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Posts posted by Revontal

  1. I've been trying to level up my level 60s to 70 so I can get cxp as soon as possible and I've found flashpoints give about a level or at least 75% of a level with an xp boost. And I'd just try to hit the overlapping or easy heroics like pubside alderaan, balmorra, coruscant and the starter planet.
  2. The commando merc adrenaline ability will take them to 75% or at least 65% health whereas our own only takes us to 35%. I honestly feel like vanguard/pt is a pretty sub-par tank in comparison to Guard/Jugg who have saber reflect, 40% damage reduction increase and that 25% shield along with the 12 stacks of hp on damage and their 40% hp boost.


    And what exactly is the point of trans-locate, it's rarely needed and you also juggle whether or not the other person might say "hey ***, why'd you do that"?

  3. Because there isn't a thread for male characters and we need one of those too. (If there is, forgive me I couldn't find it.)


    1 - Arcann /swoon


    2 - Malgus /Drool


    3 - That Zabrak Jedi from the cinematics, Satele's master(?)


    4 - Obi wan, from the 2000 movies.


    5 - Anakin Skywalker(Hayden Christensen)


    6 - Kylo Ren (in the movies only) Sue me.:rak_03:


    I think that was about it.:rak_06:



    1 - Yarael Poof /closethread

  4. The hyperspace jump. It seems like something that would be used more often given how powerful it is.

    Just wanted to point out that the hyperspace jump sort of broke star wars physics. It portrayed hyperspace as going really really really fast rather than it being an entirely different dimension, thus hyper "space." It also makes people from TOR to the OT look dumb because they never made "hyperspace kamikaze ships."

  5. It says when you use it you can change that setting he wants to know how and the “admin” is ok with it but he doesn't know how. Also it is kind of annoying on my computer. It says you can change this setting I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW.
  6. When starting swtor either I have to put in the password or be in the admin profile. Anyone know how to have it stop asking this? My friend and I have been having the problem but, unlike me he isn't the admin of his computer... In the sense the admin changes this setting not a hack or anything like that. Ok what I want to do is change the program's settings so anyone can access it AS THE ADMIN. I THE ADMIN WILL CHANGE IT BUT HOW.
  7. So I copied my (My own not a friends) “friends of swtor link” thingy on another browser on another device to see what it looked like... It said that the player who this link belongs(Me) to is no longer a subscriber. Is this a bug or something? I'm a subscriber with the six month plan. Will this affect the rewards program am I doing something wrong?
  8. Anyone want to help make a guild?

    Sith sorcerer Sàgë(ironic jedi sage not intended just a name from a book) lvl 20

    Väner jedi guardian lvl 35-39 I don't remember

    Sporr level 53 trooper

    I want to create a guild(s). The names won't be given out because "stealing names" is the best way to define it I suppose. Don't ask if it will be a heavy RP or PVP guild because most guilds are like that so it's Basiclly the basics...



    [dont know these letters ä à ë?]



    Letters= hold alt and press number combination then let go to gët thīś ør thät

  9. Ok when I log on to Swtor and my character list is displayed the one selected already (most recently played) is lowered about a foot. When I click another character their height is normal and then my recently played one is...



    Basiclly if your confused.


    Log on press play

    See character menu

    The auto selected character's head is near the middle of the screen (entire body is lowered)

    Click other character

    Everything is back to normal


    This always happens no matter which character I used last my gunslinger, vanguard, guardian, juggernaut, sorcerer...


    Is it my computer? Has it happend to everyone but they press the play button on their character to quickly? Will you be next? Stay tuned next week same battime same batchannel(old batman series thing) to find out! Will our heros die?


    Well, does anyone know anything?

  10. Just a question. Well I haven't focused much on reputation until I made my sith inquisitor. My only question is: does it affect all of your character you have and will make (Basiclly is it connected to legacy as in my trooper gets legend in section X is that only applied to him or all my characters in my legacy such as my inquisitor can purchase the rep gear or whatever?)


    Best way to earn rep is only dailies and heroics?


    Also what's the best way to PvP with a level 20 sith sorcerer?

  11. Is this a scare tactic to make us join REIGN. Because announcing this puts them in danger. Since there are more people in the world then there are in that guild? Couldn't we also go to ilum(2) if it is crowded with players


    And if one of them reads this they will most likely say we won't go down without a fight...

  12. Ok I'm trying to get a new good priced desktop that can play swtor any suggestions?



    Cheap as in around $1000>

    And a good ram...and all that good stuff


    Feel free to be 1 out of 100 people that stare at this and usually don't respond but if you are 1/100 that do respond what are your suggestions: Just a desktop no accessories maybe a new mouse but that's it.

  13. You could use armor mods to upgrade your armor increasing your stats. Which you can purchases at mod vendors. Implants and earpieces as well. You can buy all that gear at the elite, classic... gear vendors with whichever commendation is needed. If none of that works because you are maxed up then look for holocrons which are on all planets. They increase certain stats.Valor however is gained through PvP you can easily go to PvP by clicking the symbol of your faction(Republic since you are a Jedi) on your map. If you can't find it check your interface editor incase you deactivated it from showing. However not being a Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior player, I'm not sure about aim and cunning. However cunning increases tech damage and healing. Aim Increases critical hit and damage for Ranged weapons. So increasing cunning and aim shouldn't be nessesary.
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