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Posts posted by PorkdishSWOR

  1. I was deconstructing items while in the corellia flashpoint (imp side). I cancelled current deconstruction very late in the progress bar. Items (green shirt, boots and wrist armor) where stuck in the deconstruction window and could not be removed.


    Pressed ctrl + U twice to reset the UI, and they disappeared from the deconstruction window but now I could not use the right mouse to interact with anything in the 3d space. Loot icon would appear on dead bodies but nothing would open on right click. I could not use vendors or interactive buttons. Reset ui did not fix it, logging out and back in did not fix it. Switching character did not fix it.


    When I logged in another character their mouse would change icon based on interactive objects beneath it, but I could not click. Keyboard shortcuts did open windows like player inventory, I can move items around, wear and remove gear but I cannot right click in the game space.


    Restarting the client fixed it.

  2. Yeah, it's not like the time they moved Orbital Bombing/Freighter Flyby off Operative/Scoundrel.


    I shrug at that change, taking away the knockdown animation from shoot first is what killed smugglers for me. That was hands down the funniest **** ever, I never got tired of watching enemies land on their face. Gone for no reason.


    I will miss full auto, it might not have had a giant effect on group content where the tank is basically a taunt pinata now, but in solo play I loved using it.

  3. This mission has always been a ****** twister. I do not recall this mission being too difficult pre 3.0, recently completed it post 3.0 after many wipes.


    The trouble is that one of the soldiers who comes to 'help', is flagged as plot critical. When you die, he automatically dies, thus the instance resets. This critical soldier is critical to the mission, because once you finish the instance he has a line of dialogue to tell you: "Hey, go back to your ship now"... Critical stuff.


    8 regular soldiers, 4 strongs and 1 boss champion all use 'unload' on you if you leap in first thing. You just can't survive that as a sentinel unless you're over levelled.


    Pre 3.0 trouble with this mission was avoided by running behind the friendly soldiers and letting them grab aggro. It still works, barely. Don't go too far behind them or they'll just start shouting "DOOSH, DOOSH" at the enemy soldiers who will also shout "DOOSH, DOOSH" and maybe a "EUUUAH".


    They keep evading each other. They should eventually drop the 8 regulars, and if you're patient and lucky, a couple of the strongs. Then you can mop up. Just enjoy the republic soldiers cheering you on with "DOOSH, DOOSH" dubstep.


    Its a powerful mission that really shows you how the Jedi Sentinel shines, just see this image of my sentinel saving the galaxy:



  4. This is still happening, it is literally unplayable. it doesn't matter what time I try to get through Belsavis content.


    At the time I started this thread, I was taking screenshots:



    I set Kira as my focus target, rather than use the companion 'gump'. So here she is set as focus target and actively clicked. If you've ever used focus target, it puts a unique target circle beneath your focus target's feet, different to your regular target.


    Can you tell where Kira is standing?


    I just now logged back in:


    Here I am backtracking away from Kira...



    Oh hey there's some turrets. Kira hasn't moved. The left turret closest to me, is targeting her.



    We made short work of him! Thanks for your help Kira.



    I'm paying for this?

  5. With the recent 2xp weekend I got 3 alts up to Belsavis and I'm noticing some serious 'delay' on this planet. My FPS is just fine.


    The most noticeable side effect of visiting this planet, my companions usually lose their marbles. Like they start to forget which way is forward and run back to an earlier point, having serious difficulty just following me. Almost like I have a bad connection to the server, but my ping is fine. They'll stand still for 10-20 seconds before deciding to attack or heal during combat.


    I have traveled to other planets on the same day, done other quests, the companions work fine. Something about Belsavis just makes them flip their lids. It also affects enemies on the planet. I fought a Sith Tyrant, and after starting the fight, I walked just out of range of his attacks. He stood there facing me and did nothing while my bleeds just wore him down. He couldn't tell where I was.


    Logging out and back in *can* fix this for the immediate zone I'm in. The next area transition breaks NPCs ability to see me once more.


    I read in general chat another player discussing their Treek doing nothing during fights on Belsavis, Is anyone else on Harbinger seeing stuff like this on Belsavis? What about on other servers?

  6. At this point, I think it's too late. I like to think it's a joke how much time it takes to load Kuat Drive Yards or Alderaan.


    The later you pick 'travel now' from group finder, the faster it loads.


    The major load time for Kuat is Bioware's bazzillion checks randomization system. The actual level loads in seconds. You've probably heard yourself 'idle pacing' on the bridge while the area loads.


    Its not uncommon to be the last person to pick 'travel now' and still be given instance ownership.

  7. I have a very simple solution.


    See credit spammer -> click their name -> add to ignore list -> click their name again -> report spam -> done.


    That takes like five seconds, it's not difficult.



    I think you missed a few steps. Click name -> pick report spam -> wait a bit -> get a pop up that blocks out everything else on your screen -> click ok -> scroll the chat window to find the name again or wait for it to appear once more -> click name and pick ignore -> click to scroll chat window position.


    If the spammer is on a different instance or something? The UI makes you navigate through 3 nested menus just to reach report spam, which is located between reporting death threats or suicides, inappropriate names and other such gems. You then get the screen blocking pop up.... and then you have to navigate 3 nested menus AGAIN to pick 'ignore'.

  8. This bug only occurs if you choose a specific combination of discipline and utility talents.

    But don't ask me which combination. I'm too lazy to test it. :p


    The utility points don't matter.


    Level 36 Scoundrel, switched specs, spent no ability points, logged out and in.


    Sawbones (healer) with no ability points spent, it doesn't occur.

