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Posts posted by Rangstaz

  1. Hey guys. Just to let you know I am currently selling my guild on imp side by the name of <Brotherhood>. The guild has 2 bank slots unlocked and a Guild Ship with alot worth of decorations. Willing to sell for a fair price. Private message Skalkoll on Republic side or Skálkoll on Imperials if interested or want further details :).
  2. It's pretty funny how everyone who gets but hurt from losing a 1v1 with a jug so they blame it on their class. Atm juggs are not OP. When you go check out top damage, biggest hit, damager per second in wz's etc. You never see jugs there. The only time we get on the top stats leaderboard is if you're a tank. All we can do now as dps is take more damage than any other damage class, but our damage is crap witch evens it out, this is pretty stupid though seeings we rely to much on our defensive abilities, if we 1v1 a sin, they stealth out during our main defences we're screwed; we have no damage to survive without our cds. Tbh i'm pretty pissed that we are getting a slight buff in our survivabilty which really does not make a huge difference in pvp, does help a bit but not that noticeable. If anything, jugs need a damage buff, maybe debuff our survivabilty a bit for it. Cause right at this moment it f**king sucks dueling healers. It's like putting a tank against a healer now, the odds of a good healer fighting a good jug and the jug winning is that slim now that it's stupid. I'm saying this from the point of view from someone who pvp's with a guardian, vanguard, operative and shadow. All fully pvp geared and i can say for a fact compared to these classes we are not op.
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