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Posts posted by Lachryphage

  1. We added this line to help folks know where to get their info when we post the maintenance messaging that the game servers, web, and launcher will be unavailable. During those more extensive maintenance periods, players aren't able to come to the forums or even log into the launcher to read messaging, and that's the only time we exclusively use Twitter to provide updates.


    However, the line has been removed for tomorrow's maintenance because we have updated the messaging and will not need to take down the web and launcher. When those methods of communication are available, we'll keep all of them updated as needed.



    It makes no sense to me that the forum would need to be down for 4 hours along with the game. Are you hosting it on the same server as the game? I have plenty of experience with coding and running websites and that's the only explanation I can think of that makes any sense. The only time one of my sites was ever down for 4 hours was during a DDOS attack or when switching hosts.

  2. The imp pugs will make you not even want to queue here. >.< OP if you're considering coming here, and your imperial, don't for the sake of your sanity.

    That's all PUGs. It has nothing to do with faction or server.

  3. On July 23rd, all game servers, SWTOR.com, and the launcher will be unavailable as we perform scheduled maintenance. Game Update 2.2.3 will be implemented during this downtime. Details are as follows:


    Date: Tuesday July 23rd, 2013

    Duration: 4 hours

    Time: 3AM PDT (10AM UTC) to 7AM PDT (2PM UTC)


    During maintenance, all updates and additional information will be posted on our Twitter account. Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.

    Why can't you use the SWTOR site to update people about SWTOR? Why does everyone try to force me to use Twitter? You shouldn't be exclusively using a third party site for stuff like this. It would take 5 seconds to copy/paste to your own forum.

  4. Ok, so ive always been more of the solo type, preferring to test my character's abilities to their very limit against challenges that normally requires more than one person (i.e. a champion boss). From my tanking experience,( assassin tank, 50, juggernaut tank, 37) it seems clear that a healing character with a tank companion is far more viable for soloing the big guys than a tank character with a healing companion ( the companions just cant dish out enough healing to make up for the damage, even with your enhanced resistances.) To that end, it appears the healing class with the highest output, sustainable ,rotation would fit the role the best. Ive leveled a smuggler to 50 and seen some good ability, but a commando healer also seems viable. Ive never tried a sage healer, but their rotation seems too dependent on critical hits w/ innervate, as well as the use of sacrifice ( and is thus slightly less sustainable) However, i wouldnt be writing this post if i wasnt looking for the advice of some other, better experienced people, and am completely open to suggestions/advice.

    My commando healer is basically immortal. The only way for me to die in solo PvE is if I try to solo a heroic 4 or something. I can solo most heroic 2+ though.

  5. Not so much any sort of summation of the state of the game as it is a request for more playable species. Hopefully more are on the way.


    Just don't expect anything that isn't mostly humanoid and doesn't speak basic as the devs have stated that they have no intention of making less human-ish species playable in the near future: they it's about how players will likely relate to the story if their character is a type of species that is difficult to relate to. I'm not sure if I agree with the argument, but they do have a valid point.

    Mon Calamari are humanoid. So are Nautolans. So are Rodians. They can all speak basic. I don't buy their reason at all. Nobody ever complained about not identifying with their Bothan in SWG, their Tauren in WoW, their robot in RF Online, etc. The reason we don't have them is because Bioware is lazy. All the races except Twi'leks and Sith purebloods are just recolored humans. For both the purebloods and Twi'leks they still got to reuse the makeup textures, facial animations, etc. One thing the races all have in common is that they took almost zero effort.

  6. Is there any truth to the rumour that Tauntauns will move at 250% of speeders on Hoth and Ilum?

    I also heard that on any other planet they would slow down the more you use them until the finally fall over from heat exhaustion.

    On Tatooine the heat problem is going to be 4 times as fast as anywhere else.

    Would you like to buy some beachfront property in Arizona? I'll give you a good deal.

