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Posts posted by Grovsie

  1. Well congrats to bioware, for making pvp the worst its been in for a few years.


    Most games now have 2-3 sorc healers. Totally average healers are now unkillable. At least before I could smash healers on my own because I cant rely on retard pugs who do 400dps, but now there and least 2 others a game, meh


    Lost my sub.

  2. I dunno what its like on other servers, but on TRE, pvp has gotten steadily worse in the last few weeks since Strongholds was launched. Far too many clueless noobs and far too many pve geared idiots. No excuse for bolster off 1200. Why is it ok for a pve'r to get in a wz and be totally useless and get rolfmastomped, but its not ok for someone in pvp gear to join a HM ops?


    So iam not going to even thinking about queing solo, it's premade or no pvp for me, its just not fun being with idiots getting rolfstomped.


    Oh and yeh I know it's a pve server, so what.


    Please make the conquest points from a wz win.

  3. What will be the best thing to do with warzone comms and ranked comms from now till the new gear comes.


    Am I right inthinking Obroan will be the lower level, and the new gear will be BIS.


    Im a Level 49 sniper and obviously ill be hitting 55 before the patch, and wanna start gearing up, but I don't wanna do that and then find that it's been a waste. I assume you will need the lower stat gear to get the new stuff like you do at the moment needing Conq to get obroan, so are you gonna need obroan slots to buy the new stuff?

  4. Ive loved the Gree event on Illum, the planet PVP is great fun. Got me thinking about how to spice up the outlaws den on tatooine so people actually go there.


    How about adding a World Boss or 2 to the Outlaws Den that drop Warzone comms, or w/e.

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