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Posts posted by CplCardButton

  1. This decision really bothered me on a number of levels and has far too many similarities with the All or Nothing decision that Bioware forced on us DA:I for the Mages and Templars. It's an emotional choice vs a logical one. Vette is the more likable character with big sad eyes that the game just spent 2 missions trying desperately to get us attached to; while Torian is the more dry personality, but functionally is worth far more to the Alliance than Vette is due to his inroads with the Mando's.


    So right away the decision is massively manipulative as it does desperately want the player to side with Vette (who not 3 dialogues earlier promised that if she went through with blowing up those guns she could get out of that situation) and pulls on the heartstrings further in her direction. Beyond that, as many have said, its just really stupid when you think about it. Why can I as the Alliance Commander not direct some reserve forces to extract Torian while I go and rescue Vette? Seriously Bioware, stop making protagonists organization leaders if you don't want to let them act like one.


    I mean ****, since I sent Kaliyo on the failed mission with Jorgan as support, I had no reason to exile or kill her as she did nothing wrong and as a result she was literally standing with a squad of commandos not doing ANYTHING not 40 yards away from where you have to make that decision. She would have been PERFECT to get Torian out of the position he was in and I could have done the dirty work to rescue Vette myself, but NOPE ... she gets to sit on her *** and I get to "abandon" Vette because Torian is simply the more logical choice to make.

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