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Posts posted by Mystic_Chaos

  1. In the area of strongholds, this is low priority, as it should be. New strongholds and expanding existing ones should be first but doing the same for Guildships would be still be a nice addition.


    It would be another credit sink for the game along with giving people reason to hunt the named commanders more along with a purpose for giving out the weekly rewards. If people can solo a guildship unlock and expand it, the goal line should be moved down a bit more.


    I'll mention Imperial but the Republic side is the same. There seems to be a lot of room for expanding on the Dreadnaught. There are 2 doors on the office deck that don't open, 1 in the engine room along with the on the side of spawn on the bridge. It also seems like the entire area we can unlock is located in the very top of the Harrower except for the hangar and Engine room. So much is not accessible to us.


    Watching the cut scene and traveling to the Ziost Shadow for a better look on the outside, there is a lot of potential. There is easily another docking bay underneath the one we have along with the 2 on the side. One huge docking bay would be nice as the ones we have seem small and no room to play with. The engine room has the lower rear of the ship to be added to and there's the large base sections with the side hangars and the very front you can see from the hangar has room. I know I'm being too technical for throwing something together for just decoration but if it's 800 meters long, 433 meters wide, and 151 meters high, it leaves plenty of options.


    Not sure if this should be in GSF but I doubt anyone would consider it, so I'll put it here. Building up the Guild Ship as another ship in a new GSF match type. Not sure what it would be, maybe who can do more damage to the other guildship first wins something. More expansions could mean more damage, defense, buffs, debuffs. More elaborate, maybe unrealistic would be GSF/Warzone mix. Do enough damage to lower defense, exit personal ships, storm the bridge, destroy internal defense along the way(Maybe defense deco, droids), win whatever prize. It may take the guild leader or officers with permission to use the ships in battle of course.


    There is also the additional ships. The Terminus class destroyer we see in cut scene. Could be a smaller ship that is easier to complete for smaller guilds or an addition to add to our fleet. Maybe even a ship from the Eternal Alliance, maybe Gault snuck off to Rishi for a bit. Could be something on the larger end like an abandoned space station overrun with Rakghouls that you unlock bit by bit. That could even be added to the story or a guild event, something like the HK unlock.


    I know Deco size has been mentioned but some things need brought a few times. An example, most Commemorative Statues take up large hooks while others like Brontes and Styrak take up medium. Recently it looks like some Deco are way larger than their respective hook. I personally don't like the hook system but I know there are probably limitations where it may need to be in place. If is has to be, can the size limits at least be revised. Let all or most "Large" deco fit on medium. A few in centerpiece also like the Manaan Lounge Set could be large instead. I would list em but this is already too long but it's a majority.

  2. It is only one of several issues. There are quite a few things I can say about GSF but overall, I like the gameplay. More Ships, Maps, Req uses, expansion into other gameplay, all can be listed but dealing with the griefers are low hanging fruit and quicker to fix than the rest I guess.


    If anything the community does the legwork for Bioware by reporting them with pictures. This is more of a joke but if given access to the scoreboards, I'd collate all of it manually and deliver everything on a silver platter. Pay me in Cartel Coins. A little code on the backend could solve it all though. Them not caring is the issue. It's clear they don't play GSF or it would have been fixed along with other things.

  3. Not sure if it's been suggested. If a large decoration could have it's own hook system. Example, Double Wall Section (Vaiken Spacedock) is a large blank wall. Having a small or medium hook attached to that deco will allow for customization. Same for the large floor or ceiling sections introduced.
  4. I know the title is lame but I'd pay just to hear an official answer. This topic has been brought up in the forum nearly since GSF was launched and never addressed. I stayed subbed for years despite the lack of story and end game but I enjoyed GSF so much, I kept paying. Bioware refused to handle Griefers/Leeches/Cheaters, whatever they are called or the reason for the behavior so I dropped my sub 2 years ago, only picking up 1 month a year, at least until a new MMO comes out.


    Giving the exact time and player info, Bioware should be able to pull up the player account and see their record. Dying 10 times without firing a shot and avoiding vote kick, that takes effort. There could be something on the backend to weed these people out, like if their legacy has over 30 matches with 0's across the board, they get banned from GSF. Let them appeal it if they like but they should have to explain their actions too. People have openly admitted in the match that they do it and they've even took the conversation to fleet chat saying they do it and good luck kicking them. Bioware dropped the ball on player behavior to the point people feel comfortable admitting they throw matches in Fleet Chat. Also, I don't mean new players, people testing out GSF for the first time getting the hang of it but people who play match after match without doing a thing but dying.


