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Posts posted by Nosdrahcir

  1. I've been getting the lag. It's definitely NOT my hardware or my connection, as I played the game on this same system since beta with no issues and can play other games online with a nice, smooth 50-70 ping. I can't say the game is "unplayable," though, really. It sucks dying because of lag sometimes but the game's still fun.
  2. I don't suppose all the whiners will go back to WoW now will they?


    I have said it before, let me say it again...This has been the best launch of an MMO ever. Maybe you are too young to know it, came into WoW after it had been around for four years, etc.


    BIOWARE! Just keep on keeping on please!


    Love and salvation to all : John 3:16




    This is true. WoW didn't even have as much awesomeness at launch as TOR does. People are so spoiled by their years-long experience with WoW that they dismiss anything else automatically which is just foolish.


    IMO, let them leave ASAP so the people that actually enjoy the game are all that's left, tired of the whiners.

  3. The changes in 1.2 put the final nail in the coffin for my subscription. You guys and gals dropped a bomb on Star Wars lore. With your inability to put appropriate Crystal Color solutions into place.


    Remove the LS / DS restrictions but, if only on the RP servers you should add restrictions that adhere to the traditions during this time period (Sith and blaster shooting classes use red only, etc).


    Ability to have a Bounty Hunter Force Choke someone is a joke as well. Why didn't you just unlock skills that don't give someone such a large Force advantage like that? Such as Imperial Agent unlocks a Stealth Generator skill. Or Jedi Consular can unlock your ability to rally your allies with a temporary buff.


    You decided the ability for a Trooper to Force Lightning was okay because his dad was a Pureblood Sith Inquisitor? Seems pretty far fetched.


    I really think your design team needs to do a better job of customer profiling and reviewing analytic data on your community of players.


    /disappointed :(


    THAT is why you're leaving? Cya!

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