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Posts posted by TyrionGraphiste

  1. People, just STOP logging in, withdrawing items , buing items etc, IT'S BROKEN and You are asking for trouble doing anything right now. Just quit and wait.


    No :):o


    Make them crash!!! :rak_01::rak_03:

  2. Some chapters are very hard, but the hardest one (because it's currently impossible to some classes to me) is the fight vs Arcann because with all classes they don't have mobility such as Marauder / Juggernaut / ... it's impossible to get close near Arcann before he kill you.


    Personnally, I succeeded because this fight is buggy and should have record my performance because that was hilarious to look at.

  3. It's absurd to believe that frustration with a game turns people into douchebags. Also I think that comments like yours, that "Chinese players" love to grind is exactly the type of inherent douchebaggery the OP was talking about.


    Given I just explained my opinion - which is totally a normal thing - you come in this thread to post one virulent comment and nothing more. I wonder who's the "douchebagg" between the two of us :rolleyes:


    More, several players are thinking the same way, namely that player happiness is a direct reflection of the game and their behavior inside the game. So I'm pretty not alone as you can think.

  4. In a 1vs1 situation, it doesn't help to state: "Don't attack a Mercenary while his shield is up".

    - There's a 6s 'don't hit him' duration while Responsive Safeguard is active

    - There's another 12s 'don't hit him' duration due to Trauma Regulators (cancelable while incapacitated)

    - And there's a 8s 'useless to attack unless you gank him' duration due to Kolto Overload?


    So yeah it's very fair in comparison to others classes

    In another words it's useless to attack a merc because you have a 26s lag :rak_03:

  5. So lots of Mercs? Maybe that's because people have been posting in chat and the forums for months how OP they are?


    You: Mercs are OP and unkillable!!!

    New player: You don't say....? *rolls a Merc*


    Rinse and repeat.


    Apparently it's not "rinsed and repeated" enough otherwise they would have fixed this :rolleyes:

  6. I really think it comes with the frustration that Bioware never listen his players. In comparison to the numbers of topics created every day focusing on all aspects of the game : suggestions / bug and issue report / improvement / classes balance, etc..

    Most of them aren't worth it but a few ones are very good and Bioware should listen.


    But nothing is done. We have been waiting for years for new operations (only because the community ask) and it's not even right here and when we finally know there will be one, it is just one boss with some others unlocked one month after another.


    So I think the frustration is turning people into toxics because they're frustrated to see a game evolve but never in the right way, one example among many others is Galactic Command system that all players are taking for chinese players and have to farm a year to have a decent stuff for one character.


    The state of the community reflects the state of the game. Prople are unhappy with how the game is and that shows on their behaviour. I rekember a few years back everything was OK and ppl happy and helpful.


    In conclusion I totally agree.

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