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Posts posted by jediraiser

  1. Purest form of snickerdoodle you can put in a game.

    PLEASE install a skip point: Those who wish to complete lethally boring filler missions, can do them if the want to. Dont force people who just wants the story to do these.

    I have *7* characters in the Interpreters retreat ATM.

    I am NOT doing HOURS of filler missions just to advance the story!

  2. 1 hour ago, Toraak said:

    I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of echoes either. I've done it on a few characters, but running through echoes always got me to stop on story for 99% of my characters. The emperor storyline by that point was old and worn out. Kind of like Malgus is currently. They both should have just stayed dead when we killed them originally. 

    I'd love to end the Malgus story too. And its CLEARLY going to be done by getting Malgus to JOIN your Alliance!

    Malgus ONLY craves for strength, NO MATTER where it comes from.

    And the Alliance embraces BOTH the strengths of the empire and the republic, hence the logo of both factions together.

    But the story after THAT, when Malgus joins your Alliance... Is anyones guess...

  3. 12 hours ago, MishaCantu said:

    Yeah, I agree, but I powered on through. It's not so bad with a stealth character, but it reminds me a lot of the old fetch and carry quests of other MMOs. Go find this, go find that, return to the quest giver, then do some more. Meh. 

    It's rather tedious but not difficult and I'd 1000 times more wish I could skip Echoes of Oblivion. I just don't have it in me to do that fight again. 

    Skip EOO???

    Thats propably the MOST Star Wars thing there ever was!

    The Emperor prior to the EOO was like Joker in the Arkham games.

    They feel boring without Joker the same way SWTOR feels lame without a "All-knowing, all-powerful tyrant hell-bent on annihaliting ALL life in existence to empower himself"

  4. soo... No ones gonna complain about the couple of ending cutscenes, how aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanti-climactic they were?


    Like how they put Satele to troll us by first saying that THIS is our "victory party" and theres only satele and your character in what looked like her camp on Odessen. And then saying that we destroyed the "most evil being in the galaxies history". No Episode 6 ending where the spirits of the dead would come to "party" with the others... No?

    No "Romantic Ending" if your JK an in romance with Kira, talking about all that theyve gone through, about the future etc... No?


    And the FUC*ING final cutscene. Lana, LANA *********** BENIKO, the ONLY one who even WASNT in ANY way part of the Echoes of Oblivion, comes to get you home, saying: Kira and Scourge had me pick you up from the hangar

    As in, they just left me there for Lana to pick me up and then they "went somewhere".


    No "Heroes welcome", no ACTUAL "Victory parade/party"(Episode 6 ending style), nothing... JUST nothing. -.-


    The most coolest and CRAAAZIEST part of game, "ending" to the story and the most anti-climactic ending ever...



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