP without the PvEers complaining about being flagged or getting ganked etc but gives everyone a healthy population to run group content as after all, its mean to be an MMO and so far i havent seen MASSIVE

  3. Did you even read the article on them, or did you just look at the picture and think "naaw, purdy puppies"?


    Selonians rarely involved themselves in the galaxy at large, so having them as a playable species would make as much sense as having a yoda species or wookie (although im sure wookie will come some day, no matter how rare they were).


    Besides, they are already in the game and by the looks of those models they wouldnt be able to wear any of the armour or outfits in the game either.

    So basically, just too much work to put a non-humanoid species in the game. (non-humanoid in the sense that their body is disproportional to that of a human)


    Then why have Chiss if we are going by what you say?

  4. Topic #3: Oceanic populations. Are we doing anything about them?


    Answer: We are very aware of the concerns with the population levels on the Oceanic servers. The problem is pretty complex, as the solutions we have either split the populations further (like allowing Oceanic players to move to North American servers), or would force players to go to server types (PvP or RP, etc…) that they do not want to be on. Our current plan is to wait for Free-to-Play to launch and see what the influx of new players does to the populations of these servers. We will give it a little time and if we do not see significant improvement, then we will move ahead with the solution that offers the best playing experience for the Oceanic community.


    OK, that is it for now. Please keep your comments and questions coming and I will try to answer the biggest, unresolved questions in these “State-of-the-Game” posts. I want to thank you all for the opportunity to be involved with such an amazing game like Star Wars: The Old Republic. I will do everything in my power to take care of the game, and help guide it to a great future.


    Jeff Hickman

    Executive Producer



    Taken from



    I want low ping, that is what attracts me to playing this AAA game, that i can enjoy it with no latency. So i would rather 1 server that has a big population than individual server types, bugger the PvP, RP, PvE there is barely any world PvP anyway. Id just be annoyed at a 2set of server transfers regardless. It ruins communities

  5. I'm just curious who is still here from the pre-launch days... I haven't visited these forums in forever and just recently canceled my TOR subscription. So before it expires I'm just curious if there are any veterans left.


    I always looked out for your posts when an event was on, being in australia i could never attend any of these with ease and all your threads had the juicy bits and links!


    Thanks you for all you have done, you will be missed.



    A humble oceanic player.

  6. Arenanet should be sued in a class action lawsuit for their key/treasure chest real money gambling.


    Pazzak is not even close to gambling with ingame credits in a fictional sci fi casino.


    Its still a blurry line with the fact that credits can be bought/sold in most MMOs even if its against the ToS.


    I personally don't want to see gambling in SWTOR as it will degrade the game socially.


    Crafting needs a revamp SWG style ;)

  7. I think it would be player vs house.


    I will also have fun reading all the rage posts about how someone blew 2 million credits gambeling it away and blames BW/EA for rigging the game and stealing their money.


    And that will be why it wont be put in. Though if they put in "Crates" and make you get "Keys" it will be a sad day for this MMO.

  8. As someone who works for a casino, this is a bad idea for a game especially when there are younger children playing the game, and the fact that it is gambling.


    Big no no.


    There is a reason it didn't come with pazaak, gambling against the NPCs in KOTOR is one thing, against real people in SWTOR a whole other area.

  9. I'm sitting at a nice 2500 cartel coins, seems pretty crap though. Its a one use and you only get a little bit each month you sub. I just hope they don't do lockboxes/crates, i already play TF2.


    edit: I'm also hoping that when F2P hits as a subscriber, nothing will change. Except we may get our population back on the APAC servers.

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