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Posts posted by Paitryn

  1. in game surveys, with very specific questions and 1 to 10 scale responses, would supplement the metrics very well.


    If you make it an out of game survey, you miss the target market.


    If you make it yes/no, you miss the degree of importance.


    If you leave off things like class story because they are expensive, you might as well not have asked at all because you won't get the true answer


    You have to put all possibilities on the table to see what people actually want.


    For example, yes some people wanted GSF. But how many did? And how badly did they want it? Those are questions I don't really know how Bioware could have known the answer.


    The biggest thing I know is that the polls I see from time to time show class story or story as #1 by a large margin. If I were Bioware, I'd want to explore the extent of that desire.


    To answer your question on GSF, Many of us wanted a 3D space experience. GSF is nothing like what we asked for. It was a lazy implementation of what was a cornerstone of LucasArts/Star Wars franchise games.

  2. wouldn't it be cool if when you get your ship, you should be able to change the colors of the ship so it represents you more, instead of everybody having the same ship with the same colors.


    Something mentioned from day 1. And by Day 1 I mean when space combat/ships were announced to being wih. Bioware didn't get it then. And they still don't get it at all.

  3. you realize that 2 or 3 other ppl had to decline or drop out for that to happen. and my POINT is that if you drop immediately, there's still plenty of time for backfill to make it a 4v4. that doesn't address the more pressing issue with reg arenas, which is that it throws the first 4 players it finds into the mix, regardless of role.


    I figured by that statement the more pressing issue is that so many drop from arenas because they dont want to play them

  4. Yeah at first it was tolerable now its getting downright annoying. They moved GSF to a different queue. And the only reason the pvp queue is small is because only subs can do it regularly so F2P has absolutely no incentive to do so. Why not let them normal queue? It at least gives something better than nothing right?


    You can bleed subs for all their money for only so long.

  5. Saying you wont sub for arenas is like me saying I refuse to play and sub till ancient hypergate is deleted from the game. Its silly. I despise that map but I'm not going to go on a rampage about it. Arenas are fine. Maybe you should try playing it for once instead of crying about them. Oh wait, you don't have a large map and 7 other players to hide behind, thats why.


    Now if you said it was like you hated Warzones, I would agree with you. But no one is saying they hate the tatooine map of arenas and want it deleted. Your lumping warzones (one type) with arenas (another style) as if they are the same thing.


    Perhaps because thats your playstyle and team objective based play doesnt work for you and all you do is attack the opposing team instead of focusing on objectives.


    It's not because I cannot kill another player, Its because I feel there is no reason to even play an arena vs objectives and goals to accomplish in warzones.

  6. So you wont queue at all because once in a blue moon you might get an arena? I pvp'd all day today and got an arena once. Just play the damn match and get your easy commendations. Arenas barely last 5 minutes. Or just leave the match, whatever.


    I hate ancient hypergate but I still play through the match. Can't appease everyone. The system is currently fine as is.


    Except I havent managed to hit a single warzone in over a week. So maybe your server is different from mine, who know. The system is obviously not fine for everyone. I do like another posters mention of just being able to toggle arena from the queue selection.


    I hate the Idea of leaving a match and abandoning other players. It seems a terrible idea so yeah, I would rather not queue than put someone else in a losing situation. I dont care about comms. I have enough of them from my other toons I just enjoy WZ pvp for what it is

  7. I for one do not have any faith in the company on the developer or publisher level since F2P items were priced with subscribers as its target market. In other words the cash shop design is to milk the subscribers for every dollar while gating the F2P players so that they will subscribe.


    We talk about how the game has unhealthy populations for dungeons and pvp, and its simply because we wont let the F2Pers actually play with us. Sure keep them from endgame content, keep them from getting x gear or whatever, but the health of this game would increase dramatically if F2Pers could actually help us play the damn game.


    For me I'm just playing until I can find another game that suits me better. Hopefully Wildstar. ESO didnt work out.

  8. Also to the OP, splitting the queue for any Warzone type is a bad idea without either x-server queues (not likely sadly) or moving everyone onto one big mega-server (again can't see that happening). PvP populations are just not big enough to support split queues. Unless you goal is to kill off one type of Warzone altogether.


    Sadly that simply means I do not have a desire to pvp at all making the population one less player. I'm sure I am not the only one here that feels this way judging by some of the posts.

  9. Its not really the point for me. I seriously do not like arena's on a fundamental level. I love team objective oriented pvp but the devs have now completely barred me from doing so by surrounging them in arenas. I understand the appeal of arenas, and I would not wish for them to be removed, just separated so that those that love arenas can play arenas and those that love warzones can play warzones.
  10. I love pvp but I hate arena's I don't want to ruin other peoples good time with arenas but would love to participate in warzones. Please allow me to enjoy the pvp of my choosing. For now I am not going to participate in pvp at all. Its a shame, as the pvp in this game was much more enjoyable than other mmos.
  11. Is decorating your hangar good enough for you? If so.. check 2.3 and the Bounty Hunting event.


    doubtful. knowing BW and the layout of the game, i simply unlock those items (probably even possible with coins) and poof they arrive at the hangar already in place and cant be moved or changed in anyway other than being there. It is a nice first step mind you, but I havent seen anything in 2.3 that would support a lasting impression on the game, just a small event that one may or may not be capable of participating in.


