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Posts posted by memerobot

  1. Did re-re-re-REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-downloading it fix it for you?


    Currently on 4th.

    1st with Bitraider, crashes on boot up

    2nd and 3rd with Steam, crashes on boot up

    Doing 4th now without bitraider or Steam.


    Why do they have to keep screwing their players this bad? No compensation and they don't even bother replying tickets with reports of the situation. Why not just roll back the minor change? I don't get it.

  2. good reminder for ppl to start using steam


    A good way to get a bunch of people to cancel subs and quit game too. "Oops, we messed up 50 KBs around here and there. You're still going to have to download full game to fix the issue because of what those 50KBs did".

  3. So, you release a broken / unwanted patch and now we are forced to redownload the whole game? Maybe just close off the patch? Why redownload the whole game from scratch for a screw up/mistake when you can block off the patch?
  4. Depends on what you define overpowered and underpowered. Are you talking about the class in general? Or classes being overpowered/underpowered because of tools?


    If you're talking about the class/spec being strong in general, then its simple.

    1 ) Overpowered: Sorcerer, specifically Lightning, feels just absurdly strong. It has everything you need. The most utility out of all classes. Cleanse works on 70% - 80% of all cc's and hardstuns available in the game; Its the spec that has the highest potential DPS capability out of all right now (You can destroy anyone in mere seconds and force them to pop half the arsenal of their defensives along, as well); strong survivability, and by a really large degree, with all the resist to roots available, permanent damage reduction just by doing what you have to do (doing damage alone grants you +15% damage reduction and using barrier to keep debuff, automatically awards + 10%) while also possessing Phasewalk, Bubble and Pull, which are complete combat disengages; The offheals are still strong (sure it busts through your energy but if you can play around this, there won't be much problem anyway); And the fact they can perma slow entire teams, with roots that come very frequently is also a strong aspect; And the last of all, it doesn't need a Tactical to be strong. The spec alone already is.


    2 ) Underpowered: Carnage Mara and Annihilation Mara, Madness Sorcerer, Rage Juggernaut. No words are needed and everyone knows why they are underperforming. Their other alternative of a spec is just much better in everything in everything.

    Carnage mara - has no burst and its only "saving" grace is the 'net attack' but comes out better to play with Fury;

    Anni mara - its just bad, their damage is flat out gone. The more patches it goes through, the worse it became, as even Fury surpasses in AOE damage too;

    Madness Sorc - Lightning does literally everything better and in every way. AOE damage? Lightning > Madness, Single target damage? Lightning > madness, Survivability? Lightning > Madness, Tools? Since you can abuse alacrity thresholds, Lightning > Madness

    Rage Juggernaut - Discount Fury Mara while dealing less damage than Veng. It has the saving grace of having "no dots" and possibility to play around with CC more but given its dps potential, its just meh.



    Now for the part where one includes tools:

    1 ) Overpowered: Lightning Sorcerer (again), Concealment Operative, AP PT, Immortal Juggernaut, Any warrior class/spec with Force Bound bonus set

    Lightning Sorcerer: its obvious. Its an already really strong class and if you given them a tactical (Both Stormwatch and the AOE [Elemental Convection, right?] tacticals) that increases their dps potential by practically double, and it will be felt.

    Concealment Operative: One of the reasons of the constant nerfs to the bonus sets was because of Volatile Strike and that tactical remains still somewhat troublesome. Its garanteed 40% to 50% damage dealt in simple cooldowns on itself alone, not counting the others. Play without the tactical and it becomes completely irrelevant but with it, its a complete 180º turn and it becomes a powerhouse. Its just that much of a game changer.

    And before you say "but Lethality has absurd AOE damage". No, its not 'broken'. You can literally stop a Leth/Ruffian's burst just by knockbacking / hardstunning after AOE is applied or, the easiest bit, walking out of the damned AOE and the DPS is gone. Its just that simple.

