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Posts posted by jasondietmeyer

  1. Just spent $20 on crime-lord packs, hoping to get the darth malgus hologram so I can use him to train abilities. All I got from $20 was companion gifts, a couple of ugly mounts, and some crafting materials. What a rip off.


    I have an idea. How about raising the chance of getting something VALUABLE when we spend real money on these packs? For $20 I should have gotten that Malgus holo, the white saber crystal I wanted, plus more. The extreme low drop rates of these good items is exactly what is causing me, and I'm sure many others, from ever buying another pack again until this is fixed.


    Also, please make some good looking saber crystals. It's practically impossible to find just a plain red or green or blue crystal that does +41 power/crit/etc. All the good ones are these dual-color crystals. 99% of them look terrible, to me at least. Can we get just a plain single color crystal for once?

  2. I found probably the most awesome look chest armor I've seen in a while recently: the Dire Warmaster's Body Armor. But wait, it's discontinued. Why? Well, so that instead of just paying a bit of money for it like before, now you have to spend a whole LOT of money on packs just to be able to get ACCESS to purchasing it, and then spend even MORE money to buy it.


    What it comes down to is that EA is forcing Bioware to make decisions that drive customers away, like releasing the game a year before it was ready, and like having the cartel market. EA is in it for a quick profit, and don't have the foresight to figure out that if they made the game AWESOME, they would make a whole lot more money in the long run, and gain respect to boot. Instead they've doomed Bioware to fail, which will cause lots of people to lose their jobs eventually when it goes broke, and they will continue on being the least respected company in America (two years running!). They will find another host to latch onto and bleed dry.

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