    I blame them but I also blame Bioware. Forcing people in playing content they don't like for Conquest or Galactic Seasons makes the problem worse. If the idea is to make people play PVP, give them an option of Warzones or GSF but also address the people throwing matches on top of it. I see it in Warzones too. I don't know if Galactic Seasons 2 will improve GSF cheaters but I won't bet on it. Throwing a match in GSF takes maybe 3 minutes while running an OP, Uprising, Warzones, it all takes longer to get the points. Why wouldn't they cheat when they can get away with it and 5x the points in the same amount of time?


    It would be nice to uphold the Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct. By Bioware and EA's own vague legalese, the players are violating TOS because they don't play as intended and ruining other players fun along with causing a loss of revenue since people unsub.





    Last Update: May 5th, 2009


    5. Rules of Conduct.

    In addition to the Terms of Service, you must obey all federal, state, and local laws, regulations and rules that apply to your activities when you use TOR Services. BioWare and LucasArts reserves the right to terminate your Account and to prevent your use of any and all TOR Services, if your Account is used to engage in illegal activity or to violate this Terms of Service.

    The Rules of Conduct for all TOR Services appear at http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/rulesofconduct. Specific TOR Services may also post additional rules that apply to your conduct on those services.

    If you encounter another user who is violating the Rules of Conduct, please report this activity by using the “Help” or “Report Abuse” functions in the TOR Service.





    Last Update: November 17th, 2011

    The Rules of Conduct are guidelines that apply to conduct and behavior on the Star Wars: The Old Republic website, product and service (“Service”). We appreciate you taking the time to review them as their purpose is to ensure that, together, we provide a safe, fair and fun environment for all players.


    General Rules and Guidelines

    To keep the Service a compliant, fun, fair and safe gaming environment for everyone, you may not engage in any of the following behavior:


    1. Do anything that interferes with the ability of other Service users to enjoy playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and using the Service in accordance with its rules, or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of EA in maintaining the Service for the enjoyment of all its users.



    Here is EA's Terms of Service also.



    6. Rules of Conduct

    We want you to have a good time playing our games. So we expect you, like all players, to respect EA and your fellow players. This means, for example, obey the law, don’t cheat, don’t be offensive, don’t hack our software, don’t spam or bot, don’t lie to EA or our players. Those are the highlights. Read the full list of what not to do in the Rules of Conduct.

    Interfere with or disrupt another player's use of an EA Service. This includes disrupting the normal flow of game play, chat or dialogue within an EA Service by, for example, using vulgar or harassing language, being abusive, excessive shouting (all caps), spamming, flooding or hitting the return key repeatedly.

    Engage or assist in cheating or other anticompetitive behavior (such as boosting, collusion, and match or matchmaking manipulation).

  5. There are a lot of good suggestions, so this may not be at the top of the list.


    Is there something that can be put in place so people can't abusing warzones and gsf for conquest. They jump in queue, sitting there all match with 0 across the board, over and over. They know how to avoid being kicked and it can't be called out in chat. Maybe putting something in place that isn't announced so they don't know how to avoid detection. Customer service seems to have gotten quicker at resolving it but I haven't played a single day, in weeks, without griefers/leeches. After one disappears, another takes their place. Either a new player or an Alt. Conquest has a flaw that's constantly abused, either by single players or guilds. Conquest seems to be the primary reason they do it, if not for renown.

  6. I wanted to say that I'm not complaining about the strongholds. I plan on buying Alderaan. I appreciate the time that went into each of them. I know it's impossible to please everyone, especially in an MMO.


    I was wondering about the limits of stronghold though. Eric mentioned before that there is a limit to hooks due to performance issues. Are there other limits that may stop some of the requests from being put in or is it more of a time restraint? I figured with some clarity, maybe people would understand the problems.


    Though it's too late now, and only as an example, looking at the Alderaan stronghold. Would it have been an option to copy/paste with some tweaks of the house/area? That way, player feedback could have been gauged without much effort into the project. If they didn't like it at all, it could be scrapped. An example, I personally like the area of Pallista spaceport and the main road leading to House Organa and the inside. Would it have been possible to copy/paste that section and scale it down, then put in whatever additions. Would that take less effort than building one from scratch? Same with Castle Panteer, it's probably too massive but the assets are there and put together. This idea goes for any future strongholds really. So the question would be, is copying/pasting an option or are things setup in such a way that it's a resource hog and not efficient for the dev team to try?