  7. I don't think Dagobah should be in the game. There aren't any sentient species living there and the whole planet is just forests and swamps. There's no reason for anyone to go there.
  8. As we all know, Dagobah is a world where Luke finished his training. Dagobah should be a new world for all players 55-60. They all have a new storyline. For example Sith Inquisitor, they should be looking for a lost jedi artifact, that is very strong with the force. So that's mainly all, but we should add on to the Dagobah world.

    What you mean is that Dagobah is the planet where Luke dropped out of training half way through because being an irrational emokid runs in his family. Then he got pwned just like Yoda told him he would and he cried like a little B-word until daddy saved him.

  9. Is there anything I can do to get this game to run better? I'm only getting about 7fps in a war zone.

    It's a 3 year old laptop and a Mac on top of that, so no.


    I have been debating selling my MacBook and getting an alienware m14x becuse I do game a lot, but I'm always flying from state to state for work.

    Alienware is owned by Dell now. If you own a Dell all the other nerds will look down on you. Also, Alienware tends to be horribly overpriced. Then again you own a Mac so that's clearly not a problem for you.


    I'm no fan of Apple, but switching to a gaming laptop looks to me like it's going to be a huge hassle for you. Even at a bare minimal spec an Alienware 14 is going to weigh over six pounds, which is probably about 5 times more than your Macbook; and Alienware is one of the very few companies that even makes a 14 inch gaming laptop (the majority of them are 17 inch and usually weight in over 10 pounds). Any gaming capable Windows based laptop is going to be very heavy compared to what you're using right now, and if you move to a gaming rig you'll probably be cursing it by the time you get back from your first trip. Unfortunately, light weight and gaming capable just don't mix in the world of laptops.

    Plus gaming laptops get about 30 seconds of battery life so there's that to consider too.

  10. Presumably, people play WZs to have fun. If they aren't having fun or have something to attend in real life, then why penalize them for it? It's their avatar (well it's BWs avatar that they play but whatever) and they are entitled to play it as they see fit.

    They stop being entitled to play as they see fit the minute they join a group.

  11. I have a rather annoying problem that I need a bit of help with. I'm a level 34 on my main and my quests require me to go to areas that are far to high for me. I manage to beat the quests and end up so far behind that it takes me forever to catch up and actually complete the Story Line. I've done the bonus quests on most of the planets. Now the XP is becoming to small and I have to do so much that by the time I do level up and I complete the quest I have the same problem over and the XP just gets smaller due to level changes. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could do to level up faster?

    Do some side quests or something. You only need to do non-story quests on like every other planet. If you do all the side quests and bonus objectives you should be high enough to totally skip the next planet. How are you possibly running out of quests your level to do?


    Edit: I do each flashpoint once. I do a warzone once in a while, usually about once a planet. I never do a heroic unless it gives an orange I want. Doing that I'm constantly way overleveled for everything. Like I said, I have to skip every other planet except for the mandatory class story quests. I'm just not understanding how it's even possible for you not to have any quests left that are low enough. Even if you did nothing but quests since level 1 and never used any of the EXP buffs the game hands out like candy you should still be overleveled all the time.

  12. As a tank or healer in PvE hybrid doesn't work. You might be able to pull it off pretty well as a PvE DPS or in PvP as a tank or healer though.


    Lastly, I have no idea how to handle a healer spec. I know it's a vital role, but I haven't yet wrapped my mind around how I can have fun skeeting kolto around while my companions or group members do all the fighting. I am willing to learn.

    It's basically the same as other classes, except instead of shooting or casting skills at the mobs you're shooting or casting skills at your team. The only difference is the health bars move backwards and the names above your targets are green instead of red.

  13. I might have just had the dumbest PUG in history. And considering that PUGs aren't exactly known for their intelligence that's quite an accomplishment.


    Here's what happened. There were 2 guardian tanks, my commando healer and a scoundrel DPS trying to do a heroic 4. All but one of us were higher than the quest by 2 to 3 levels. Tank #2 was the same level as the quest. The operative never CCs anything. He tried a bit in the beginning, but after I decided I needed to herd the cats and mark targets he stopped for some reason. They didn't follow the marked targets on one single pull. Not one. I explained that star is the CC target and to not attack it or AOE near it, but to attack crosshair instead. I told them this three times, but apparently simple instructions I could follow when I was in preschool are just too much for them to comprehend.


