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Posts posted by RyuTiger

  1. No, I think this more of a situation of you trying to be obnoxious just for the sake of being obnoxious, or to use my previous post "another angry teenager using your angst as a crutch". I mean I've seen you come out and say "NOOOOOO AC change, and if you want it you're a noooooob" and about every other variation I out there that calls someone a noob and a lazy ****er but not much in the realm of anything substantial as to why or why not to allow someone to do it.


    a noob like woul.dn't understand how to earn anything in ur life

  2. Ryu, that is why companies have a dedicated customer service team team split into 2 departments, one department for phones and another for online chat, they have nothing to so with the actual development department. The fact that you think so is just too precious really. Also, you clearly did not read my post cause I made no mention what so ever about Customer Service, which does need some work onto but that is another thread. And just one more question, what exactly is a guin?


    Then Thank EA for the crap customer service department

  3. Let's be honest, the game is barely treading water right now, the dev team is placing all of their energy into the cartel market and turning it into a glorifed version of Barbie Dressup, and to top it off they are not even responding to community feedback, i.e. suggestion box. While I still pay a sub cause let's face it the F2P option is a complete crock. I do love this game and I will continue to pay to play, but even I am starting to loose hope for the future of the game if the Devs don't make a major change real soon


    then take a guin and kill urself noob, they can't do their job and responde to us 24/7 noob

  4. I'm not going to disagree with you that this is something that should be in the game. People should be given the right to chose how they want to play their character in such a story driven environment. But there is one small detail you are not realizing, strange as it seems kids also like video games and play with us adults. Many parents would go nuts if they found out that their kids had to chose if they wanted their character to be straight or gay!


    I think it is wonderful that developers are starting to realize that a great deal of the gaming community is adults and are making content to cater more and more to us, but until a good way to filter the more adult content away from the under age players things such as your toggle idea will probably not be seen. SWTOR may not be perfect on SGR or romance in general, but at least it's not WoW :eek:


    Well it should still be in let ther noob parents cry all they wantr it's their choice to get GTA 5 for Jr. not us.

  5. Wow, you need to dial back the caffeine a bit. With that said AC doesn't = you're a tank and nothing else or a healer and nothing else. If you pick Juggernaut (Sith Warrior AC) you are not limited to just being a tank. Tanking as a spec tree is only 1/3rd of the choices you have, the other 2 trees are DPS specs. Or as a Sorc, you are not pigeon holed into being ONLY a healer, again that is 1/3rd of the trees available to you so I certainly wouldn't say by virtue of choosing Jugg that it is your defining characteristic that you are a tank.



    And really what's up with calling anyone and everyone who disagrees with you a noob? Are just another angry teenager using angst as a crutch or are you just that miserable of a person?


    if ppl weren't all "Me, Myself and I" then ppl like wouldn't exist.

  6. your too quick to judge, i am for AC changing but with some strict restrictions. i dont think we should be able to change at will but i do think we should be able too. if it doesnt happen oh well, if it does, awesome. you can plead your case without making enemies along the way.


    AC=ur a tank or a healer no u canc hcange noob learn that changing=to much ability to just be a tank u can now heal as well ur the noob deal with it u can't OP that night with ur guild

  7. This was suggested a while back, but I really like the idea of Legacy wide datacrons.


    It could work 1 of 2 ways:

    A) Cartel Shop sells the ability to make datacrons legacy wide (500 CC, 1000 CC whatever)

    B) Legacy Perk


    Example: If you were a level 16 Republic and had gotten all the Ord Mantel, Tython and Coruscant datacrons on other characters, you would gain access to the datacron codex entries and stat benefit as soon as you reached the max level of the planet. So hitting 50 would give you all the Illum ones, 49 all the Corellia ones and so on and so forth.


    Obviously faction specific datacrons would have to be taken into consideration as otherwise someone could have more than the correct amount of datacrons.


    I really think this would be a huge benefit as I have gotten 60 datacrons on my main and am working on getting the remaining 7, and really really really really don't want to do this for a 2nd character, and third character and so on.


    Please take this into consideration,

    yours truly,



    P.S: My fellow forum goers, please keep this bumped so BW can see how interested we are in this feature.


    another teen crying because they have to actually earn something stop crying and go earn it noob

  8. I've thought about this a bit more from my skill set and point of view. I'm an instructor level mason that means i went from apprentice to improver to journeymen to master and then instructor

    and as an apprentice the first time i was allowed to work on the fount of the building i worked twice as hard to prove i belonged there and as a journeymen the first time i was put on a outside corner lead i did the same i was indentured to a great company that cut my apprenticeship in half buy pushing my into the deep end

    this is America the land of here is your shot now show me why you deserve it


    I agree ppl work twice as hard when they are trying to make a name for themselves rather than have set name.