    Scrapper (fist fighter) with no ability points spent. It occurs immediately.

    Ruffian (wounding shot) with no ability points spent, it doesn't occur.


    I'm just guessing its the flechette rounds because I noticed it occurring on a previously unaffected scrapper, the moment they reached level 36. It could be any other passive change around this level, but ability points don't seem to be part of it.

  9. This has just started to occur on my new scrapper. Reached level 36, got the passive flechette round (imperial: acid blade), now I log in with 'weapon drawn' stance... only my weapon is holstered.


    I'm guessiing its a bug with this now passive skill you get at level 36.


    EDIT: Just in addition to this. The Flechette round 'buff' scrapper's receive to indicate the 30% armor penetration for 15 seconds after a back blast... appears as the agent's acid blade icon instead of flechette rounds... the mouse over text for the buff still says 'flechette round'.

  10. I have a level 42 Gunslinger cruising through Hoth. I think I have played one or two side quests (not on Hoth though) because they where in the same area as my class missions, or because I enjoyed the missions.


    All I did was unlock all the class mission experience boosts in the legacy system. It was something like ~200k. Less than unlocking Treek. I use the class mission EXP reward items, guild bonus and rest XP. I used my legacy storage to drop off occasionial gear mods from my crafters.


    I think this 'only do class missions' unlock is already in the game.

  11. Im just waiting for them to release togruta, and they will have the same graphical bug Ashara used to have where any time the guys would put her in skanky gear her body wouldnt show up, and it would just be her floating head, her weapons, and a floating bikini.


    Then all the guys who rolled female togrutas to "ogle" in bikinis will come to the forums and post tatrums to put the slot machine/ravager threads to shame :p


    That whole scenario would be awesome and I want it to happen immediately.

  12. The only ways would be if they add a URL blocker, that stops any message, whisper, or mail from being sent if it includes any line with http or "www" or .com, .net. etc. along with any other way to post them such as adding spaces between letters or such.

    That way the credit spammers wont be able to announce their websites along their messages, that way they wont be recieving clients as they have been doing, so that maybe wont erradicate them but at least will place more tabs on them. so the credit selling spam is reduced.


    So they should develop some sort of magical catch all filter that somehow doesn't affect people trying to post helpful websites related to the game etc, but still awesomely blocks just gold seller websites. No matter how they format their text. Why has no one thought of this!?


    Other options could be:

    - That Bioware adds their own credit market so that it takes all the clients from the spammers.


    Advocation for an official pay to win service, I think its a great idea. They should hire Merlin to stop any credit farmers undercutting the official exchange rate, too. So simple!

  13. People don't need to see it, it doesn't effect their gameplay in any positive way and if they choose to switch it off in the interface editor, good for them.


    Its annoying that it relies on moving to trigger the still unreliable fade out. Any toon I log into my stronghold has it on screen blocking other stuff until they take a walk around the place. Pointless.


    I despitse the conquest one for the similar reason that it STILL doesn't fade out far too often, requiring me to control+U just for walking around a planet. Even if I participated in conquests… which I do not. I would turn this off in a heartbeat. Its information people do not need to be forced to see, they should have the option to switch it off completely.

  14. Using a saberstaff (staves?) effects the skirt model in the same way. For Handmaiden, Lana, Regal and Noble Attendant. All of them break the users left hip like that, with the weapon drawn.


    The sad thing is, now that you've posted it effects smaller, one handed sabers on characters that use the 'Guardian' stance, I cannot make a bug thread with the title:


    "Don't wear mini skirts if you've got a big saber'

  15. I'm half convinced this is related to the server performance issues. I have seen my companions run away and back as if trying to work out which direction I'm heading. It also effects monsters some times. Like they can't tell where I am in relation to them and get stuck in 'where the hell are you!' mode and rarely make an attack.
  16. I have noticed this. I have to hit 'holster' 3 times for them to properly put away their weapons drawn stance.


    Here's the weird thing though, I don't think it effects all my scroundrels or operatives.


    Its not happening on my level 33 scrapper. Just my 55 operative. Or at least I thought so, until I switched servers and saw it on an old 55 scrapper there.


    Either some skill the level 33 has yet to be granted is causing it, or its something that's only effecting pre 3.0 scoundrels and operatives.

  17. Some hairstyles do reach a passable black. Many do not. I was keen on the Pompadour until I saw that on every single race, the darkest choices turned into murky green or medium gray with that hairstyle.
  18. They'd still clip, when running and such. I have always just used different weapon types on my Twi'lek characters. Unfortunately its not an option on Zenith (whom I wish could also use pistols) so I never use him.


    Perhaps if they just added a hide sheathed weapons option, akin to the helmet. They can even charge preferred players for access to it.


    I use the feature in other MMOs because I have always found weapons on back to be the height of stupidity, anyway.

  19. No.


    Not all preferred or f2p are gold sellers. Advocating their blanket removal from the community Bioware are actively trying to promote on the fleet, is just silly. They were already worried about fleet population dropping to a ghost town when strongholds were introduced.


    You can already hide away in your guild chat or custom channels. Spammers and the 'great unwashed' don't have access to those. Just don't let on where you fine gentlemen are partaking in enlightened discussion and smoking cigars.

  20. Likely Harbinger.

    BC is a good server, gets heavy fast.


    BC lists as heavy quickly, like Ebon Hawk. Its a feature of the RP servers.


    Actual population isn't that high. Any post level 30 world can struggle to fill more than a single instance. Some times you will be lucky to find 5 people on Hoth.


    I like its more mature tone in general chat (usually), but I don't play there any more because of the GTN prices which range from tough to absurd.

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