    AP PT: Well, with Powerlode, that becomes a non-stop train that's capable of destroying anyone with constant Energy burst spam, as long as they get attacked with dots but even then. Its not as overpowered as the other two, since it doesn't give that much of a survivability but still it can bet troublesome ( for healers ) .

    Immortal Juggernaut : With the new Grit teeth, lets say that they have become a much more reliable tank than the others. Its absurdly hard to die while playing it unless major screw up happens (looking at those that don't use ED) but the bickery is more on the bit down below.

    Force Bound set: Everyone who went up against it knows too well why its absurdly strong and no words are needed but if not, its simple. 70% accuracy debuff on the CC. Sounds like its not a big deal but it is basically kills the dps on the other team effectively and its specially annoying in a heal or heal + tank match.


    2 ) Underpowered : Annihilation Mara and Carnage Mara, Madness Sorcerer and Rage Juggernaut.

    I won't go individually but its just that the specs have been ruined over the time so badly that not even a tactical can save these. Well, perhaps Grit Teeth for Rage Juggernaut but even then, if it does not do meaningful damage like Vengeance can, whats the worry?

  5. Welp so glad i didnt put much effort in this season. Rewards are terrible and seriously skipping Furious set for swashbuckler? Do us a favor and drop Subscriptions all together because this game isnt worth paying for anymore.


    Please, all this votekicking / throwing / wintrading deserves this kind of thing tbh.

  6. Any day you want to address the elephant in the room? It isn't going away just because you try to label it as "confusion."


    Why are you skipping Season 3 replica rewards.


    Not sure why you even ask when its obvious as to why its being skipped :D

  7. Okay yes please explain to us how being able to dps and keeping yourself topped off in one spec is balanced at all since you're obviously an authority on this subject. I am all to aware of these class types ruining pvp in mmos. Feral druids in world of warcraft had a similar issue in which they could literately do everything a rogue could do, but also top themselves off. And they dominated the whole mists of pandaria expansion pvp. Now we're seeing this in swtor but with operatives.


    The whole "Jack of all trades." class archetype is flawed for this reason, they are impossible to balance, you either make them crap at everything or obscenely broken.


    Play it yourself without doing selfheals. If you doubt its balanced, there's an easy way to check it out. Do side node works. Stealing in 1v1s and such. See how much the "evasion" and the "shield" are such a BIG defensives or not.

  8. I'm not going to refute my record on vote kicking. I stand by it, not proudly, but regrettably. I'm not going to write another post about something that has been discussed so thoroughly.


    1st Part: We are mostly here for this and I'll explain a bit down, as well. Its mind blowing that you admit the fact that you know its wrong yet you just continue. Pure hypocrisy and embarassing. The abuse of votekick is horrendous and you know too darn well you can avoid it.




    But don't ever say I don't help new players. I have done more for new ranked players in this game than any of you combined. I will always give tips to new ranked players, and I have always gave tips to new ranked players. Hell in season 9, I co-founded a whole guild dedicated to helping operatives learn strategies for duels and ranked. A guild which btw, ended up with 5 different players getting top 3 operative spots and more than 30 different players learning and participating in ranked. I set up a stronghold to host over 200 ranked players to practice duels and to better familiarize themselves with their classes. I painstakingly hosted multiple massive galaxy-wide tournaments for players to test their skills and learn from other players as well. I have always helped new players and I continue to do it now. Just last week I helped a bunch of players on SS (that I hate very much btw) learn how to keybind and position better so that they could become overall better in ranked. This is btw even though I don't like the players. On SF a couple weeks ago I was queing group ranked with a couple guys that came over from the WoW ranked scene to help them learn how ranked worked in SWTOR. Maybe I don't have a PvP guide like Krea, but I will always give tips for those who ask.


