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Posts posted by Ackrin

  1. Sorry for not clarifying. The idea is that you and your freinds go through a branching three part mini story. I would think requirements wouldm need to be in a guild or have more than four freinds. I cut out the getting paired up with strangers because it wouldn't really work out. The story's would be spaced meaning each part is released separate, but if it's a paid expansion instead of free then you would pay once instead of paying for each story. Even though I cut out the old problem I have a new one. If your group wants to split up after the first story, wouldn't that screw up the whole branching story idea? I need help with that part. So how's the idea, I don't think I left It out this time.;)
  2. Ok, so evrey Star Wars fan loves the original trilogy. So I was thinking as end game content to be paired up with four

    people, one per class (only one trooper, one smuggler, ext.). The republic would have there own story and imperials would have there story. But my idea has a very big flaw. How will you play with these people through a story if every body plays at different times. You can't really get paired up with different players every time because it would take people out of the feeling of having a team. It could work if they were your friends, but wouldn't really work with strangers. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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