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Posts posted by Blowwtorch

  1. There are certain animations such as the Powertech's Deadly Onslaught and Searing Wave where the character's weapon vanishes and then reappears.  With the three 'Balmorran Hand Cannon' models (Aurek, Besh, and Grek) the targeting laser will not turn on when the weapon reappears in the character's hand after the animation.  The only way to get the targeting laser to reappear is to holster and unholster the weapon, which is not possible if engaged in combat.

    On other weapons with targeting lasers such as the 'Artful Trickster's Heavy Blaster' if the weapon disappears during an attack then the laser will reappear when the weapon respawns, but the Balmorran models only will turn on the laser when the weapon is first drawn from its holster.

    Additionally it occurs if I have the pistols drawn then I loot an enemy.  When I stand up after the loot animation, the Artful Trickster's laser turns back on while the Balmorran pistols' lasers do not.

  2. Hi, when I play as an Assault Commando or a Plasmatech Vanguard, heavy use of the 'Incendiary Round' attack causes the entire environment to vanish.  Usually this occurs in interiors, but on certain planets, mostly Nar Shaddaa and Corellia, it can occur anywhere.  

    What happens is when I enter an area, everything is fine and I can usually engage a few enemies without issue.  After using Incendiary Round in several different fights, all of the graphics begin to disappear, leaving only the skybox and flame effects visible.  Disappearing objects include the terrain and all character models and weapons.  Sometimes moving the camera to different angles causes graphics to reappear for a short while before vanishing again when I move my camera or character.  

    If I play on either disciple in the same location but don't use Incendiary Round, this effect does not occur.  Additionally, it doesn't occur in exterior locations on most planets.  I can play as a Gunnery Commando or a Tactics Vanguard with no disappearing graphics, but if I want to play as an Assault Commando or Plasmatech Vanguard I must do so without using Incendiary Round or I won't be able to see.

    I have tried lowering my graphics to the lowest settings and this has had no effect.  My drivers are all current as well.

  3. I would see that as an unnecessary and very foolish inconvenience.

    What if different companions are using different dye modules in that piece?

    What if I want to display certain Stronghold companion decos wearing the same piece at the same time?

    I would want more than one copy of that gear, right?

    Just because you might be too impatient to wait until you get the pieces you want, doesn't mean the Devs need to waste resources to change the system.


    It's frustrating that there's no way to even work towards getting it. It's 100% luck. And besides, I'd rather not be able to dye a piece than not have said piece at all.

  4. My alts' companions?

    I think the current system is fine.


    You don't need separate ones for your alt's companions. You take it off the companion, mail it to the other character, equip it into your outfit slot, then send it back to your alt to equip to the companion.


    Today, I opened up 60 crates of the Smuggled Goods. I got 5 that I didn't yet have. 5. Every other item was a duplicate, some even of each other. That's 55 items I don't need out of 60. I opened up all of my Agent's crates and got 5 copies of the same Bounty Hunter helmet. Clearly the system is not fine.


    I want these gloves, but there is no way to even work towards them besides pray to the RNG gods for good luck then sit on my *** for a week before I even get another chance. How is that current system "fine?"


    This doesn't even make sense. It doesn't serve to make them any money, and it doesn't serve to extend play time. In fact, if I unsubscribe I can still do it, but in the time waiting between weeks, I'll probably find a new and better game to play. There's a reason people are leaving this game in droves, and unless these issues are fixed and make us feel like valued customers, this game WILL DIE.

  5. At 2 classes per box, 5 sets per class, 7 pieces per set, that's 70 armor pieces that are possible for each crate. Add in the planetary display decorations and Speeders and you have about 80 possible items for each type of crate. Giving you a 1 in 80 chance of getting what you want each time, with no way to heighten your odds, is stupid. I might open up 1000 crates and have several completed Underworld sets before I get my gloves for Arkanian.


    And there's no need for more than one copy per piece. You see, with them being bound on Legacy, and the outfit designer not requiring you to even have an item on your character, you need only one piece of each equipment and you can use it on every character in your legacy. There's no reason it should allow you to get 10 copies of one piece before getting one of another.

  6. I'd say a table that crosses one out every time you get it so you can't get it anymore on that one character- at least until you've got everything at least once, then it resets the table. Because I just opened up 20 more and didn't get a single item that I didn't already have.
  7. The concept of the Alliance Supply Crates and the Legacy Gear Shells for previous endgame armors is pretty cool, as some of those sets have some really cool parts. That said, getting them is an absolute nightmare. There's no prioritization for items you don't yet have, so if you're looking for a specific boots or gloves, good luck as you're just as likely to get a piece you already have.


    I've nearly completed every set of Smuggler and Bounty Hunter gear, and I opened up 20 Smuggled Goods hoping to get the Arkanian Bounty Hunter gloves this week. Of the 20 I got, 15 were duplicates of items I already had. And that doesn't count last week where I got more than 5 duplicates of several other armor pieces, and I still don't have the gloves I want.


