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Posts posted by coolmccoolson

  1. Just fyi, you do not need to unlock the crystals for additional CC. Just use legacy weapons:


    1) Bind a CM-crystal to char #1 -> crystal get's added to collection

    2) You are now able to get unlimited copies of that crystal on that specific char for free

    3) Aquire legacy-bound weapon, put crystal in it, send to alt

    4) On alt char, remove crystal, crystal get's added to collection on the alt char for free

    5) The alt can now get unlimited crystal-copies for free, too.

    6) Repeat until bored


    This is working as intended, though i don't have the link to dev-comment right now.


    edit: found the link:



    thats a good idea, can I get a legacy weapon with the inheritance thing you get at the beginning of the game?

  2. Im guessing the artists arent coming up with these colors because they are pretty terrible looking and not creative. The actual armor the artists created are not pure primary and secondary colors like the dyes, they are less saturated with an off hue to make them less boring, you can see how different their green is to the green dye (a grassy or olive green vs a straight max saturated green). The dyes should be treated the same, make them colors that would actually come on the clothes/armor, not just "blue" and "blue with some black to make it darker"
  3. I want some heavy style armor for my consular, anything to search for on the GTN? I'd especially like some jedi knight heavy armor that isnt really expensive. All the stuff I can find besides valiant jedi armor (way too expensive) requires jedi knight or heavy armor
  4. You can go solo and do a lot of Hero 2+ and some 4's after 4 or 5 levels above the mission. You need to pick the right class, I consider a class with stealth a must for solo, it can mean the difference between an impossible hero mission and one that takes a few minutes to complete.
  5. This has been said before. A lot of times actually.


    Being a F2P/Preferred is NOT the best way to fully enjoy the game. If you don't like the restrictions, subscribe (or remain subscribed).

    They both give you a taste of what you can get as a subscriber and you get to decide if removing all those restrictions is worth the subscription price.


    Therefore, NO.

    They shouldn't remove those restrictions because they are there for a reason: to keep you subscribed.


    You are playing the game for free.

    A one-time purchase of an unlock for the credit cap (and similar unlocks for all the other restrictions) couldn't be priced high enough to make up for the money they'd lose by you not subscribing to their game.


    Except who in their right mind would subscribe to a game indefinitely to play the single player part? Ive subscribed for 2 months and thats all Im spending. I would pay more for a permanent unlock of some abilities but no way in hell am I paying a monthly fee for a game I only play a couple times a week. They would get more money out of me if they just let me buy it like a normal game and then make me pay monthly for the MMO aspect if I choose to go that route.


    They have a substantial amount of single player content in this game, I dont know why they dont try to monetize it.

  6. All you want is the story and you don't care about endgame, pvp, fps... and your complaining about the ftp restrictions? erm....


    WHy would I be complaining about a credit limit if all I cared about was the story? Anything good on the GTN is over 500,000 credits, if you care at all about items the credit limit ruins the game. Items in an RPG are kind of an important part of the game experience and help move you along in the story.

  7. There should be a single player focused package. The preferred credit limit is a joke and ruins the game, and I dont like feeling punished by gaining less exp.


    I dont want to do flashpoints and warzones, I just want to play the story missions at my leisure instead of feeling like I have to rush every month to get my moneys worth before the game breaks.


    These things dont have to be cheap, Id pay $30 for a pack that unlocks the non-multiplayer parts of the game (Id pay more if I had the option before subscribing but theres only so much money Im spending on a game)

  8. Im at level 28 and find the story missions to be very easy. I am exclusively solo to the point I have all chat and names turned off. I do all side missions but obviously I cant do heroics until a few levels over, Ive never tried a flashpoint and dont know what they are.


    The only multiplayer aspect of the game I use is the GTN, which I use a lot and have made a lot of money for my level (I am decked out in orange gear and keep the mods updated, so that probably helps make the game easier).

  9. What should I gear him up with that increases healing? Cunning? I gave him the best barrel available, does his offhand gun matter?


    My gear is already almost maxed out, orange chest/pants with the best armor plating for my level, bracers and gloves arent orange but pretty good.


    I do a lot of buying and selling on GTN and am approaching 1m credits, so money doesnt really matter but I dont want to waste it for a few extra points.

  10. Does he normally suck at first and then become a good healer? Because hes not keeping me alive.


    Im level 25 and had most of my points under Kinetic, I was unable to kill a gold boss, always dying a few hits away from beating him. I pulled out Qyzen and easily beat him since Qyzen took most of the damage and takes forever to kill, not to mention has decent attacking. When I was the tank Tharan wasnt healing me enough at all and was barely damaging anything.


    Does Tharan need to be a certain level before he heals well? Better equipment? Or am I not a high enough level to be a good tank? I respecced to Balance and will see if that works better.

  11. Its amazing how difficult it is to find an answer to this, just info on rank I or the price for rank II, or F2P requirements. What level do you get speeder II as a subscriber? I thought it was 25 but my trainer has no new skills.
  12. And the modable outfits can be upgraded with armorings, modification and enchancements which you can pick up on each planet with coms or if you have a cybertech can make. You can keep the look if you like it without having to change the outfit, if you keep your equipment upgraded.


    I level from 1 to 55 with the same outfit but changed my mods every so often. I brought some from the planets with my comms and then my guild has a cybertech who when asked will craft them for us and hers are usually better than the vendors as she primary makes blue and purple quality.


    my question is how can I tell how strong they are? Unmodded armor has useless stats, and the mods dont tell me things like armor stat or damage, just "endurance +11" or whatever. They all have ratings but I dont know what Im supposed to do with that number.

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