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Posts posted by Vizantir

  1. Couple of things I noticed when looking at your log. First up, there's far too much time between rail shots, even when there are only 4 GCDs between usages. The most important thing to do with Pyro is make sure you proc and use rail shot as close to once every 6 seconds as possible. To do this, you can follow one of 2 sequences; any one of Incendiary Missile / Thermal Detonator / Electro Net / Fusion Missile ( with TSO) / Power Shot / Rapid Shot followed by 2 Power Shots OR Unload followed by 1 Power Shot. Either of these will have a near-guaranteed chance of proccing PPA.


    Your APM is really low in general - do you use the ability queue at all (Preferences -> Controls)? It should be set to 1.0s so you can queue up Power Shots in advance. Or maybe you play with a lot of server lag?


    I never saw the point in opening with FM + TSO either as it just seems like a waste of heat venting. Between that and your next GCD you go from 0 heat to ... 0 heat. You lose out on ~8 heat from the natural heat venting over the GCD which seems fairly pointless to me.


    Thanks for your input. I checked the ability queue settings and it's 1.0. I do have connection lag as the network I play on (university) gets fairly congested quite often, however it's not that much (ping varies between 19ms and ~160ms).


    I'll probably just give up on trying to do DPS on my Merc and go back to healing. Never been all that great at DPS (except Marauder and Sorc) anyway, better at tanking and healing.


    Edit: Yea I give up.http://www.torparse.com/a/700156/2/0/Damage+Dealt


    Back to healing I go. Thank you very much for trying though.

  2. Thanks for your advice. I did look at your parse and looked over your rotation.


    I think a part of the problem is that I get a little paranoid about heat consumption, but then I still overheat. Now if only to win some rolls for the other 2 set bonus items I need.


    With that in mind, I guess the only other thing for me to do is keep practicing.


    Edit: New parse with opener suggested above. Along with Unload suggested by a guildmate. http://www.torparse.com/a/699805/1/0/Damage+Dealt


    Still not good enough.

  3. Hello fellow Mercs.


    As my Merc may be used as a DPS for another new progression team, I've been at the dummy practicing rotations for Pyrotech (Don't like Arsenal)


    However I'm having some major problems with heat management and such, as it shows in the parse link I have below.


    My Merc is in full 180's with a 2 piece set bonus (trying to get 4). 180 mainhand as well. Fully augmented with purple Aim augments.




    The decline in the DPS beginning at ~115 seconds is due to overheating.

  4. Annihilation is getting a very substantial buff come 2.8 and it's more user-friendly with leveling. Carnage is inferior until you reach level 45 (Massacre) and it requires more of an investment into learning and micromanaging procs and your rotation.


    Annihilation offers higher sustained DPS over Carnage, but it has little burst for the situations that need it. Carnage's burst is pretty much second to none, whereas Annihilation just has Annihilate.


    A good chunk of your DPS will come from the bleeds you put on your target, along with skills like Annihilate (cooldown decreases every time you use it), and Ravage. The rest comes from filler.


    For Annihilation, you will want to have your crit rating at ~100 for higher crit chances from your bleeds. Any more than that is a waste. Once you hit 100, you will want to focus the rest of your stats into Accuracy (get melee accuracy to 100%), Surge (72-74%), and the rest in power.


    If you choose to go Carnage, do not invest anything into your crit rating, and just go all power.


    For either build, *never* use Alacrity.


    As for crew skills, it all boils down to what you want to do. I advise you to stay away from Armstech/Armormech, as they don't make anything relevant to your class and your companions receive no major crafting bonuses for them.


    My personal recommendation is Synthweaving. Reasons are as follows:




    receives a +5 Critical bonus to Synthweaving.


    For Synthweaving, you don't *have* to only make armor. Synthweaving is IMO much more useful for making Augmentation Kits and Augments (Might/Resolve/Redoubt). To that end, you may want to go Synthweaving/Archaeology/Slicing. Slicing will get you the materials needed for high end augments that are required for end game gearing.

  5. Few things to consider:

    - You're wearing 168 gear. While perfectly acceptable for tanking a hm fp, you will most likely meet people in 180 gear

    - It's Mando Raiders:

    1st Boss you hold aggro on the boss, dogs are not your concern. You will loose aggro everytime he stuns you, thats normal.