    2nd Part: Just because you helped in the past doesn't mean crap now. We're in the present. You use the Past to learn from mistakes and teaching others how to play is NOT a mistake but what you're doing now IS a mistake. It feels more like a step backwards instead of being progress. And sorry but this season has been mostly that. If the stuff is happening on the team against you, you don't give a crap and try to finish the game fast but if it affects you and your team its already a problem and you make it a 5+ minute painful wait process to votekick a guy you don't like/bother to help. I see just those instant votekicks and you can't deny them. When I get those players I also find it frustrating, and I do get somewhat angry at the whole scenario, but I will always to help and see what can be salvaged first. I've won matches, not majority obviously, where my team was hindered by having such players.




    But when you have no gear, no set bonus, life warden is your only tactical, you get globalled in every round, you do 4k hps or 2k dps. There. Is. Nothing. I. Can. Teach. Quite obviously that player lacks fundamental skills like game-awareness, class-knowledge, familiarity with one's abilities, and high speed decision making. Maybe you haven't given it much thought, but when I teach players these are boxes they have to tick off. I can't teach someone how to use their abilities if they don't know what their abilities do in the first place. These are some of the things they have to learn in regs before they come into ranked. But it seems like now, ever so increasingly since these dumb forum posts have been made, players want to jump into ranked without any game skills and whine about toxicity when others suggest to practice in regs, or cry about vote kick when they are ruining the game for the other 7 people in the match. So don't accuse me of something you really have no idea about. I'm happy to teach new ranked players some extra tips, as I have done in the past, and the past before that.


    Now here, yes, I give it to you. Being undergeared surely plays a big part for things not going well BUT I am darn sure you can still make the crap players last longer just by giving tips and how to play. If you're going to be toxic to them, which is pretty much how its going, they'll have two replies to you... They'll keep queueing just to spite you from having you lash out without any reason when you could just explained things to him/her or you'll just have one more peep outside of the possible ranked scene that you could have helped into being a better player.


    3rd Part: Not being geared sucks but, hell, the current bolster actually helps a lot on giving a tons of HP and a kick to the attacks. You can run 306 unaugmented and you still have the same kick to the attacks although with less HP usually. And being undergeared, 270 to 305, makes you less tanky but your damage remains high. And this is where the part of you helping them improve plays a big part. A simple "Hey, look, you know you could do far better in ranked if you were geared" or "Do you need any help on how to play things around in this match? Telling what to do and stuff". Or outright just call them but without the toxic "Hey, try using your DCDs when that X situation happened. It will keep you alive for much longer and use these other DCDs on Y situation to stay alive even longer and you'll be helping the team, as well."

    It may sound unbelievable but the new players do take in a lot of what other more experienced plays say to a heart, so if you're toxic, the reaction will be bad and it will bite you back but if you try to give positive feedback, the player will try the best he/she can do. If you lose, you move on but they'll have a better impression and you tell them things after the matches they are far more likely to follow it.


    Now to end it, and I'll return to the 2nd and 3rd Part, you're votekicking new players, sure... I guess that's partially understandable, in a way? They "ruin" the matches, but as I said on the 3rd part, you can mitigate a LOT just by helping instead of being toxic about it.

    Still, explain why are you still doing the votekicks on the other "veteran" players that you don't like? And don't you dare deny because there's stuff that has been recorded on twitch and other stuff, where you and others are there. You're clearly harassing/throwing on others, and you know too well that such behavior deserves a full reset and lose all rewards that has been worked so far this season. If you saw this happening on someone else, you'd jump on the train in the yelling but that its happening to you, its all "fine" for you but you know its not.


    There's also other things, aside from just the votekicking, that you can be poked on about but, honestly, I won't bother to since you know its also wrong. Its just an embarassment you keep on doing it though, nonetheless.

  9. You of all people know that valor means nothing in terms of PVP skill...


    The only thing it can be indicative of is that the person having 100 valor might not be totally clueless about PVP mechanics in this game.


    No, it means something. Valor still means that you applied numerous hours into playing the class. If you put someone who has valor 25 on ranked, it will never work out. That's what? 10-20 matches in regs? Its nothing. Now if you apply valor 50, 60 or 70? That's more than just 10-20 matches. I'd say its something like +100 matches easily. Surely by then they learned how to play the darn class/spec. Or it will be a well rounded knowledge of how to go around play with defensives and offensives.




