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Posts posted by StryfeByrd

  1. Bottom line is all EA cares about is their profit margin... They cant make money of PVP cuz that would be pay to win, so they refuse to put any money into it. what they will put money and resorces into however is the BS fluff that they can market thru the CM. Like they said this is a casual game and they focus on the carebear kids whos parents spend money on Cosmetic CM items and cartel coins. They kno we are unhappy they dont care our $15 a month isnt enough to earn us their respect as costomers, not when they are makin millions off of the F2Ps AND subs who spend on the CM. And yes im willing to bet MOST of the money made on the cartel market is from SUBs. so if you rally want to see change BOYCOT the CM...
  2. im sorry but i refuse to believe that ALL of these are dc's a dc'd player shows in you group, these matches are just starting without a 4th player PERIOD.
  3. happens all the time either the match starts with 3-4 or it has 4 and one drops leaving you team at impossible odds, I say the team with 3 players shouldnt be penilized with a rating drop seeing as how they never had a chance... am i alone in feeling this way?
  4. haha imps being dominant comes from imp classes being cooler so people choose them. yes they are mirror classes but, hey i can trow pebbels at you or i can shoot lightning? lightning! plus imp gear just looks better than pub gear AND all the imp stories are better.
  5. well you could allow F2Ps to que for ranked, i mean considering the only people whose oppinions you care about are the F2P carebare casuals you might as well let them run ranked, that would increase que pops at least. Althought i find it funny that you dont give a damn about what your pvp community wants, yet all you horrible class changes are built around arenas whitch is something your socalled "casual" target community cant even participate in. lawls
  6. well you could allow F2Ps to que for ranked, i mean considering the only people whose oppinions you care about are the F2P carebare casuals you might as well let them run ranked, that would increase que pops at least. Althought i find it funny that you dont give a damn about what your pvp community wants, yet all you horrible class changes are built around arenas whitch is something your socalled "casual" target community cant even participate in. lawls
  7. Yeh.. buff ranged, nerf melee! Awesome.. Add a new map designed to rip melee classes a new one, and you have a perfect combination of balanced.. Id take every freakin nerf they have, if they actually managed to fix the charge bug..


    But then again.. whats to expect from the people nerfing the marauders because they are hard to kill when they have a healer with them..


    whaaaa... ****, god forbid they add a map that favors range and that melee gets a nerf lol, fact is most of the 4v4 arena maps favor melee classes and most ranged classes lack mobility, and as for smash monkeys, god forbid you actually have to chose someone specific to target like the rest of us do, lol L2P

  8. OK personally i see HUGE discrepancies in so-called class balance regarding 4v4s, but what i see isnt neccessarily what others see so i propose this question...


    Question, take 2 maras, an op healer, and a deception sin and put them in a ranked wz against a sniper, a sorc healer, a vengance jug, and a pyro merc. All players have equal skill. Who wins?


    also, what in your oppinions are the best 4 class team make-ups for 4v4s?

  9. i dont know bout the other severs but on JC we are havein a problem with people afking in WZs, mostly on pubside. haha i know imps are heavy on JC and Imps usually dominate WZs but hell not tryin isnt gonna help. and your just ruining it for those who actrually wanna try to win, so if you aint gonna help DONT QUE.
  10. WOW...just WOW this op lol, sorry but you cant say all ranged lol snipers FB got nerf'd yes we got a lil entrench buff but we cant fire anything REALLY dmaging on te run so we HAVE to stop and go back into cover to continue fighting and entrench only last a few seconds so stop your QQ, melle classes have NOTHING to QQ about...
  11. HAHA this OP... first of i see PUG groups ROFLstomp premades all the time...lol and secondf of all not all "premades are anything more than 4 pugs who if solo qued would be on the same team anyways due to the small pvp populations, so stop your QQ baddie
  12. I'm looking forward to 2.7!


    Entrench is buffed, Shield Probe is buffed, Smash is nerfed so I may be able to wiggle 2 pts in my MM tree. Flashbang is less powerful yes, just requires more finesse and is still a nice ranged CC.


    Beyond that I'm hoping Engineering receives energy management adjustments and overall is more fluid.


    LOS is mostly a problem for MM, Eng / Lethality have more mobile options. As an MM PvP'er I just switch targets, chasing is situational. Yes the maps can be frustrating, but I don't think those healers would have as much of a chance if every ranged had zero obstacles to work around.


    Just wish these changes happened before they gave Rancor mounts to every smash facerolling fotm ****tard out there.


    AGREED!!!! Thanx BW/EA Ranged players REALLY appreciate FREE GIFT of a rancor mount thast you GAVE to the SMASHTARDS!!!!

  13. half of the things in the 2.7 patch notes have already been retracted so i see no changes that make the maps more viable, the nerf to smashers does not change the face that range classes still have to "facetank" melee classes due to los issues in these maps...
  14. OK, so after all the QQ from various classes i propose this...

    IMHO, the so-called "imbalance in the classes in ranked and unranked 4v4 matches isnt really a class unbalance, but rather the product of a design flaw on the devs part.




    I propose the devs add 3-4 maps that favor the ranged classes, thus radomly tipping the advantage back and forth between the 2 diffrent types pf playstyle thus bringing balands wiothpout having to constantly buff/nerf classes. simply add a few larger more open mapes with less LoS obstacles that force ranged classes to sty in mellee range.

  15. OK, so after all the QQ from various classes i propose this...

    IMHO, the so-called "imbalance in the classes in ranked and unranked 4v4 matches isnt really a class unbalance, but rather the product of a design flaw on the devs part.




    I propose the devs add 3-4 maps that favor the ranged classes, thus radomly tipping the advantage back and forth between the 2 diffrent types pf playstyle thus bringing balands wiothpout having to constantly buff/nerf classes. simply add a few larger more open mapes with less LoS obstacles that force ranged classes to sty in mellee range.

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