  9. One of the reasons I haven't gone to Makeb yet is because of SGR. If they cram it down my throat by adding companion sgr without giving me a way to turn off SGR, I'll probably have to quit the game.


    did someone get asses raped as a kid?

  10. As a bisexual woman, I would like to make it known that I am saddened by the lack of SGR wit the class companions. So here is my suggestion, make SGR possible with the companions, and allow an option in game and in character creation to turn it on and off. This would make everyone happy. Please & Thank You. :):hope_07:


    I'd sign this, it's just sadi some noob teenagers have to be jack asses about ppl choosing how they want to be.

  11. Actually, it likely will happen. BW knows it would make them money, and the devs have been talking about it for ages.



    Quote: Originally Posted by Dulfy and Damion Schubert

    18. Will be there any faction or Advanced Class change option available for purchase in the future?


    We have had serious talks recently about offering an Advanced Class change option – I think that one will likely happen eventually. Species is likely as well. Doing a faction switch is considerably more difficult for us, though, due to the various quest flags set throughout the level up process, so this isn’t on the horizon anytime soon.



    From Dulfy's interview with the devs.


    NO wonder ppl leave but the boat load this point show s y.

  12. I run a D&D 4th edition game every month with my friends. Using that as an example to this game is like comparing apples against pictures of apples on the internet. While they may look similar, they are in substance very different. Changing how something works in a core rule book is entirely different than in a video game.


    I don't see them adding new classes to the game, but it's not to say that it will never happen. It just wouldn't occur in the manner that you are suggesting i.e. Echani melee commandos, sages, etc.


    Sure u do, then u would know that in 4E D&D they have 4 not if more different "Elven" races in the players PC area thus look at how they are different then look at SWTOR and see that's how a race that could be seen as the same as another could have a few minor differences and besides listent he podcast ep. 2 I think where they m,ention the forums and say that having a well rounded suggest would help the devs see if it is possible to add it into the game, that's what I am following but forum trolls seem to not follow any rules.

  13. Technically, WOW no longer has dual spec'ing as WOW no longer has formal talent trees.. Dual spec'ing ruined WOW which is why they made the change to the system they have now.. Dual spec'ing made the specs all but meaningless.. People began changing specs when ever they wanted to meet the situation.. Which totally defeats the purpose of having a spec in the first place..


    Allowing people to change classes would defeat the point of having a class.. Not to mention very bad for the game..


    There is simply no reason to allow AC changing.. Laziness is not a reason.. People are not so entitled that they can demand the game be changed to accommodate them and their lack of desire to roll another character..


    So true Teenagers need to learn to work for what they want not have it handed to them on a silver plater

  14. I think the reason that dual spec'ing in WoW works because their class system is entirely different from SWTOR's. In WoW you have three talent trees that determine what type of character you are. In SWTOR, you have a base class i.e. Sith Warrior, Jedi Consular, etc. Then you specialize that class before you are introduced to your talent trees. So making a dual spec for SWTOR would just be being able to switch between your two roles (healing and dps, or tanking and DPS; or for pure DPS AC's, different flavors of their perspective DPS).


    Swapping your AC within the base class is the problem. The devs meant that to be a meaningful and lasting choice. Therefore, it should be nigh impossible to change, or a one-time deal that's meant to hit the proverbial restart button (costs a boatload of resources, restarts your class quests, etc).


    Agreed whole heartedly

  15. I'll concede that point. When I replied last night I was pretty tired. GTA V's success was the first example that came to mind. I probably should have deleted the post before I went to bed or at least given it more thought.


    But it's still a good one single player games die when they are defeated but MMOs cont. on since the content keeps coming at end-game.

  16. It sucks having a weapon/techblade like the Gladiators Techblade and find out that only some companions can use them. There are certain weapons like the techblade that no character classes can use maybe they should create another class or two that can use those weapons and some new ones. Besides I once heard an idea somewhere about having a class that uses tech shields along with TechBlades and I thought it was a great idea for a new class. This can really add even mor depth and replay value to the game and help bring in new players and yet keep old players from leaving. Also I think we need maybe a class that uses the shotgun as a main weapon because as of now there isn't much you can do with the shotgun and I hate the fact that you can only shoot people in the back with a shotgun but enemies in the game can use it to shoot you in the front and with one hand while holding a blaster pistol.


    Just cause u can loot it doesn't mean u always have to use it

  17. I agree whole heartedly. I remember following the development of this game and seeing some people complain about it. To be honest the only thing I ever said to them was "Bioware has not disappointed us yet." Sadly I can't say that anymore which is sad because they are my favorite game company. It doesn't bother me that they bring in new people, it bothers me that they are bringing in new people and refusing to utilize the talent they have. Giving the new graduates a good game to work on is fine, but there should still be an experienced team working in tandem. This game deserves better than to be the training tool for new guys.


    Boo the **** Who ur goddly expectations of this game didn't get meant deal with it noob.

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