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Posts posted by Maudril

  1. I have a purple crystal I use just for deception tbh. Once I get two good mainhand weapons, I'm gonna be able to save a few creds every time I switch between Hatred and Deception
  2. In my opinion that is what Raging Burst should have been.


    I big bolt of Force Lightning.


    It would make sense for one spec to have it, since only one spec of sin has a saber throw (of sorts, deception sin)


    But there is the argument that Inquis should have lightning warriors shouldn't because Palpatine and stuff.


    Well, Inquisitors (or one spec of them) have a saber throw and a gap closer, why should not 1 spec of Warrior have lightning of any kind?

  3. I kind of liked the Ball Lightning animation at first, especially when it fully procs discharge.

    Lightning! :D


    However, you're right. Twirling the lightsaber to cast a ball of energy is... stupid, really.


    What's also stupid is that of the 4 spec abilities, Deception/Infiltration only gets one new move out of it.

    But it gets not one, but two animation replacers... accomplishes the same stuff, different anim.

    I don't begrudge VS/CS, I like that.


    I think Ball Lightning should be replaced by a new melee attack, and sins/shadows should keep shock/project.


    Deception really should be the spec where the sin/shadow shows of his/her skill with her double-bladed lightsaber, and I think Bioware needs to put a little more thought into designing the spec to do just that.

  4. I sort of like how they set it up now, for the most part.


    Darkness is a pretty even split between melee and force attacks.

    Deception leans more heavily on melee attacks (It should have another melee attack, either rotational or semi-rotational. Why does Deception need two freaking animation replacers instead of two new moves? TF?)

    Hatred leans towards caster with some saber moves (I tend to think "Darth Zannah" when using Hatred. Nimian form, and heavy on force attacks, I love it... I just kind of want Force Lightning to be semi-rotational)


    I think the solution here is to remove ball lightning and replace it with a melee attack of some kind, and let Deception sins keep shock


    Darkness gets 3 new moves, 1 anim replacer

    Deception gets 1 new move, 2 anim replacers, 1 stance.

    Hatred gets 3 new moves, 1 anim replacer


    Biower pls

  5. biower pls nurf operatives.

    I wuz in an unranked wz as a vengy jugg, I tried to kill an operative healer, then suddenly 4 operatives break out of stealth and used snipe on me in a firing-squad fashion and gunned me down.


    5 operatives shouldnt kill one vengy jug


    pls nurf opratives biower

  6. I'm an avid PVE'er, and I got into PVP a couple of weeks ago with my cousin, who is also a very avid PVE player.

    Thanks to the new gearing, we were able to gear in a couple of days completely (204's, we are in it for the decos). We are crafters, and our google-fu is strong so we managed to ballpark optimal PVP stat balance for our classes, SinTanking and SorcHealing respectively.


    I know how to play most specs in the game, where they are strong (Rage has great burst damage, Vengeance is better for singletarget sustained, etc), knowing this in particular was a must to be a competent tank in PVE. This translated well, as I know when I see a Deception assassin opening on someone to guard his target and taunt him, that sort of thing.


    Many of the basic principles of PVE apply to PVP. Learn the mechanics and adopt play accordingly, interrupt heavy hitters when possible, know your spec and your teammate's specs, take out squishies first to cut enemy DPS, protect your squishies, etc.

    The only things that really change is adapting your mindset to your new enemies, use more stuns and CC's and learn the resolve system(in PVE I find myself looking for a Resolve bar before I throw out a stun >.>).


    You are likely just complaining about bad players, which typically just plague PVE aspects of the game.

    I got news for ya, buddy. The Average IQ is 100, there are *many* *many* people that drag that down.

    The more people you encounter, the more likely you are to come across more people in the double digits.


    I am a good PVE player, and a rather intelligent person who knows how to play this game, thus I became a good PVP player (relatively speaking), in the regs at least, once I got used to it. I played around 8 matches today, topped the scoreboard in all 8 of them (even those in which our team pretty lost(Sintank in tank gear, I don't skank it)) and my cousin had around 2.5 mil heals in his worst match today.


    I am not going to try ranked, that area is for people more dedicated to PVP than I am. There you are relatively safe from the unwilling and the mentally disadvantaged.


    Don't be fooled. You aren't peeved about PVE players in your reg matches (You want to be on my team 9 times out of 10) you are peeved about bad players in your regs. Bad players are not confined to PVE or PVP.


    My PVP actually helped in Illum today. My cousin and I were doing the Gree event, and they had a relatively small gank team out of 4 DPS players and a tank. They came across myself and my cousin, went for the gank, and found themselves killed after a long fight (CC heavy utilities FTW)


    Anywhoo, point is, PVE Players are not your problem, double digit IQ's are.

  7. I noticed someone recently was wearing the Malgus set and the hood was really low, and it looked awesome... he was a body type 3 male Zabrak.

    Checked on my body type 3 male Human and it fit... it actually fit well!

    Checked on bod type 3 female, no luck. *No* female body type works with the Malgus hood. I checked 1, 2, 3, and 4. They are all too high and make the toon look like cancer patients :(


    PLEASE fix that! I switched to body type 3 on my jug simply so Malgus' set would not look retarted on him, but I have no such option for my female sintank... :(

  8. Love the Darth Malgus armor, but it has one flaw IMO.

    The hood is too high, shows the forehead easily above the hairline, and therefore looks terrible especially on female characters.