    I would rather see the game develop something lasting to sink ones time in instead of short one week events then "oh wait till next month" till you may or may not be able to participate in again. I missed the gree event yet again due to Forces of nature knocking out the power in my city for a week. so Events are too hit or miss for me to participate in (never mind my hectic work schedule) I'm glad they actually DO events mind you, but its a far cry from events in previous games. And those games could not keep me enraptured soley on that content added either.

  12. Pazaak, Pod Racing and Bets and perhaps Bounty Hunting are all things that could add "fluff" to this game to make you able to do something while you wait. Yet we have not heard a word of anything of these (except Bounty Hunting which will be a limited event afaik.)


    At this point anything immediately satisfying, short and simple to get out of would possibly work, but its something they missed the boat on thinking that they should removed all time wasting things. They forgot that players need to be slowed down or content would be consumed too rapidly. They were smart to remove some time sinks that were a bother, but forgot or simply did not understand that players need something to fill that gap.


    Playing pazaak or sabaac, swoop races, heck just being able to decorate your ship could add hours upon hours of time wasted just doing things unrelated to endgame/leveling content.

  13. I thought this thread would be about how its causing large imbalances being queued. since the queue will allow 5 or 6 in and hope the queue fills, its lately not doing so resulting in being smashed due to largely outnumbered. In the last two nights my faction has struggled to fill the queue. I even got a WZ pop with only 2 players!
  14. What happens after that?


    Sort of my issue really. Once you've leveled all those alts your options are pvp and raid content. thats it. Both are a wait in line approach as well. I dont mind waiting for a warzone queue, but what to do in the meantime? thats where the game really tripped up IMO, its ok to have queues or waiting periods if the players have other things to do. Grinding dailies isnt really needed that much.

  15. So the people who went into a state of self-inspired exile, three to four months after the game came out, had already finished at least half the class storylines, space missions and so forth? Riiiiiight...


    Talk about desires of instant gratification, something that until I started playing this game, I was always assumed was nowhere to be seen or heard in MMORPG's.


    actually, yes when i originally left the game I had completed a good chunk of class story to my satisfaction, all space combat, was doing ranked warzones in full battlemaster and was bored. Why? Didn't care for the raid content (tried some of it, pretty much came down to so its like this wow boss and that one meshed together...got it) And was just grinding content for the sake of grinding content. There are virtually no timesinks in this game as is. Roll another alt? Got 12 of em now. One of every class and some 2nd AC's. Crafting is useless even at max level and space combat is boring. Nothing for me to advance really? I enjoy some low level pvp, and leveling those imp alts for their story now, but essentially there is nothing to wast time on. Other games offer a few extra minigames or housing or something else to burn time while you wait for queues to pop.


    If they fixed the sheer lack of time sinks it may prove saving. Who knows if they ever release the "SSSC" before something new and interesting comes around I may stick to it.

  16. My experience with f2p players is the same as with anybody else.


    This. Your post of F2P experiences are pretty much the same issue as everyone else has of some subs. Its not the type of paying player, but instead the player themseleves no matter their status as a paying member of society as it were.


    And I believe that F2P do not spend much on the CM is that its simply TOO FREAKIN EXPENSIVE if your not a subscriber as all the prices nearly double. I tried going preferred and its rediculously idiotic how expensive the CM market is outside of a subscription. Subs spend more on coins because F2P players do not see a benefit to coins if subbing is a cheaper way to go and get free coins to boot. The cash shop is built for YOU in mind and not Them and is utterly broken. IMO its better to get 1 dollar from 2 million people than 2 bucks from 500k.

  17. I didn't think I had really had to give the obvious statement for it's..obviousness.


    of course I know some will use it for other reasons..I'm talking about the VAST MAJORITY...sadly since it would be abused by hundreds of times more than won't abuse it...they shouldn't have it.


    the main and most thing it would be used for is trolling and insulting. like I said.


    no offense man but I really didn't think I had to make such an obvious disclaimer


    Its not that bad. If it was we would have had it removed in beta. Heck it was something that was put into the game by player request and not removed prior to release.

  18. = no qq'ing about pve armor at all!

    = no qq'ing about premades stomping randoms because of bolster

    = 100% skill based pvp


    There would be QQing still. the bolster isn't even that bad. The problem lies in the fact that many can't destroy as much as they used to. most can't even tell if someone is in full part/conq/pve gear at all due to oranges, its just assumed they got stomped due to bolster because of what they are wearing and not necessarily what their opponent is wearing. on another thread there is a complaint about being smashed for 9k while in full conq now the validity of the complaint could be there depending on a variety of circumstances, but it depends on the opponents level of gear, what tweaks are made to said gear, and what lack of gear tweaks made by the victim in full conq.


    You are right the true answer is to strip out all stats and go "naked" into pvp and really see who is best, but that is far from what players truly, deeply want from the game. Gear is something I always felt was a stupid reward (why be given something to make you better at what you are already great at doing without it?) But since our character is essentially our trophy showcase, clothes are the trophy you get.

  19. The old adage speaks about how carefully laid plans never turn out well, but instead an adaptive plan is the key to victory. This is where PVP usually falls apart pug or premade if the plans are not adaptive.


    Take ACW for example, If you send a single interrupter to the enemy node, one to your own (with an escort to intercept and circle back to the midground) you put forces in the middle but at an adaptive stance. based on how your opponent acts you can move your forces accordingly. Coordination and teamwork are key, but victory will happen more likely than to stick to one strategem that will only work if the opposing team falls for it, or is relatively unskilled.


    so essentially one basic strategy unfolds into multiple possible outcomes allowing you to remain relatively unpredictable keeping your opponent off balance.

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