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Posts posted by LK-Draco

  1. I just log in and what did I saw 18 minutes ago: 100% same log in rewards at the calendar like what we had on December.

    It was intended or just an bug so it was unintended :rak_02::confused::(


    I am playing in the Darth Malgus server.


    confirmed on Tulak Hord. Same login rewards we had last turn, they just changed the title hoping ppl thinking its not the same old stuff again.

  2. imp side on tulak hord is still a bit buggy after last wave of mass disco this evening. Several ppl reported guild tags disappeared, cant travel to their strongholds personal or guild, legacy bank not working etc etc. Also on both sidesflashpoints not starting after every1 accepted for launch ......
  3. For me in current stage of pts vet was quite ok if u running with 4 damage dealer.

    On Mastermode depending on gear etc its a bit more challenging but doable and fun, but if ppl starting to be optimized on gear etc there is a high change master mode getting even more boring than on live server now.


    Question still is if u going to level cap the flashpoints, why u cant downgrade stats for crit, shield, acc, etc etc based on the gear u could max have on that level as well? Chars on higher levels still have an advantage due to their abilities and would save u a lot balancing time on later gear and level upgrade.

    Esp MasterMode should should still be a challenge, which is really a problem these days for not beeing.

  4. I just played 5 warzones on a madness sorc on pts. I went for tier 1 alacrity, 0 accuracy, and the rest in crit. I used the tempest of rho tactical. The other one that instant procs force leech has too many moving parts to reliably use in pvp, in my opinion. I also used the Dire Retaliation 4 piece set bonus (the overload one) and one of the 2 piece ones that gives +2% power, because I think the alacrity +2% is broken.


    Anyway, my tentative conclusion is what many, including me, already suspected. Madness sorcs are going to be terrible in pvp in 6.0. Much worse than now, where they are merely below average. Madness's advantage over lightning currently is that given enough uptime, madness has higher dps potential. Now that doesn't even appear to be true. Madness and lightning seem to do about the same damage, with lightning possibly doing even more now, and lightning has far, far greater survivability. There's simply no reason to play madness in pvp in 6.0. I don't have a huge issue respeccing to lightning, but it's still a shame that madness will be worthless.


    have u tried to go for alacrity instead of crit??

  5. Veteran FPs like Hammerstation, Athiss or Cademimu (didnt had time to test more, because i've tested them from highlvl char side + with toons that just met the level to list for the specific fp in vet mode via groupfinder) are a far too easy on current pts, even some heroric 2+ are more challenging than those now.

    I've done all 3 with a jugger and sniper solo.

    Going in with lvl 75 boosted chars I was asking me on each if there was really a boss during bossfights. At least a few trash mobs created some limited fun, rest was far to easy.

    So at least on running with lowlevel char that matched the level for listing via groupfinder I was hoping for better action. While some trash mobs tried to be a challenge, the boss fights are as nearly the same as with fighting them with lvl 75 chars just taking a few seconds longer to kill and still disappionting.

    On master mode I was only able to test Athiss with a friend (dd + heal) and we also not really had an issue to complete it.


    To be clear. I'm a common swtor player using his days on live server helping member of his guild by supporting them on their daily groupfinder op and running vet mode operations.

    I my opinion the idea of downscailng instead of upscaling to max level is the better choise as long as all stats (not only mastery, health and power) are capped to the iRating you normally have with artifactgear dropping on the level you downscaled in the flashpoint. Also fps need to have a difficulty your really neeed a 4 man party even on vet fp

  6. Hallo Zusammen und Danke für die Antworten!

    Auf die Hinweise von Wnara folgendes: die Werte aus meinem Portrait.

    Jedi Hüter, TP 95724, Fokus 0/12, Gegenstandswert 213. Da mir die Bedeutung der Werte nichts sagt, habe ich mal alle abgeschrieben. Gestern habe ich mir auf der Flotte noch mal Ausrüstungsteile besorgt. Dort gab es bei Verteidigung und Schifwert eine Verschlechterung auf 1/3 der vorherigen Werte. Aber ansonsten muss eine Verbesserung eingetreten sein. Übrigens laufe ich im Alltag nur den Story Modus. Veteran jede 10. Stufe des Kommandorangs, praktisch zur Probe.

    Vorm Tausch der Ausrüstung habe ich ca 40min gebraucht, jetzt nur noch 25min. Habe gestern nachmittag nach Feierabend mehrere Durchgänge gespielt und bin jetzt Stufe 90-HURRA:D

    Lana habe ich mit Geschenken auf Stufe 29. Ich habe mir im Kartellmarkt ein Paket mit 5 Stücken gekauft, welche jeweils 3h meine Punkte verdoppeln. Jetzt probiere ich heute Abend mal wieder Veteranenmodus. Mal sehen wie weit ich komme.

    Euch noch einen schönen Tag. Mit himmlischem Gruss:cool:


    Als Hüter auf Fokus bist du ein Burst DD kein Tank (auch wenn du einen Singlespott besitzt)! Am besten geh zum Level 70 - Stufe-1-Ritter Händler und schau dir an (automatisch voreingestellt), was dein Baum für Ausrüstung benutzt. Falls du schon diverse Kommandotoken zum Kauf der Ausrüstung besitzt schaff sie dir gleich an. Für Anfänger wie dich ist Sternenfestung im Veteranen Modus bei deinem momentanen Gearstand etwas, wo du unbedingt deine Klasse insbondere deinen Baum studieren solltest bevor zu hinein gehst. Ebenso ist ein Nahkampfgefährte für Unerfahrene als Heiler nicht zu empfehlen, wenn mal selber Nahkämpfer ist. Einige Bosse und stärkere Gegner betäuben gern und sehr oft dann Dich und den Nahkampfgefährten. Den Singlesport "verspotten" kannst du auch als DD gern einsetzen um einzelne Gegner von deinen Gefährten abzuziehen.

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