    Please lower the hood, like how the hoods look on the stock armor please? I really want to like the armor, but the fact that it makes my female characters look like cancer patients bugs the junk out of me! :(

  9. Seriously? Not titles for the fresh level 60's?


    I am in an RP server, and I wanted a healer besides Scoundrel pubside. I can't stand the thought of leveling a Commando because big stupid cannon, and not a Sage because I already played through the Consular storyline as a LS shadow (DS sage makes little sense, can't reconcile gameplay with story in that way), plus I don't like the Sage's abilities DPS wise.


    So I used my level 60 token to make a Sage, but no titles! :((


    I would like to have the titles for the new level 60 if you already played through the storyline. You know what happens in the storyline, at least to some degree, if you played through the class quest once, therefore you know the context of the titles, you did the legwork once, why not have the titles on another toon?


    Please consider this, I want my very jedi-like Sage to have a "Master" title, or even "Jedi"!

  10. Sounds like you're just bad.


    Respond to a question with ad himinem. Classy.

    I asked in an inoffensive manner if you have been shut down more frequently since the changes, responding with an insult was merely rude and unwarranted.

    I am going to ask another question of you. In your response, please read over before you post it and delete any schoolyard insults before hitting "submit".


    You seem to have misunderstood my question. I asked if people save any CC's/knockbacks for Gore windows in ranked?

    I don't play ranked, so I technically am "bad" in the sense you speak of. However, that does not change my question and the validity of said question.



    I do know that in the few times I played unranked recently ( School! D: ), if I am DPS, I do my best to isolate and engage in Carnage marauders in one-on-one. They are easy targets, even if they have a real fast finger on their release, I have taken one move out of their gore window... they also only have it once. Unless they have resolve in their bar from before, they have no choice but to let me foil 2/3 gore windows.


    I can see why that would not transition into ranked, if it doesn't. In ranked perhaps it would not be wise to focus on the Carnage Mara closely enough to identify gore windows and anticipate their rotation. It appears to be a question of degree though, so I could not be sure without going into ranked myself.

  11. Yes, because spending a fight staring at one's personal buff bar to ID two tiny icons is the penultimate indicator of l33tness :rolleyes:


    You appear to be confused. In this threat we are talking about old *Combat*, not *Vigilance*. Please go to the Guardian message board if you wanna talk about old Vigilance.


    Largely the same. We've lost the double PS windows, but now we have OA on demand and BS comes off CD 1.5 seconds before PS. That gives you about 5 seconds between windows to keep your Cauterize dot going while you make sure you have the right amount of focus and an OA proc for the next PS window.


    And this is why I now gun for Ataru form in PVP. I gun for them because I know Exactly when their next PS is gonna pop, and I'll be happy to interrupt them all and shut him/her down completely.

    yay for static rotiations, they made combat even easier to shut down!


    Blade Rush in between PS windows anyway, let alone Dispatch Sub 30 as well.


    I always tried to line up a PS window with when MS goes off cooldown if I could also line up a zen. If not, sometimes MS just stayed off CD for a while

  12. You didn't already? Its not like you can't just look at the buff bar or anything. :rolleyes:


    I did, its just easier this time.


    I know when its gonna come by, the only variance would really be to push it back... which doesnt happen if said mara is panicking a little bit.


    I can get a feel for it, and once I interrupt it, I know its not gonna come again for around for another 7 GCD's or so. No resets to worry about.


    Carnage was too easy to shut down? Well the devs just made it easier, and its a "buff".

  13. Hard to say, Snipers are designed to be quite polarized in their usefulness. They seem to be prone to be useless in some situations, and godly in others.


    Where the specs may be lacking is too many useless situations and not enough useful, idk. I don't intend to make a sniper anytime soon, hand enough trouble using a merc, too boring.

  14. The fact that yolo and normals have minimum 2 juggs who heal 140k is a wake up call for the devs


    I wonder how the PVP community would react if damage mitigated was a number that showed up on the scoreboard.


    I wonder what those who think ED is OP think of the Shadow/Assassin tank buff. Are you people the same people that believe DR in the place of selfhealing was a nerf for PVP?

  15. Carnage is back to the way it was pre 2.0, the way it should have always been. The redesign in 2.0 should have never happened. The spec is way better now and I no longer have a headache pvping with a spec that I loved pre 2.0 and wanted to love in 2.0 but couldn't stand the low proc rates.


    So uh, bye!


    Do tell me how the counterplay works out, I am actually interested.

    Its by all means easier, and one of the biggest complaints behind carnage already. I imagine you will get countered more often in ranked, more people know the spec.


    New Carnage is crazy. Reminds me of the old carnage but very powerful. Global in PVP is nuts....that is all.



    You could not do that before?

  16. You didn't stun them or anticipate the Gore windows already? How has changing when the occur make them any less predictable? The only change is that you cannot miss a Gore/PS window.


    The change is that I know exactly when it is coming. As the user, I do not have to pay as close attention to my procs, resources and such that were in some cases out of my control to an extent.

    Now that carnage has been streamlined to have a static rotation, what they are going to do and when is SO much more predictable now.


    You know your next gore window is gonna be in 10.5 seconds? Congrats, so do I, and I will have a stun ready for it.

    Making the rotation consistent makes the rotation predictable, and makes counterplay a lot easier. Before, that Gore+ForceScream could come almost at any moment. Now I know it will come basically as soon as the marauder has the resources in its opener, my saber reflect will be ready.

    After that Gore+FS that I reflected back at the marauder, the next gore will be in about 7 GCD's, give or take one or two. I will be watching.


    The point is that this "buff" made counterplay against carnage easier. As soon as the ranked community finds out about this, I believe we will find that Raansu and JediMasterSLC are not as fond with Carnage in its 2.10 iteration as they thought.

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