    Last one is about additions. I'm sure that a stronghold wouldn't be touched again unless there are bugs but placing additional rooms or features would be a good credit sink. A gambling barge on Nar Shaddaa, more rooms on Manaan, or even a transport to a temple in the distance on Yavin. Strongholds have changed recently with new features, changing lights, toggling NPCs, and PVP areas. Is there a technical limitation for adding/changing previous strongholds or updating features?


    I can't speak for anyone else but I would be alright with a copy/paste/altered stronghold. For the Pallista spaceport to House Organa, I would drop 50 mil in a heartbeat. Same with Vaylin's palace, a beachside stronghold on Rakata Prime, or a spaceship using flagship plans. As long as they were big enough. The playerbase has lot of good ideas, It's just not clear how big or how many features can be fit into one place or if we have trade offs. It may be something that can't even be answered because it's too detailed, worth asking though. In case it hasn't been mentioned, a day/night toggle would good addition.

  7. I call out in chat "Please press M to kick the inactive". I sometimes get the reply "Why?". Some people don't want to kick others it seems like, despite it costing us the match. The system has a flaw, just like a healing bomber being considered inactive though they're actually helping.


    I'll keep reporting though, it's all I can do. It took me quoting the ToS to the rep before 1 arrogant griefer wasn't in anymore matches. Would be nice to see the devs do something on the back end to help so we didn't have to go those levels. GSF doesn't get anywhere near the same amount of attention as warzones, though they're both PVP. I know it takes awhile to implement stuff but throwing matches should be held to the same level of punishment across the board.

  8. This may be an unpopular opinion and probably not the most important but it's an issue thats been around for awhile. It's actually my only real complaint with GSF since I feel that the balance can only be fixed by putting in a ranked version.


    The issue is with the people who log on for conquest points and literally do nothing all match. An example would be putting something in place on their legacy ID saying that if they played over 50 matches they have to earn something like 3 medals to earn any points toward conquest or the shards from Ossus. However many matches to however many medals. With that many matches under their belt though, they should be able to score 3 medals easily. That won't stop the ones who sit under a satellite all match but it's a step in the right direction.


    Another idea, would be on the back end. When someone has 0's across the board or something similar through multiple matches, when it shows they're throwing them, it's a red flag for Bioware to see. It won't take a month of going through customer service to resolve it. Don't give the players any notice or they'll circumvent it somehow.


    I enjoy GSF, it's the main reason I sub. Facing tough opponents is one thing but to have your allies throwing matches, it ruins the fun.

  9. I've been putting in tickets a lot longer than anyone should and either customer service is inept or have no power. I've complained to Musco, so he either doesn't care or has no power. I really question if the developers even fly at all, if they did, the situation would have been handled. They would know that GSF is no longer fun when you're facing a strong team and even one leech can throw your match. Its not new flyers but ones who have played for over a year and use the excuse that they don't know how to play.


    I've come to the conclusion that it's all about money. So that's the only way to get their attention. It's a shame Bioware has made me so cynical over something so easy to fix. They won't punish these guys because they want more money, despite that it's probably costing them more in the long run. I'd say don't waste your time on tickets though, make the complaint public. If you can, get other people to post also.

  10. Thanks for letting me know how they've responded in these situations. You're right again though, I don't care for the answer from them. I try to give Bioware the benefit of the doubt when it comes to several things but fixes like this are so easy. Reporting/Putting in tickets does all of the hard work for them and they can't manage to follow through. Creating content takes awhile so I won't complain about it but verifying player behavior takes minutes, especially when done so blatantly.


    I guess that helps me decide, I should drop my sub and only spend once a year for story updates.. No point in wasting my money with decent MMO's coming out soon.

  11. You may be right. I don't know the persons intentions. I don't know if they are throwing matches to give the other team the advantage, which I'd consider cheating. Though they may be throwing matches as a semi easy way to farm conquest or CXP points, while I guess isn't cheating, creates a negative environment for players when it's a handicap match every match. Clarity from Bioware would be great in this area because I can't find a real answer.


    If they are implementing something to curb negative player behavior, it would be nice to see it across all PVP and not just to a specific area.

  12. "We’ll be focusing attention on exploiters, cheaters, and adjusting how Ranked Warzones complete. This will be an on-going effort, but like all of you, we want Warzones and Arenas to be fair, competitive, and fun."


    GSF and Unranked pvp has had issues with cheaters for a long time but only Ranked was specifically mentioned. I can't speak for anyone else but it would be nice if GSF is "fair, competitive, and fun" and given the same abilities to eliminate cheaters.


    On Star Forge, I've reported the same single player on all his alts, pointing out 100s of matches with dates and times over months. Customer service won't do a thing. He's so blatant about throwing matches now because he knows he can get away with it. Please give the player base the power to get rid of cheaters or actually look into the matches.

