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Posts posted by andywilsonght

  1. It all depends on your gear rating, and if you're using augments or not.


    If you are using augments, and have a rating of ~146+, Then go the high alacrity build.

    Otherwise, go with the low alacrity build. To reach the threshold without the high item rating/augments, you give up too much crit for it to be worth it.

    This is with full 248 and 236 augs.

  2. hey guys, I've been playing jugg for a while and see that there are 2 ways to gear your jugg up. there is with the high alacrity build and the low alacrity build. which one do you guys think will give you better results dps wise in pve? currently I have the low alacrity, but a few nights ago I was raiding and this jugg on my raid team was doing much higher dps than me with a high alacrity build on draxus nim. so what do you guys think?
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