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Posts posted by Mersipan

  1. I've now been in this guild for almost 5 months. It's a great place with something for everyone. Currently we have weekly RP events, progression teams doing Ops multiple times a week, GSF runs, FPs, and more. Just about anything people want to do to have fun in the game, we do it. Come join us and have fun being a Mando! Oya!


    -Rook Penumbra

  2. We just finished a fantastic month in May of guild stories lead by a different Sphere each week: starting with our allies, we took out a Hutt and their cronies on Voss. Next we moved to our Intelligence sphere, where they lead a mission to track down a traitorous slicer working for a new syndicate. We also hit Nar Shaddaa factories led by our Mando Enclave, Hutta criminals with our Academy sphere, and more.


    If this sounds like fun, come join us!

  3. The Empire Needs YOU


    Join the Twilight Resurgence*. We're an RP guild (that does Conquest and PvE) with an overarching guild storyline and smaller stories that include different spheres of influence for your character to join:


    -Sith Academy, which deals with lore and artifact retrieval;

    -Military, our frontline fighters and medics;

    -The Enclave, our Mandalorians;

    -The Underdark, our reallocation specialists (crime DOES pay, occasionally);

    -Law and Justice, our justiciars and magistrates;

    -Intelligence, our watchers, operatives, and fixers;

    -The Inquisitors, our heretic-hunters;

    -and the Vicarium Guard, our bodyguards and shadowy agents behind the scenes.


    Our Story: The guild storyline takes place after the events of Onslaught. With the Empire poised to strike out against its enemies, the Empress has decreed that the Twilight Resurgence, a secret military organization of the most elite Imperial troops, Sith and Warriors, destroy all those who oppose the Empire. Under the leadership of the Empress' Wrath, Hand, and Voice, the Empire is once again striving to be more unified to defeat their enemies!


    Who We're Looking For: Storytellers, friends, and co-conspirators who want to develop their own character's stories as well as add to the guild's. Leadership opportunities available. Whisper Mugak, Sawilla, Xynedra, Audria Jar'kyn, Zagrin, or Amora in game for more information and/or an invite, and check out our SWTOR Fan Community page.



    Glory to the Empire!





    *No vampires. Sorry.

  4. I second this request. Zayneil was one of the lights of our guild, always welcoming, always funny. The Rodian mayo sandwiches (shipped fresh from Nar Shaddaa!) were probably what he was best known for and as Rhayel noted, he would make a point of offering them at every event. They were a fantastic icebreaker, especially for new folks.


    He would have been thrilled to see something this fun in game.

  5. Name of Event: The Smugglers' Ball

    Name of Host: The Thirteenth Legion

    Faction: Both

    Date: October 6, 2012

    Time: 10pm server

    Location: Nar Shaddaa, Lower Promenade, northern party barge

    Type of RP event: RP shindig

    Additional Information (Background of RP or rules of event):


    ((Even though this is called the Smuggler's Ball, you do not have to be a Smuggler to come! Anyone is welcome - it's up to you how you received such an invitation. The write up is below. Please contact Ismene on Republic side or Noor on Imperial side for questions. ))


    It used to be that once in a rare conjunction, when the currents of trade and the balance of credits earned to credits owed were just right, a rare kind of gathering occurred directly under the noses of those it would piss off most. Called the Smugglers' Ball, it was the party to end all parties: where old scores were settled, trade routes claimed or lost, and new alliances were formed - sometimes for just the night.


    If you asked an older Captain about the Smugglers' Ball, they might smile a little knowingly. They might claim that it never existed, that such a thing was a legend. And certainly no such thing has happened in recent memory.


    The rumors are beginning to pick up, though. Tantalizingly familiar markings are beginning to show up in known locations, each hinting that a gathering is imminent. Cantina chatter is picking up, and the old-timers are getting a certain gleam in their eye, like they know which way the stellar drift is flowing.


    And then late one night, this datapad invitation appears:


    The Ball Commences

    Nar Shaddaa * October 6, 10pm

    Northern party barge, Lower Promenade


    If you are receiving this message, you are vouched for and invited.

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