    2nd one is 4 guys to keep on you - takes a bit of practise if dps isn't focussing on one

    Last one: Again - multiple targets.


    I've tanked Mando Raiders more times than I can count, however I was running it on my PT with the dps being in a mix of 156/162 gear.


    @Everyone else who posted: Thanks for your advice. I guess I need to remap a lot of my skills to make it more fluid.

  6. Hello readers.


    I recently got my powertech to 55 (finally) and geared her in 168 gear. Unfortunately I have a glaring problem...


    I just ran Mandalorian Raiders and I seem to not be able to hold aggro on anything without being forced to blow taunts and overheat trying to take aggro back. I use rocket punch and rail shot on CD's and flame sweep/thrower when I receive their procs (Flame Engine and Flame Surge).


    I'm due to tank a guild Dread Fortress SM alt quest run tonight on my PT too... and at this progress, it won't go so well.


    I tank Hard/Nightmare mode content on my assassin and other raids on my Jugg, and I don't have any trouble with that.


    Advice anyone?

  7. Simple answer - to force you in PvP.

    At the time Oboroan got in game PvP queues was again going longer... so they decided to force PvE players into PvP if they want to min max relics.

    They ever screwed tanks further - no Reactive warding UW relic even exist.


    Player base seems to accept it ... otherwise simple solution from PvE point of view would be to enter WZs just to ruin it until they correct UW / DF relics and implants drop, put UW Reactive warding in game and tune UW stats to be closer to Oboroan ... or simply make PvP relics not usable in PvE as PvE relics doesn't work in PvP.


    I actually enjoy PVP... not in this game though.


    I'm not advocating for the nerf of Obroan relics, just saying that the PVE (Arkanian/UW) relics should be improved to more closely match them.


    It all comes down to laziness on Bioware's part. They would rather pump out reskinned versions of Cartel Market crap than actually improve the PVP in this game to make it more enjoyable and diverse. Like many other MMOs.

  8. To whom it may concern.


    I would like to find out what the intention was for the Obroan FR relic to boost mainstat by 625 points whereas Arkanian/Underworld only boost it by a pittance compared to it.


    This is probably the first MMO I've ever played where a PVP item is considered better than raid-quality items of the same category.


    I am not including the Dread Forged relics for obvious reasons.


    My suggestions on fixes.


    Arkanian version boosts main stat by 300-400, Underworld version boosts by ~500-530.


    *puts on flame suit*


    Twileks have 2 lekku and they work JUST FINE.

    so that is NOT EVEN true.

    you are clearly NOT a programmer. I am.


    According to your so-called "credentials" earlier in this thread, you aren't a programmer. It's just a hobby for you.


    I'm not a programmer either, but at least I have an idea of what goes on. You seem to not have any grasp of reality either... It takes time and money to do the things you want them to do.

  10. Or perhaps an advanced class that can spec into healing or tanking. That idea would be difficult to implement properly though, because a class that can tank, heal, and DPS would need it's own special niche or people would whine that it is too versatile.


    There's already a class like that in another MMO (not talking about WoW)


    Captains in LOTRO can heal or offtank, along with providing excellent buffs to the group/raid. However, the tradeoff is atrocious DPS (worst in the game by far). It would be quite feasible, perhaps as SWTOR's first actual support class/AC.


    Just my 2 credits.

  11. As I only tank on my assassin, I am upset at the loss of self heals from Harnessed Darkness.


    Dark Charge heals can go, I don't care about those. But do the HD lightning heals really have to go? In exchange for a 4% (max) damage reduction buff?


    How about this? Dark Charge and Overcharge get their changes but Harnessed Darkness does not. Perhaps reduce the self healing slightly (read slightly).


    Self heals and light armor make the assassin class so awesome for me with tanking.

  12. My opinion about Oricon, going through it on my Darkness Sin.


    The bosses for the dailies are the epitome of brutality, especially that bloody Commander in the tower.


    After SEVEN attempts at trying to kill him, I threw in the towel and am about to swear off Oricon.


    And off topic, why the hell are the forums always in French for me?

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