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Posts posted by WeaponsOfWar

  1. So, as most of you have seen by now, PvP ranks pretty low on the Development calendar.




    Someone had posted some information from a summit, not going to look for said thread, but the gist of what he got from that was that the PvP aspect would see an update "shortly" after 2.0's big release. As you can see, 2.4 is not exactly "shortly" after...and has put a huge rift between PvP types and whatever Producer decides what updates go in where.


    So...thoughts on their current timeline?


    PvP in this game has no future. Either you like what pvp currently is and you continue playing , or you unsub. Because its obvious like pistols said, the devs don't care about pvp and its pvp player base at all.


    So what, we have to wait for Season 1 Rated PvP in october? NO SHOT. They likely will do their 2.4 update in october (or november at the rate the devs push stuff back) and then they will let everyone get used to the new system, and then come out with rated pvp season 1, 2 patches after 2.4 likely. So yeah.


    Even IF...EVEN IF update 2.4 brought:

    - Rated pvp season 1

    - cross server queues

    - scrimmage warzones for practice

    - 4v4 arena's

    - <insert another dream pvp update>


    ........would it be worth waiting another 5 months for? The devs have never done any good pvp updates in this game. The carrot on the stick is just there so you can continue paying a subscription and funding their PVE updates.

  2. Better question is how many pvp'rs will stick around till 2.4. playing the same 5 WZs and trying to figure out what pve gear they should wear in pvp.


    THIS. Its been rated preseason for over a year, and by the time they (presumably) release it in October or so with 2.4 it will have been a year and a half. And my guess is, update 2.4 won't even bring season 1 of rateds. They likely will change the pvp with that update, and then wait another 2 updates until everyone gets used to it before they actually implement season 1.


    Obviously the devs don't care about the pvp player base at all. In fact they care about us so little, that they probably don't even care about all the subs they are going to lose over this. I already know people who unsubdued after reading this new news.


    There is no hope for pvp in this game, at all. If you like what it is at the moment, by all means continue playing. But if you are hoping that there are going to be new warzones, or rated seasons, or pvp updates......better to unsub now. Bioware is only holding the carrot on the stick in front of your face so they can keep your subsciption money for another 6 months to help fund their future PVE updates.

  3. I think you're also overlooking another fact that is preventing you from killing people. And that is this game has a lot of taunts and guards. Which really will kill your (especially spike) DPS.


    Just saying, maybe the problem isn't just the healers.

  4. Well commando healer is still the worst of the 3 healing classes...still. So i'm not sure 'nerfing heals' will help their case any. I can say as a sage player, the "instant salvation" was pretty unnecessary. Sure it comes with the price of extreme action management, but i think its part of the problem that you're talking about. Along with smuggler not really needing to manage upper hands anymore now that they have new ways of acquiring them, coupled with their new insane survivability/escape-ability.


    Which brings me to commando's OP healing ability. They got a min-salvation HoT on their bacta grenade (which the grenade itself became innate to dps mandos too), and Hold-The-Line. The least optimal survive/escapability of all the healing classes. So yeah.


    I can't say I want healing nerfed, because like I said, it will only make commando less desirable for rated high end healing. But I could see why there is a complaint about healing being out of control in this game.


    I've seen a few high end rated matches now where the top dps slots are at like 1.5mil or 1.7mil, and the healers are at 3.3mil and 2.5mil. So at first glance, it does seem like in high end battles, the damage is being outhealed easily.


    Even in reg matches that I do, good healers will usually put up higher stats than the good dpsers.

  5. Well i've only played 1 other MMO for an extended period of time, and that was the BETTER star wars MMO....Star Wars: Galaxies. I've tested and played for 30-60days on a few others, but they weren't my thing so i can't list them. I think my list would look like this:


    #1. Star Wars Galaxies.

    #2. Star Wars Galaxies Emulator.

    #3. ...an MMO i haven't played yet

    #4. ...an MMO I haven't played yet

    #5. maybe SWTOR.

  6. I think its a really cheesy game mechanic. But yes we all do it. It is -standard- for Rated PvP warzones.


    I wish warzones would prevent the respec of talent trees, so it was an ACTUAL skilled group comp vs another, instead of a lame game mechanic of gear swapping and spec switching. But it is what it is.

  7. I formed an 8man pug republic team on monday night and we did i think 8 warzones total. Got stomped in a few, and won in a few. Towards the end of the night HVND wanted to queue up against us. We queue synced and got into a few matches together. I informed them however that if we DONT get them in a rated match, my team and i are still taking the queue. I would rather get stomped a 4th time in a row than to leave a team hanging and bail on the fight.


    That said, 1 match that we synced with them, this happened. I think we ended up going against <UBIQUE> (in a huttball for the 4th time in a row) while HVND dodged the queue against <I AM LEGEND>.


    Now to be fair, I dont think they should have done that. However, I get the fact that they think/know they aren't as good as the imperial rated teams on the server, and feel there is NO point in getting stomped over and over and over. Because of the lack of match making system, it IS hard to even have a learning curve when the teams are THAT much better than you. Been there, done that, have the rating to prove it myself haha.


    I think it sucks, they really shouldn't queue-dodge, but in the other hand, I can't say I blame them really. Its not like they are going around proclaiming they are the best guild on the server or anything. They just want to queue and have fun. I respect that. Sucsk for the 8 guys they left sitting in the queue/match for 15minutes, but blame bioware for a HORRIFIC match making system, tbh.


    - The artist formally known as Soulcaster

  8. WTB rated welfare program for mercs/commandos


    Hey I took a commando with us when I pugged some rateds on monday night! I will be forming up more republic pugs who are interested in doing rateds when I return to the game! (hopefully in a week, because my account is banned over this ''economic <word we can't use on the forums" extravaganza.


    Register on my forums, in my sig, if you're interested in join in on the republic pug rateds! That goes for everyone.

  9. what did you do


    The same thing that the other 100+ people did to get banned yesterday.....I have no idea. Bioware isn't saying anything other than people ''exploited the economy''. It has something to do with duping the collection's items and I think transferring color crystals through legacy gear to other characters (circumventing their cartel market coin purchasing). But no one knows for sure, and bioware is deleting threads like crazy if anyone asks why people are banned.


    Others who said they don't even have legacy gear, were banned as well. So no one really knows what the deal is. From what I understand, this ''exploit'' still exists, and they don't have a fix for it, which is why they aren't telling people about it.

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