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Posts posted by ViktorDonovan

  1. I've read many threads on this, and I have 3 characters, 2 force users (sin and Mara) and a bh. Here's how it went:


    My sin while called Darth Nox does think logically and won't do evil stuff just to be evil. So he made the alliance, to help bring peace to 3 factions, and help rebuild the og empire and make it strong. He is a Wana be Darth Marr.


    My Mara wanted to be emperor. Tired of being a wraith, tired of being the "slave" to the dark council, he wanted control for himself.


    Now comes my bh and some ooc (out of character/irl knowledge) mandalore (the planet) is destroyed (I forgot if it's mentioned in the game at all/this time line, hence I used ooc context) he will take over as emperor to create a new "mandalore" and give his people a new home. He hates zucuulians(sp) and anything to do with the planet. His plan is to strip it of its people and pass it to Shae vizla.


    It doesn't make sense at all. For non force users to be in kotfe. They should have done it a tad differently. Like what I would have done if I wrote kotfe, is the sith inquisitor would be emperor (makes sense cause of their class story) the wraith as the right hand, and for bh/agent/smuggler would be to assist them in capturing targets, feeding info or getting goods


    If yall go watch videos, and read stuff about the game, outside of the game, the wraith pops up in inq story, and inq in wraith story.


    This is how I would have wrote this for non force users

  2. Hi DarkTergon,


    Our team is still working on this bug, but it will be fixed in a future patch (not 6.3). We’ll update you when we have more information.


    Thank you for your patience.


    Wow, just give the guy his cc back. It's been 4 months lmao, almost 5

  3. I bet his girlfriend (who doesn't approve) made him write this post. ;)


    I bet he doesn't even have a girlfriend, unless you count his right hand.




    Honestly, I am 25, if I had a kid, lets say 10, playing this game, it would NOT bother me in the least. (Oh god this guy doesn't care about what his child sees!). No, that is not the point, the point is, there are no ******s, or buttcracks or "black holes" shown, they ARE covered. I have grouped with MANY different people (Some who dress sleazy some who don't) And I always have a blast in FP's and such with them.


    Just because someone dresses sleazy does not mean they are actually like that. Maybe they want to express how they wish they looked? Like for example, my main character Noxxus on Ebon Hawk, he has the full phantom set, with an eradicators mask, it looks ******! He also has fetts' helm with mandalore the preserver gear, again, ******. Do I wish I could pull something like that off? Eff yeah! So maybe a REAL girl, (And yes guys girls do game) dress sleazy in order to feel better bout themselves or something? (I forgot the reason I was told why people dress a certain way on an mmo/rl but it has to do with expressing themselves, and how they want to fit in). In real life, I am a skinny *** ugly looking guy, in game? My character is tall, and looks like a bamf.


    Well, that is enough from me, don't take everything so seriously, and if people do, I just say "Dude chill the eff out, its just a game" I get ragers like this in League of Legends, in blind matches... All I say is "Dude if you are so pro, play ranked all day" that usually shuts them up.


    If you do not like it, then stay on your ship, which is where most level 55 characters are, unless they are ERP'ing on some planet. (And yes I RP, and I can care less if someone is ERP'ing right by me, doesn't effect me,), Maybe it is just the fact I have an open mind, unlike a lot of closed minded people on the internet, who thinks their way is the ONLY and RIGHT way? Idk, but before I leave, I am guna leave this for you all. ( . Y . ) My googly eyes, or whatever else you want to think of them as.

  4. I was very instersted if it had came in my eyes would have been best vintage/unique item in game. And i know many more that wanted the tauntaun. I still am very disapointed. They made black page in my christmas. Soul_Step, you may not like but some do. even if majority wouldnt like there still people want it badly. And now they wont get it. Bc some idiote. And so you would rather have nother reskinned varactyl, the 5th gosh darn reskinned. Implace of nice joyble tauntaun that let us think of happy christmas?

    Bioware needs make new stuff not some stupid reskin. It feels like they lazy.


    Dude, to make a total new item takes a long *** time. Go download (if you can find it for free) 3d Max, I think its called, try to make what is called a "mesh" then go texture it, see how long it takes you to do.


    On IMVU, I retexture stuff a lot, add my own symbols, colors, and such, and let me tell you, if there is 1 mess up on the mesh (A mesh is a basic outline of a piece of clothing) you will see the characters skin, or nothing there at all.


    It takes a buddy of mine, about a month to get a full set of clothing textured, if not longer. So, with that being said, it is easier to get something retextured, then it is to mesh a whole new item. The item that was just meshed and textured, has to be worn by whoever tests them all over, every single planet, and instance, to make sure there is not a SINGLE missing piece of mesh.

  5. Hey folks,


    Item prototypes are among the types of things you can see on the Public Test Server. Like all things on the PTS, they are subject to change and in some cases to not make it into the game at all. This happens to be one of those cases. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.


    Thanks everyone.




    So, does this mean the WInter Warrior title is out too? Or is that being held till Christmas?

  6. Considering that "Winter" doesn't start until December 21st, I would say they still have enough time to get it onto the CM. I would assume it to be available by December 25th at the latest.


    Guess what today is? The 21st :D


    OP: I have sent about 3 ingame mails, called CS (CS told me to send ingame mails) The first one I recieved was the auto reply "Oh you have such a great idea for a title, please contact someone in the threads so your idea gets heard" the second was the basic "Thank you for contacting CS, please note that we can not answer that question due to not enough information" and the last one is still opened.


    I strongly urge everyone who reads this to open a ticket, just so they can shut us up about the title, and put it in the CS already.

  7. I have obtained many sets in my short time here, my 2 "expencive" sets are Thana's and Phantom (On ebon hawk) they go for a few mil ea. I got Phantom's when it was dirt cheap (About 3 months ago) and I got Thana's recently (With a lot of trading and marketing skills) IDC if someone else runs around in Thana's or Phantom's robes TBH... I also have Sion's set too, think I care if someone has that? If I had to spend 100M on my 2 sets, and it became popular (Like the eradicator's set) I wouldn't mind what so ever. I honestly think Revan's gear should have STARTED OFF CM, not packs.
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