    ... Remove vote to kick, but add and fix other things too and that will lesson the impact of illegitimate players being in there that need to be kicked.


    Ie, make Valor a legacy stat and then make it so you need 80 Valor (only an example) to get into ranked. Then add a gear gate of some sort. And overhaul the scoring / elo / ranking system...


    Even though a legacy valor seems nice and all there's a major flaw. One trick ponies will kinda screw up the queue. It takes time to learn a certain class tbh. DCDs, abilities and how it can be used in games. Sure that all classes are simple when you read the tool tip but actually experiencing it is different.




    Valor rank should be one of several requirements to queue for ranked matches not the only requirement if nothing else just to make it mean something again. It proves a certain amount of participation in PvP, that said with the double XP influence the valor requirement should probably be 80+ or just straight 100.


    Combine that w/ 306 gear minimum and a third requirement that requires some type of test of skill, a qualifier of some sort.




    I still think it will hit Ranked queue times hard but I get the frustration of losing to others because your team mates didn't bother to put in the effort to be competitive..


    The purpose of solo ranked is putting 4 random players in one team against other 4 random players and duke it out. See which can sort out things better and win it up.

    Now, rating 80 is a bit too much. That's like 300 matches? Perhaps 200 with the "double xp" stuff... I'd say valor 50 more than enough. You can reach "relatively" fast but it still takes long enough to learn everything (mostly), of what you can do while playing a certain class.

    And adding a must have of 306 gear AND using a tactical at the least is nice enough along with this.




    It's abused pretty heavily, I got vote kicked for no reason the other night. It's not a huge deal losing rating, but the lockout is pretty annoying to deal with, when you're kicked for no reason.


    That happens when they don't like people from "their group". I've seen Prum (only saying because it was him who started this topic while abusing constantly to have his way in the ranked scene. And if you do read this, Prum, don't you dare to say its a lie. You start votekicking someone you don't know/don't like out of nowhere, and remaining 'mute' if its not in your team, instead of waiting for them to show what they can do. Its literally instant votekick ), and others obviously, already kicking people because its not to their liking. You'd gain more by teaching the newbies, giving tips how to play around, how to gear up, what certain things do and how they can be abused, than actually votekicking. Some of them will continue to queue and "pester" you. You might as well help improve the way they play really. Its just so dumb how people refuse to do this.

  10. ... please do fix the fact Viral Elements is hitting a main target / Single target twice by the main Lethal strike, then the AoE version. This means the tank is taking three hits when he should really be only taking two, while the main target should only be taking one. With the reset, this is currently hitting the tank 6 times if he's guarding the target of said lethal strikes.


    Pretty sure its not 3 hits. Lethal strike does its damage, and tactical lets Lethal Strike become AOE while inside the Toxic Haze, which is easy to dodge (a single knockback/stun or the main target being out of range of the op is more than enough), and there's also the bonus damage it does, which pretty sure does half damage of what Lethal strike can do.


    So tank is not taking 3 hits. If anything its taking the damage, in the order of something like 2 to "2,5" hits worth of damage. Ofc, it strikes hard because its internal damage, which ignores armor.


    Regardless, you want to nerf the only thing Lethality is good at? Since single target damage, before 6.0, used to be higher than Conceal, which is not the case anymore tbh. And don't come with the argument "Lethality is really strong at offheal". Operative was ran over where the offheals are much weaker compared to before.


    Edit: Lethal Strike is hitting hard because of how current Tactical bonus set is working. You can play around to have permanent increase 15% crit chance with permanent incrased 5% damage. The nerf on the set will be felt since we want to time it now during the buffed up time to do significant damage.

  11. The only real use I've seen for Catalyzed Toxins is Heroics or maybe goofing off in easy FPs. Dot-dot-POP and if the mob dies in 10 secs, you get Toxic Blast back. Otherwise, the way it is structured now (longer cooldown and having to reapply dots and missing a lot), it's pretty lackluster.


