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Posts posted by Klasnewgate

  1. Which character is it you want added?


    His name's Sergath, just created it today, still level 5 Sith Inquisitor. Can it be done?


    EDIT: He's level 10 by now

  2. Hello there. I'm new in the server (and you could consider new in every single aspect of the game) and was wondering if I could join this guild. I'm very interested in it, to be honest.
  3. Hello and nice to meet you all guys and girls! I'm a new-not-so-new player and big fan of SW, as everyone here I believe.I am from Spain, so you'll have to tolerate some of the mistakes I could make when writting in english. Also, I said "not-so-new" because I've been playing SWTOR for a bit but this s my first serious attempt to play an MMORPG, so please have pacience lol

    Hope to see you around folks!

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