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Posts posted by Furqan_Amjad

  1. I do believe they're Bind to Legacy, unless something changed recently?

    If so, I hope that means they'll be re-releasing them, so we can give them to our guilds.

    It's a shame we can't have fireworks and other celebratory items at our guild strongholds.


    Hi, these ones aren't bound :) Since i got them years ago. i can assure you, these are tradable as i've been selling them to players all week.

  2. I have multiples of:

    3rd Anniversary fireworks launcher ( decoration ) 15m each

    3rd Anniversary memorials 10m each

    And all 8 of the Art: 3rd Anniversary celebration - Dromund Kaas, Korriban, Nar Shadda, Rishi, Tatooine, tython, Coruscant ( 1m per art piece )

    You cannot obtain these anymore, hence the prices. In today's economy, i believe I'm being reasonable :)

    message me on forums if interested, and we can arrange the trade time :)



    Got a lot of PM's and posts about this, no they are not bond. However the new anniversary decorations are.

  3. Apparently i was on my flagship... noticed my titan 6 decorations were a little out of order... so i pick them up... and what happens is i couldnt put them back....


    After some time... i notice that the hook size on the titan 6 decorations changed from Medium/large hook to Centrepeice only.....Same happened to many other decorations from Hm bosses.



    Please change them back so my flagship looks as cool as before... :mad:

  4. Hey. When the outfit designer came out, i was really hopeing to see an option to change the look of my legacy mainhand and offhand to something less ugly without having to strip it of the mods / enchancement / barrels and re-augment the peices. Why not just add an option similar to how the outfit designer works, like i can change the look of my ugly Kingpin pistol to something like my Fortitude blaster. Even if this option was an unlock for legacy with cartel coins i would spend on it.


    Anyways. Just thought i get this around as t seemed to be an easier solution to gearing and stuff for a new weapon look :rak_03:

  5. Hello, :sy_darkside:


    I like the new stuff you guys are adding, but there is one suggestion id like to make :D

    I would like to suggest that you guys add a cape option for players, There are alot of armour sets that would look great with capes, and so adding in a cape option would be a really good idea, for rpers and pvpers. (( i mean a cape slot for the equiptment ) And another thing id like to suggest is putting in a hood up/down option

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