    Catalyzed Toxins looks like it's the "burst" tact for Leth, but Volatile Strike is better in most every way.


    Problem is not even the fact you have to reapply dots or the longer CD.

    Its the damage. You can't even kill silver npcs with it(unless you're extremely lucky with everything, meaning both dots crit with relic procs and all that).


    And yeah, its meant to be the burst tact for Leth but they nerfed it that its just blatantly useless. Seriously, you have way more consistent and fatal damage with Synox shots than with Catalyzed toxins, where you have to be lucky for both dots to crit and you'll only deal significant damage, which still is massively disappiointing. Peaks at 70k - 80k at best.

  12. Volatile Strike does more damage and is more reliable than Catalyzed Toxins (Sanguinary Shot misses a lot despite having 110% accuracy. This happens mainly on tanks but happens on healers and DPS frequently as well. Missing it applies the debuff but doesn’t detonate the DoTs).


    Catalyzed Toxins has a 9 second cooldown increase on their burst (presumably to cap their burst for some reason) while Volatile Strike doesn’t.


    In addition, Catalyzed Toxins makes you waste 2 additional GCDs after you use it reapply DoTs. Meanwhile after Volatile Strike you’re free to continue on with your damage. There are energy problems when using it for a prolonged period of time as well


    There is also a bug(?) with Catalyzed Toxins, if your Bushwack apples Vital Shot to a target that wasn’t your main target then Catalyzed Toxin won’t remove it and do Vital Shots damage. For example..


    Target A has both VS and SB (Vital Shot and Sharp Bomb) on them. Bushwack spreads Vital Shot to Target B. Sanguinary Shot detonates Target A’s dots, but using Sanguinary Shot on Target B (who has both DoTs) would only remove and do the damage of Sharp Bomb.



    First: Going to start with the fact that they nerfed the DPS. You know how much it was doing on PTS compared to now. That will be reason number 1 to just NOT use it anyway, and honestly the only one you need. Seriously, the best hit you can have with this is around 80k - 85k and for you to do that, you need to have both relics of power and mastery proc + use of the new ability that increases mastery by 20% + both dots crit + tactician set and have a decently high mastery/power/crit stats on your pool.


    Second: the mechanics of reset dots and the increased length of CD by 9s are understandable with the way the tactical works, if the damage was MEANINGFUL, which is not. Also, don't forget that its heavy energy negative.


    Third: There is also a bug where, in the case your opponent deflects the hit, the dots sometimes just vanish from target and damage is NOT dealt. Its not just that one that you mention.


    And lastly: Why the hell are you even playing Ruffian(Leth) when Scrapper(Concealment) is doing more damage for less effort in both contents? :D

    Seriously, even I had to give up on it. The fact that this spec(Ruff/Leth) receives this treatment, just says enough how much they care about it. Its whole history was just constant nerfs and it will always be that way. They ask for ways to buff it, or rather more welcoming for players, but they just make it even less popular/worse (I am almost 100% sure its the least played spec out of all tbh) by either just buffing the others or just make this one unbearable that... well, you know what I mean by now. :rolleyes:


    I know Scrapper becomes boring real quick but seriously, its overperforming and everyone knows it, so abuse it as much as you can instead of wasting effort trying to perform on something that is always being kicked in the face. This is 2.X all over again, where you have to just pretend it doesn't exist.



    Catalyzed Toxins Tac is a very dumb Tactical for PVE.

    You waste two GCDs reapplying DoTs, which is also two GCDs your DoTs aren't ticking, your Toxic Blast isn't doing any damage because there are no DoTs on the target, and you have an increased CD so a reduced ability to get Tactical Advantage (can't remember what is on Pub Side), and you certainly ain't using Corrosive Assault (also can't remember the name) because it'd be a massive waste. All that loss for a big boom every 23s


    What you want to be using is Synox Shots. - 100% dmg increase to Toxic Blast, energy return on crits. In those two GCDs I can Corrosive Assaults back to back; that's 4 x Toxic Blast + 4 x DoT dmg triggered be CA + 2 x DoTs themselves + the DoTs triggering 2 x Toxic Blast + the 2 x dmg from Corrosive Assault. And each element has it's own chance to Crit.