    The group wiped 3 or 4 times to pulling agro at retarded times, like when 2 people are dead after the last mob group or when we're waiting for the fourth group member to show up.


    Despite having 2 tanks, me and the scoundrel had agro every pull. Every. Single. One. WITH TWO TANKS! Usually this agro lasted from the start of the fight until the mob on me was the last one left.


    I had to ragequit and go to the store so I didn't punch my monitor in a futile attempt to reach through it and strangle the other players. I think we wiped close to a dozen times. It had to be at least 8., but I lost count after a while. Has anyone ever had a PUG dumber than this or did these guys set some kind of new record? Share your pain. Talking about it will make you feel better.

  14. Going commando is also a slang term for going outside without any underwear on, its a play on words it was quite funny actually made me laugh! :p

    So how did they know he wasn't wearing underwear? Do our helmets have x-ray vision mode? If the guy was totally naked then that's not going commando, it's streaking. The "joke" made no sense.

  15. However those threads very quickly devolve into conversation which goes against the forum rules, so we try to stop it before it gets to that point.

    What is this, Minority Report?

  16. When I queue up as solo, I expect to verse other people who also queued up as solo...is that too much to ask? Why is it the system doesn't prioritize matching solo players with other players, and then purely solo teams with other solo teams? It just seems silly to me for an entirely solo team to be paired against a full premade.

    You do know that the MM in MMORPG stands for massively multiplayer, right? Get some friends and play with them, aspie. That's the whole point of this being an online game.

  17. It doesn't actually affect anything about a Trooper's effectiveness, but I do certainly agree that it's annoying since it's impossible to accurately tell whether you're close to dropping out of the max regen bracket at this point.

    You're contradicting yourself. Either it has no affect or it makes it so you can't tell you're about to lower your regen. You can't have it both ways.


    I'd report it as a bug in-game, honestly (more people should to get this fixed). Part of me thinks Bioware just, um, forgot to change the bar when they changed the resource system to 100pts.

    It won't help. There are bugs I've been reporting since beta that are still around, some of which are typos that would take literally 10 seconds to fix.

  18. So I'm just starting Corellia but earlier I had a Republic hearing about Senator Zain being a Traitor, I played around with conversation options and went full on dark side and killed him and insulted the senators for giggles but i didn't hit escape in time and now sadly I'm stuck with this decision in what was otherwise a complete LS trooper, General Garza said there will be consequences for what I did.


    So now I have to know what are the consequences? and Can I redeem this accident before my story ends?

    This is a Bioware game. None of your choices actually do anything.

  19. In general though, healing is terrible in the early levels. Tanks are squishy, there are huge pulls that 95% of all groups fail to manage properly, and all healers start out with rather mediocre healing spells.

    That goes for every role. DPS have to put up with tanks that don't keep agro and don't watch for adds enough. Tanks have to put up with people breaking CC and attacking other targets than the one the tank is on and getting agro that was easily avoidable, healers that can't heal very well yet, etc. Low levels suck for everyone.


    I can always tap into my own health reserves if I run out of energy, whereas the other two healer classes are severely punished for dipping into their energy reserves.

    I can't speak for smuggler healers, but commandos do have a skill to restore some of their ammo.

  20. Curiously, the Bounty Hunters version of this ability, named "Unload", DOES NOT behave like this. It deploys nearly instantly, and does not lose any ticks if you take any damage.

    Yes it does. I have a lv34 powertech and it definitely does lose a tick. That's why it's not on my bar anymore. I'm a tank so I'm pretty much always taking damage.


    Simple people are easily impressed by things such as shooting lightning out one's backside and near copyright infringement dragon rocket punches (I am quite tempted to simpy replace rocket punch's sound with "Shoryuken!"

    I actually really hate rocket punch. I mean, come on! I'm punching a giant droid? Seriously?! That should break my hand, not damage the droid.

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