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Posts posted by Kaziglu-Bey

  1. hmmmm a lot of very good points on this thread....however the biggest problem with PVP (in my opinion, and I spend about 90% of my game time doing WZ and SF) isn't the fact (yes it is a fact) that some hack, some use lag switches (also very true)....the problem really is a lot of the players. Some are so arrogant, and obnoxious, rude little trolls....clearly forgetting this is nothing more (about to burst your bubbles!) than a video game. Everyone likes to blame everyone else and start a trash talk war in an ops team, rather than be realistic, look were the mistakes were made, work as a team and win. I see more crying, ************, trash talking, and finger pointing than I've ever seen on any game....ever. Everyone also knows your class better than you, everyone is an expert, some people loose their sh*t during a ranked loss. My goddess I've witnessed people lose their minds after losing a match. IT"S A GAME! Some of you really need to log off and spend some quality time in the real world, rather than sit on this for 6-8 hours a day and start acting like dix to everyone else playing. You know who you are!

    It's easy to be brave and talk big, being behind a screen. Another big reason the WZ's are messed up is the game itself....the matchups are so uneven and unbalanced, and I think all of you would agree there....:eek:

  2. as X stated quite a few of the old school gorath guilds from pre cu, cu and nge are rolling on helm of graush or HoG as we call it. we've also got a FB group running, it's secret and cannot be searched to be added friend request me with who you are and i'll get you in.






    Liam! What's up man!!??? What server are you playing on? Is Chubes here as well? My bro is playing (infrequently).

  3. Kaziglu-Bey / Maolotar from DMG-I guild Gorath server. Are Chubes and Liam around...?????? Is there a DMG-I here?



    I'm on Harbinger here. Imps = Khanth, Kavall, Kaziglu-Bey. Pubs = Maolotar, Vithasun, Ji'ando.

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