    I know you want to call it PvE really bad but its not. The tactical screams for PvP use in every single word of its description and what it does. Not sure if you tested it on PTS but it was doing double-triple damage that it does now while keeping all the disadvantages it currently has and you wouldn't find any use for it in PvE because Synox shots was still doing better, and a quick reminder, Synox shots was utter crap in PTS, as they buffed it when turning to Live.

    And yes, all this means that its just best to ignore Catalyzed toxins altogether because there's absolutely no use for it since Synox shots just does a better job in every way. Unless they restore how it used to be in PTS, then it just belong in the closet where you forget things for years.

  13. [*]Does a particular class or spec feel too strong? Too weak?

    Yeah, Lethality is weak. I know its a sustained damage spec but the "pvp spec" (Concealment) is doing comparable damage the "pve spec" even in PvE content(I tested it lightly). What gives?


    I know this is a PvP thread but there's no other topic open to talk about this.


    I mean, the spec only received one buff across literally all updates and that was 15% Damage reduction after Shield Probe ends. You can trace back all the way to 1.0 and you will see its literally the only buff the spec ever received. Rest is just nerfs... I know this is PTS but why do this?


    [*]Do any of the new abilities feel particularly strong? Too weak?

    I have the distinct feeling that you nerfed Corrosive Grenade and Corrosive Dart because they feel weak compared to before. On Live, Corrosive Grenade + Corrosive Dart does about the same damage as Volatile + Backstab and on now on PTS, they do less damage. Conceal is doing the same damage if not higher. If it wasn't the dots that were nerfed then ignore this part. (This has more to do with the next topic regarding the tacticals).


    [*]Is there a tactical that feels too strong? Too weak?


    Catalyzed Toxins. Supposedly it was going to be the big burst damage of Lethality since it forces all dots to finish in trade of doing all their damage in one go but the setup to maximize their damage is doing 1/2 if not a 1/3 in 5 to 6 GCDs of what Concealment can do in 3 GCDs. On Live game, with a different rotation than the supposed burst thing (because no tacticals), is doing the same damage than Concealment with the same GCDs count. (This one is related to the Corrosive Grenade and Corrosive Dart feeling weak. If I'm wrong, well, guess this tactical will be out of the deal).


    Synox shots feel weak? I know you don't want to buff it too much because of PvE but its just feels that way.


    Viral elements might be a bit strong? The spam of Toxic Haze + Noxious knives can do a lot of damage but only when at its strongest when Lethal Strike buff is up and utilities to enhance the AOE damage from Noxious knives are picked. Other specs are performing just as good, possibly better? And on Live, Leth does already possess a strong AOE pressure so no idea if action is needed to nerf it.

  14. Friends of mine who play only pve and have no idea how to play pvp are top 3 in team ranked, few very bad players who can't get silver in solo ranked are top 3 in team ranked, few randoms who i never even saw in pvp on my server are also top 3 on my server. And these are only those i know, how many more of them there?


    For someone who calls them 'friends', you sure are going length to show that you really are not. Regardless, you talk about their top3's but you don't mention how you cheat your way to them, as well, on Solo Ranked. You and your friends too. Not the ones you're talking about here but the others.


    PS: Honestly, the ones you are accusing have capabilities of being gold easily while I doubt you could reach it. If you did, you'd be lucky at it.


    These obvious wintraders will be banned? because i doubt since all of them have 15-40 games against their guild mates/friends which is difficult to prove either it is a wintrade or not even though everyone knows it is an obvious wintrade.


    Before they get banned, you should be first because you're going to the point of actually ruining the games of other people so they don't gain rating.


    What are you going to do with top 96 rewards in tr where so many just wintraded 10-30 ffights against their friends?


    Hopefully they remove them, along with the ones in SR, so that your effort goes in vain.

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