    Can you please change your algorithm to prioritize armor you don't have yet, before giving you millions of copies of stuff you already do?



  8. There is also the armor of Darth Skotia (no shoulders) and Darth Tormen (hood up), and the Juggernaut Rakata Headpiece, all of which would look great on my Sith Marauder.


    I can't find any pictures, but I'd also love to see Major Travik's armor from Assault on Tython on the Republic Side. It's basically the Trooper Firebrand set with a small change in the helmet, and a cybernetic arm and leg.

  9. Well, along with the poor engine and seeing as how the developers try to make every little thing a way to grab as much cash out of the community as possible (dyes, bad looking in-game armor with only cartel stuff looking cool, many features requiring cash or an obscene amount of credits), I feel a lot of us would rather have a game that's helmed by developers who are allowed to care about making the game to be GOOD. There's so much potential being suppressed so that those greedy SOBs at EA can line their pockets.


    I feel Bioware could do fantastic but being ruled by EA, it's hopeless. Many people probably want this game to fail so a new and better Star Wars MMO not controlled and limited by EA can take its place.


    Let's just compare some things between SWTOR and it's predecessor, SWG, just to make the point clear.


    I know many things are optionally available on the GTN, but they all had to come from someone shelling out real money in the first place.


    Armor color-

    SWG- Craft or buy an armor paint kit with credits, then it allows you to choose any primary and secondary color per piece of armor. They have 9 uses each and are fairly cheap.

    SWTOR- Buy cartel packs with real cash and gamble what random set of predetermined color-combinations you might get. Many combinations are unavailable because the developers are trying to decide what combination of two colors they want to charge you cash for next.


    Speeder color-

    SWG- Craft or buy a vehicle customization kit with credits, that allows you to customize the color of your mount.

    SWTOR- Gamble on a cartel pack that may have a speeder with the color you like (if that model exists or if they're still waiting to sell it to us) and hope for the best.


    Character customization changes-

    SWG- find an entertainer in a cantina who allows you to choose any look you want on your character, using sliders. Free unless you decide to tip them with credits. I don't think you could change species, but many species were available at the start.

    SWTOR- choose from presets that charge you cartel coins exclusively. You can't even use credits.


    Armor Appearance-

    SWG- everything in the game was available through gameplay, aside from the subscriber rewards and some event exclusive items (very few.)

    SWTOR- most in-game items are ugly, and the growing cartel market has a huge amount of cooler items that someone has to pay real money for to make them exist.

  10. My main guy is a trooper and I make any decision based on what I feel is right, or what I want, or whether or not I like the person I'm dealing with.


    I take bribes and rewards and I help others do immoral or illegal things if it benefits me, and I spare people if I respect them and kill them if I don't like them. I make the pragmatic choice in many situations, like using a superweapon to destroy the Empire even at the cost of a planet, taking a prototype cannon even though it means leaving other copies for pirates to use, and even let the World Razer free on Belsavis in exchange for more powerful tools (not knowing the reward would just be green quality level 47 gloves.)



    I'm one of the people who on that Objective A-77 mission chose to save Sgt. Jaxo just because M1-4X said her equipment and training was more expensive than that of all the other 300 prisoners combined.


  11. I'd love a new Fire Pulse animation for Vanguards, cause that one's extremely underwhelming. However I also think it would be cool if they let us actually choose whether to use the old or new ability animations added in 3.0, such as project vs. psychokinetic blast, boltstorm vs. full auto, ion pulse vs. tactical surge, etc.
  12. 1 solution = WORD FILTER

    when some1 says a word that we dont like to watch, we add it to our ignore word list

    so the cred seller says '' cheap creds at http://www.cheapcreds.com only 4$'' we can add the cheapcreds.com as an ignore word.


    then they only mail us, which is the hard part for solution


    Nice idea. Also, you could add a world filter for mail as well if possible, because I'm getting annoyed of getting mails from these guys.

  13. That chest piece is actually in game. Available to both Republic and Empire characters.


    They're purple level 53 drops. You can get them through the 156 cases in the Czerka Weekly, for example.

    It's green, though.


    No, it's not in the game. It lacks any form of shoulder armor. I want the version with the shoulders.




    That's not going to happen because Bioware makes most of the money off of this game from Cartel Market Sales rather than actual subscriptions. So Custom Armor would cripple the sales for them. Mind you I like this idea, but lets look at reality here.


    Well, if they charged a fair amount for it they'd still get revenue.

    I still wish they'd at least allow us to choose and combine various parts from various armor sets to make pieces that suit our tastes rather than being stuck with the arbitrary designs that they chose. Maybe they could at least do this but not allow us to use Cartel Market pieces.

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