  13. The OP wasn't a complaint or anything but I was curious if there was anything beyond what has been done recently. The Iokath map and balance changes came out close to the original Friction Points post, so it seemed like that was already going to happen. I should have used a different title since I was considering all 3 threads used at the time. Friction Points, Itemization, and Ship Balance. The 3 posts received a lot of comments and I was looking to see if there were long term plans that could be in the works, especially Itemization. I'm fine with the content, more would be nice but I'll fly regardless.


    Anyone who solos in Star Forge will have had the issues with the same leech, he even invited his guild mates in matches to do the same and they're 0's across the board, match after match. He alternates with warzones now but still gets in GSF more than enough.

  14. I saw a lot of good ideas in the other thread but didn't see anything else from bioware. I guess I wanted to see if there may be anything else in the works, even long term goals.


    I won't report new players or even call them out. I invite them to gsf chat hoping to help them. The one I mentioned is farming for sure. That's not an issue though, even I fly mainly for conquest but I actually play. This guy is 0 across the board every single match, which is 6 days a week and for over 9 months. The closest they get to any points is sitting under a satellite but won't defend. I went to the opposite faction and I went right for them, they don't move at all. Customer service has dates and times of matches but won't bother to do anything. The forum is the last place I can bring it up.

  15. Its been just over 9 months since the post for GSF Friction Points was created and there has been a lot of feedback from the players which covered a lot of good points and gave creative ideas. Would there be any chance to hear anything along the lines of QoL updates or anything else that may be in the works?


    I would also like to add that I've sent in multiple tickets about player(s) who are throwing matches. Other players have posted in the Friction Points thread, created their own posts and submitted tickets but customer service won't act though. On Star Forge, going back to Shadowlands,it's been the same player cycling through their alts, week after week. They have 0's across the board unless they are sitting under a satellite for that round. Today alone, they have tried to throw or thrown 10 matches and yesterday 6. Will Bioware look into a QoL change to help the players counter this behavior?


    If I'm wrong and it's not against the policy to hold back a team and throw matches, would that be permission to jump on the opposite faction to suicide and do as they do, just to level the playing field for my home team? As far as I know they may be throwing the match for the opposite faction. I'd rather play than cheat but if it's not cheating, it sounds like the only option. Customer service isn't being specific so maybe you can clarify?

  16. Most things have been said already but I'll add my thoughts. I should say I fly everyday and level up my alts primarily through GSF along with getting all my conquest points that way too.


    1) The learning curve was hard at first and it took a little while to get the hang of it.


    Maybe creating a playground where people can fly and setting up dummy ships or targets to fire at. I've seen some say above the planets but even creating an instance outside of the Imperial and Republic fleet to fly in that playground until a match pops.


    2) I think the ship balance is fine. Each ship has their strength and weakness. No one ship can dominate the rest. It's the skill of the pilot, not the ships. That's a problem with the learning curve. Gunships have weaknesses, just like the Bombers. It's no different than a game of chess, people just have to be tactical instead of running in with guns blazing.


    3) I still play daily.


    I do feel as though it needs something to give it a little more purpose. I'm sitting on over a million ship requisition easy but won't waste CC on converting to Fleet Reqs which I can't use since all my ships are maxed. Maybe using it to buy decoration, ship customization, even with a high price tag, that would give some more motivation.


    4) Matchmaking is bad


    The problem I see on Shadowlands, especially Imp side is that there are farmers for conquest or CXP. If not farming then there are people throwing the match for the other team. Reporting them seems to take too long. For that reason I think Ops leaders should have the ability to kick since the vote kick is voided as soon as it's called out.


    As for new players, maybe have a tier system based on over XP that separates them from the vets until they can get a feel for it. That may create a queue problem but knowing they won't get blasted out of the sky could entice some to try again. Maybe up the reward for beginner flyers until they hit a level/tier/XP level so we would know they are capable to go up against vets.


    Even Imp and Pubs teaming up to go against a common enemy, similar to the other PVP match


    Matchmaking needs reworked though, it either has cheaters or it's one sided.


    5) I don't mind that it is character based. It gives me a goal to work toward I guess. There could be an unlock to max out all ships if you max them out on one character. That could be a win/win.



    EDIT: Despite maxing out all my ships, I just found the GSF Tutorial Level. I thought the training was a read through pop up window that told the basics. I didn't realize there was a place to fly freely. Having an opponent that you can adjust the difficulty level on would be nice. Makes me wonder how many missed this section though. Maybe making it mandatory or have it flashing until it's completed.

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